
Hunting in Hollywood

A continental director from many years in the future unexpectedly returns to Hollywood in 1986, and so begins his legendary journey to take step-by-step control of the center of the world's largest film industry. ----------------------- It's 1 chapter per day at 1 p.m. (Arizona) in every novel I upload. 3 daily chapters in each novel on patreon! p@treon.com/INNIT ----------------------- DISCLAIMER The story belongs entirely to the original author.

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Chapter 150: Mermaids

At eight o'clock in the evening, the estate in Palisades was filled with guests.

On the terrace by the cliff, amidst psychedelic lights and music, the increasingly famous David Copperfield, following a series of dazzling magic performances, revealed a person-tall birthday cake lit with candles from beneath a silk cloth, as the song of blessings played in sync with the splendid fireworks lighting up the sky nearby.

The fireworks feast lasted a full half-hour, and the atmosphere of the party reached its peak after the birthday song.

Since his rebirth, all the parties Simon had attended served various purposes—celebrations, networking, business, or public relations. This time, however, was a purely unadulterated revelry, a bacchanal of drunken stupor and dreamlike extravagance.

Endless drinks, a plethora of exquisite foods, brilliant fireworks, spectacular performances, vibrant music, and fiery ladies...

The air seemed to swirl with an ephemeral sense of living the high life.

The party was organized by Janet, with Simon not intervening in any arrangements, merely signing a check for 10 million dollars beforehand. In 1988, 10 million dollars could buy a top-tier mansion on New York's Fifth Avenue, and this entire sum was spent on the party.

Wandering among the crowd, Simon occasionally thought of Gatsby, the great Gatsby.

However, he was clear that he was not Gatsby.

Gatsby's dream had already shattered.

Westeros ambition was just beginning.

After 10 p.m., when the older guests or those who had work the next day began to leave, hundreds of men and women remained on the estate, and the party continued throughout the night.

In the front yard of the mansion, Simon and Janet saw off Disney CEO Michael Eisner and his wife. Noticing the frequent flashes of cameras outside the fence, Simon gestured to a waiter, "Send some food outside, but no alcohol. That way, we might get a few nice words in the newspapers tomorrow."

The waiter nodded with a smile and was about to leave when Janet stopped him, "You stay here. I'll have someone prepare it personally."

The couple returned to the villa, with Janet heading to the kitchen, where a team of chefs continuously provided food for the party.

Simon, passing through the crowd inside the villa, made his way back to the still bustling backyard.

Facing the villa's rear door, the swimming pool shimmered with multicolored ripples under the lights. As Simon mingled with the approaching crowd, he found himself by the poolside, regretting the absence of mermaids in this lit and lively setting.

Seeing Simon alone by the pool, several tall and attractive women approached to greet him.

Recognizing one of them by the mole on her lip, Simon, without waiting for introductions, smiled and gestured towards the pool, "Fancy a swim?"

The women were taken aback.

The woman with the mole, catching on first, countered, "Simon, are you joining us?"

Simon shook his head, "I'll watch you swim."

"Ha, then we're not going in."

"How about this," Simon proposed, "If I can call out your names, you swim for me."

The women paused, exchanging glances, uncertain whether to agree.

Simon, however, had already started, pointing to the woman with the mole, "You're Cindy Crawford."

The women showed surprised expressions, with one remarking, "You must've recognized us beforehand, Simon. Cindy's looks are too distinctive."

Turning to the blue-eyed girl, Simon continued, "You're Helena Christensen, from Denmark."

Again, the women were slightly taken aback. Without pausing, Simon pointed to the other two, "You're Stephanie Seymour, and you, Paulina Porizkova, you really do resemble Audrey Hepburn. If I'm not mistaken, you all must be signed models with John Casablancas's Elite Model Management."

Cindy Crawford, Stephanie Seymour, Paulina Porizkova, and Helena Christensen were all well-known supermodels of the 90s. Although they weren't as famous yet, Simon easily recognized them all.

Cindy Crawford, surprised by Simon's ability to name them all and slightly excited, casually mentioned, "Simon, you must have seen us in some magazine. And we didn't promise you anything just now."

Simon looked at the other three women, "Cindy's playing tricks. What about you?"

The other women, giggling and nudging each other, heard Stephanie Seymour suddenly ask, "Simon, is there a reward if we go in?"

Simon nodded, "Of course."

Looking towards the pool, Stephanie asked, "Do you have swimsuits here?"

Simon glanced at their evening dresses and shook his head, "No, you'll have to figure that out if you want to swim."

With that, Simon moved a few steps to the side and sat down on a poolside lounge chair, smiling at the hesitant beauties. The women continued to laugh among themselves, but Stephanie Seymour soon glanced at Simon and seriously said, "Mr. Westeros, don't forget your promise."

As her words fell, Stephanie, in her black evening dress, slowly stepped into the water. Many guests noticed the scene and turned to watch.

Undeterred by the others' gaze, Stephanie fully immersed herself and, like a mermaid, gently floated to Simon's side. She then boldly slid off her soaked dress, piling it at Simon's feet, before lying at the pool's edge and giggling, "Simon, you wouldn't let a lady leave the pool without clothes, right?"

The yard's lights weren't strong, but Simon could clearly see that Stephanie Seymour had worn nothing under her dress. Many around the pool had also noticed, with some men instinctively moving closer, though not too near to Simon's prime 'viewing' spot for the sake of decorum.

Seeing Stephanie take the plunge, and with Simon clearly at a loss, the other three women shed their reservations and joined in the water.

For them, leaving a lasting impression on Simon Westeros, a young tycoon with ample wealth, the power to boost their careers, and an attractive physique, was something they wouldn't mind at all.

Soon, all four beauties were in the water, following Stephanie's lead by stripping off their drenched gowns, piling them at Simon's feet by the poolside.

With the addition of four mermaids, the once serene pool suddenly seemed endlessly enchanting.


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