
Hunting in Hollywood

A continental director from many years in the future unexpectedly returns to Hollywood in 1986, and so begins his legendary journey to take step-by-step control of the center of the world's largest film industry. ----------------------- It's 1 chapter per day at 1 p.m. (Arizona) in every novel I upload. 3 daily chapters in each novel on patreon! p@treon.com/INNIT ----------------------- DISCLAIMER The story belongs entirely to the original author.

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Chapter 109: How Could It Be Normal

Beverly Hills.

In a café near the WMA headquarters on Camino Street, after sending off two others, Simon Westeros and Jonathan sat down again.

Flipping through the novel they just secured the adaptation rights for, called "Dances with Wolves," Simon glanced at the paparazzi shaking outside the glass window and said with a smile to Jonathan, "ICM is definitely going to be nervous now. You just signed Robert De Niro, and now you're after their stars."

ICM (Innovative International Management Company) is a Hollywood talent agency just behind WMA and CAA, with big-name stars like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Eddie Murphy, and is not to be underestimated.

The two people who had just left were Michael Blake, the author of "Dances with Wolves" in Simon's hand, and Kevin Costner.

In the era before Simon's rebirth, most people's impression of Kevin Costner might only be of the role of Jonathan Kent, Superman's adoptive father in "Man of Steel." But in fact, with big hits like "Dances with Wolves" and "The Bodyguard," Kevin Costner was one of Hollywood's hottest superstars of the 1990s.

Kevin Costner is currently a client of ICM, not as famous as later, but still somewhat well-known.

Jonathan Friedman had successfully signed Robert De Niro last week. Hearing Simon say this, he shook his head and smiled, "Kevin and Bob both have that more reserved acting style; I'm not as greedy as CAA. Signing one is enough. Speaking of which, Simon, including 'Dances with Wolves,' you've bought rights to eight novels recently. Are you continuing?"

Feeling the hint of persuasion in Jonathan's tone, Simon responded, "If I see something good, of course I'll continue."

Despite saying this, Simon felt somewhat helpless.

Among the eight various novels and screenplay rights he had acquired, Simon was truly interested in only two: "Dances with Wolves" and "Forrest Gump"; the rest were just gathered randomly as decoys.

Due to technological constraints, "Forrest Gump," which had won an Academy Award for Best Visual Effects, definitely couldn't be filmed in the short term.

"Forrest Gump" was published just last year, and its author, Winston Groom, was somewhat well-known in the industry. However, compared to his other works, the sales of "Forrest Gump" could only be described as a failure.

From last year to now, "Forrest Gump" had sold less than ten thousand copies.

After contact with Jonathan, Winston Groom initially made various additional demands. But when Simon raised the price to $200,000, the Westeros Company smoothly obtained the film and television adaptation rights for this novel for the next ten years.

As for "Dances with Wolves."

In the original timeline, this film not only achieved a global box office of over $400 million with a production cost of $22 million but also won a series of heavyweight awards, including the Oscars for Best Picture and Best Director.

"Dances with Wolves" did not have the technical barriers of "Forrest Gump."

However, Simon also could not start this project hastily.

Daenerys Films currently did not have the operational capability to support a global blockbuster that could bring in $400 million at the box office, and Simon could not just transfer the distribution rights of this project to other film companies.

Recently, Jonathan was mainly negotiating with Michael Blake, the author of "Dances with Wolves," about the duration of the rights.

Initially encouraged by his good friend Kevin Costner, Michael Blake insisted that Kevin Costner play the lead role, even emphasizing that this clause be included in the contract.

Furthermore, if the rights were sold to the Westeros Company, both Michael Blake and Kevin Costner naturally hoped that "Dances with Wolves" could start filming as soon as possible.

This was not something Simon could agree to.

After weeks of negotiation, both parties barely agreed on the terms, and Daenerys Films purchased the adaptation rights to "Dances with Wolves" for three years for $100,000. Michael Blake was not too greedy about the price of the rights. However, if Daenerys Films could not start the project within three years according to the agreed terms, the contract would expire, and they would have to pay Michael Blake $500,000 in compensation.

Besides "Forrest Gump" and "Dances with Wolves," many other movie rights from Simon's memories were either unobtainable or untraceable.


