
Hunting in Hollywood

A continental director from many years in the future unexpectedly returns to Hollywood in 1986, and so begins his legendary journey to take step-by-step control of the center of the world's largest film industry. ----------------------- It's 1 chapter per day at 1 p.m. (Arizona) in every novel I upload. 3 daily chapters in each novel on patreon! p@treon.com/INNIT ----------------------- DISCLAIMER The story belongs entirely to the original author.

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243 Chs

Chapter 13: Conflict

After leaving Matthew Broderick and his group, Courtney took a few steps away but couldn't help but look back, then spoke to Simon with a hopeful tone, "I really wish I could have my own celebration party like Matthew someday, surrounded by people like a princess."

Seeing the girl's wistful expression, Simon remembered the show "Friends" and cheerfully responded, "You will, and maybe you'll be even more famous than him."

"You really know how to sweet-talk a girl," Courtney glanced at Simon, her voice tinged with melancholy. "But it's tough. Matthew's agent is Norman Broca, he used to represent Marilyn Monroe and now he's the president of WMA."

Simon replied, "Isn't Jonathan pretty good too?"

Courtney sounded dismissive, "He's just been promoted to vice president. At a place like WMA, there are tons of vice presidents."

Simon simply smiled at her comment.

They planned to grab a drink but ended up near the dance floor, where Courtney immediately joined the dancing crowd. She was the quintessential party girl, coming alive as she entered the dance floor. Her beautiful face lit up with excitement, hands raised, body swaying to the music like a dazzling mermaid under the vibrant lights.

Simon, who was always good at adapting to his surroundings, watched the dancing girl and soon let loose himself, enjoying the occasional flirtatious glances that Courtney threw his way.

Beautiful girls always attracted attention, especially those who danced well and had attractive figures. Soon, a tall, slim young man in a blue shirt approached, dancing near Courtney, completely ignoring Simon. Courtney, accustomed to such situations, gave the young man a polite smile but shifted away.

Seeing her move away, the young man persisted and approached again.

Courtney dodged once more, circling around and shooting a playful glare at Simon, who was watching the scene unfold with amusement.

Simon then stepped forward, positioning himself between the young man and Courtney, hoping the intruder would take the hint and leave.

However, before he could turn around, a hard slap landed on his shoulder, and he heard a loud voice next to his ear, "Hey, man, is she your girl?"

Feeling the harsh slap, Simon frowned but tried to keep the peace by shaking his head and saying, "No, but—"

Before he could finish his sentence with 'she's my friend', the young man cut him off: "Then don't stand around like a damn wet blanket blocking others."

Simon's eyes narrowed at these words. When the young man tried to shove him aside, Simon reacted instinctively with a punch to the man's face.

Not wanting to escalate things in a public venue, Simon had held back slightly, intending only to teach the man a brief lesson.

However, whether due to alcohol or sheer lack of stability, the young man staggered backward from the punch and fell into the crowd, causing quite the stir. Hormones already high, the crowd didn't panic but instead cleared a space around them, some even cheering on the altercation.

The young man, sitting on the ground rubbing his stinging cheek, grew furious under the jeering gazes from above and jumped up, charging at Simon.

Simon had no interest in fighting; he grabbed the young man by the collar, holding him at arm's length and advised, "Buddy, you better cool down."

Despite the young man being almost as tall as Simon, he was no match for Simon's robust physique honed from a tough upbringing. Held up by one of Simon's arms, the young man's attempts to retaliate were futile, his hands too short to reach Simon, his kicks easily blocked.

As the mocking laughter continued, the young man's face turned red with anger and he was about to explode in a tirade when a furious voice halted everyone: "Who the hell allowed fighting here!"

The crowd looked towards the voice and saw Matthew Broderick, instantly quieting down.

The music in the dance area stopped, and security guards started to appear.

Simon, seeing the crowd calm down, finally let go of the still flailing young man.

The enraged young man, freed by Simon, originally wanted to continue the fight but stopped as he noticed Matthew staring at him. He pointed aggressively at Simon and complained to Matthew, "It was him, he started it."

Quick to stand next to Matthew as if borrowing authority, the young man glared triumphantly at Simon.

Although Matthew knew his friend wasn't exactly well-behaved, given the one-sided nature of the scene and his friend's accusation, he naturally assumed Simon was the instigator.

Looking disdainfully at Simon, Matthew turned to Kristie Swanson, who seemed to want to disappear, and asked sharply, "Kristie, is this your friend?"

Kristie stuttered, "Kind of… I just met him this afternoon, um, he's Courtney's friend."

Under everyone's gaze, Matthew hesitated but decided to appear magn

animous, "Look, buddy, just apologize to Mark, and we'll forget this happened."

Simon glanced at the young man smugly waiting for an apology, chuckled, shrugged, and said, "I think I'd better leave."

He then looked at Courtney.

Seeing Simon's glance, Courtney's eyes flickered, her mouth opened but no words came out.

Without saying more, Simon turned and walked away.

Matthew, feeling he had been generous but snubbed in return, was visibly embarrassed. His frustration grew as Simon left, and he turned sharply to Courtney, "You can leave too. You're not welcome at my parties anymore."

Courtney froze, looked helplessly at Kristie, who leaned closer to the young man beside her, showing no intention of speaking up for her friend. With no choice, Courtney awkwardly made her way out of the crowd, regretting not leaving with Simon and resenting the situation.

Damned guy, would an apology have killed him?