Simon could not make this matter too public; he could only slowly accumulate the rights in secret.

The eight rights had only cost Simon a little over a million dollars so far. As Jonathan thought about the tens of millions of dollars the young man in front of him had already accumulated, seeing that he did not heed his advice, he did not say anything more and instead said

, "Simon, I was thinking, since 'Sally' can't go to Sean, could we let her try for the role of Sally's friend, Mary?"

Jonathan meant Sean Young, who played 'Rachel' in "Blade Runner."

Recently, Simon had just decided to produce "When Harry Met Sally," and Jonathan had recommended Sean Young.

Simon had given Jonathan the courtesy of talking to Sean Young personally, which even sparked some rumors. However, Simon had already had his own plans, and Sean Young did not leave a good impression on Simon, so the matter fizzled out.

Hearing this, Simon said, "Isn't she in Oliver Stone's 'Wall Street' crew?"

Oliver Stone had won the Oscar for Best Director in March with "Platoon," and had already started shooting his new film, the corporate drama "Wall Street," funded by Fox last month.

Jonathan nodded with a wry smile, "Sean is playing Michael Douglas's wife in the movie. However, both Oliver and Michael don't really like her. Originally, it was a small role of less than ten minutes, and it's likely that her scenes will be cut even shorter in the final film."

"Sean is too pretty and doesn't fit the character of Mary. Besides, Joe, you surely don't think she'd get along well in the 'When Harry Met Sally' crew, right?" Simon could only shake his head in refusal, and after thinking, added, "Actually, Sandy, Liz, and Nicole, all of them have potential. Joe, there's no need to spend so much effort on someone like Sean, whose harsh and capricious nature just doesn't fit this industry."

Seeing that Simon didn't mention Courteney Cox, whom he had known the earliest, Jonathan felt a bit poignant, yet explained, "Sean's father, Donald Young, is a TV producer. I was good friends with him when I worked in New York, and Donald helped me more than once."

Obligations weigh heavily.

Thinking this, Simon could not simply agree to introduce a potentially disruptive element into the cast.

After chatting for a while longer, Simon and Jonathan said goodbye, and Simon hurried to the headquarters of Delaurentis Entertainment, also located in the Beverly district.

Today was May 13th.


After a busy month of post-production, "Night of the Blood Zombies" had just been finalized, and Catherine had called yesterday to invite Simon to view the final cut.

Initially, Simon also wanted to help Catherine with the post-production of "Night of the Blood Zombies." However, after breaking up with Janet, it seemed as if she had done something wrong; during this period, she had politely refused Simon's help, only occasionally contacting him by phone about some issues.


Simon hadn't seen either of the two women he was closest to since returning to this era.

Leaving Camino Street, it took less than five minutes for Neil Bennett to park the Chevrolet SUV on Alden Street in front of a three-story office building.

Before getting out of the car, Simon noticed another vehicle parked in front—a burgundy Range Rover.

Compared to his Chevrolet SUV, the Range Rover, known as the British royal family's vehicle for outdoor activities, was definitely several levels higher, and its bright burgundy body was likely a custom model.

Most importantly.

After spending so much time together, if Simon couldn't notice Janet's preference for burgundy, that would be a huge failure.

Sure enough.

After stepping out of the car, Simon moved forward a few steps and noticed Ken Dixon, who was leisurely sitting in the driver's seat reading a newspaper. Ken was one of the bodyguards who had stayed with Janet after Simon and her 'divided their property' last month.

Noticing Simon's arrival, Ken Dixon stepped out of the car and greeted, "Mr. Westeros."

Simon nodded at him and asked, "Where's Janet?"

Ken Dixon pointed at the office building by the roadside and said, "Miss is already inside."

As they spoke, the paparazzi, sensing a 'major event,' had already surrounded them, snapping furiously at Simon who was talking to Ken Dixon. Neil Bennett promptly stepped forward to keep the eager paparazzi at bay, and Ken Dixon also skillfully blocked on Simon's other side.

Ignoring the chaotic questions from a group of paparazzi, Simon quickly entered the Delaurentis Entertainment office building, but he couldn't help thinking, would he ever be free from these guys?

Once inside the office building, Edward Feldman, the producer of "Night of the Blood Zombies," and a tall blonde woman in her thirties greeted Simon. After introductions, Simon learned the woman was Martha Schumacher, the president of Delaurentis Entertainment.

After brief small talk, Edward Feldman noticed Simon's inquiring look and volunteered, "Catherine was here just now but Miss Johnston took her away. Simon, let's go upstairs."

Simon nodded and followed them upstairs.

In a

 spacious office on the third floor, Janet and Catherine were originally sitting on the sofa in the visitor area, whispering something. When they saw Simon enter, both women immediately stood up.

Edward Feldman smiled and mentioned that he was going to prepare the preview of the sample film, and left with Martha Schumacher. Catherine approached for a brief hug with Simon, then found an excuse to leave as well.

Soon, only Simon and Janet were left in the office.

After everyone else had left, Simon looked over Janet who was still standing in place. Today, she had curled her hair into large waves and swept a long fringe to the front. She wore a blue long-tail shirt with wide checks over white casual pants, and high-heeled sandals on her feet.

Being scrutinized by Simon for a while, Janet finally couldn't stand it anymore. She took two steps forward, slightly raised her chin, and extended her hand, saying, "Hello there."

Simon glanced at the pretty hand reaching out, took it, but directly held Janet's delicate wrist instead.

Suddenly caught by the wrist, though Simon wasn't using any strength, a sensation almost ingrained deep in her bones surged through Janet, making her entire body soften, her cheeks flush, and her watery eyes stared at Simon without any lethality as she said in a sweet voice, "You little rascal, bullying me."

Simon had initially just wanted to scare Janet, but feeling her about to collapse like this, he quickly stepped forward to embrace her. Janet immediately clung to him like a koala, even kicking off her sandals onto the floor with two snaps.

Holding Janet's soft body, Simon felt her tender cheeks rubbing against his neck with intense attachment, eventually even nibbling gently at his neck as if confirming something.

Then he whispered, "Are we still breaking up?"

Janet didn't answer the question, still speaking softly, "You little rascal."

Simon, intending to set her down, found Janet tightening her grip around him, clearly unwilling to separate from him. Left with no choice, Simon turned and sat on the sofa, wrapping his arms around her waist to test the feel, and chuckled, "You've gained weight, seems like you haven't missed me at all these days."

Janet shifted her position on Simon, showing a bit of displeasure, "I don't want to miss a little rascal who's always up to no good."

Simon protested, "I haven't done a thing, really."

Janet burrowed her head back into Simon's neck and retorted with a sharp tongue, "So useless."

Simon could only laugh, enjoying the scent of the woman, and asked, "Shall we go to my place tonight?"

Janet twisted her body slightly and replied, "No, let's go to Palisades."

Simon nodded, "Alright."

Enjoying the quiet embrace, Janet initiated a conversation, "What do you think about Noah?"

Simon honestly shook his head, "I don't know him well. What about him?"

Janet replied, "He called me last week after you met. He said you were difficult to get along with."

Simon turned and pressed his cheek against Janet's, saying, "I don't know why, but I just feel uncomfortable around him."

Janet paused, then suddenly laughed, her hands teasing Simon, "Lion."

Simon puzzled, "Hm?"

Janet lifted her face from Simon's neck, her eyes sparkling as she looked at him, her voice still soft but filled with laughter, "A lion king can accept many females around him but will never tolerate another mature male lion that threatens his position in his territory."

Simon helplessly replied, "Is that the reason?"

Janet leaned in to bite Simon's lip lightly and said, "Haven't you noticed? You don't even have a single friend of the same age and gender. You clearly prefer the company of girls."

Simon knew Janet was hinting at Sandra's incident from their last rumor, where paparazzi had emphasized the detail of Sandra biting Simon.

Pretending to bare his teeth at the woman in his arms, Simon said, "I think it's not about the lion, but rather like a guy from an Eastern novel."

Janet curiously asked, "Who?"

Simon smiled, "You wouldn't know him. But this guy believes that women are made of water and men of mud. He feels comfortable around women but uneasy around men."

Janet's eyelashes fluttered as she responded, "Really, haha, just like you. I'll definitely read that novel sometime, find it for me."

Simon nodded, "Sure."

Janet pecked Simon's lips again, then buried her face back in his neck, enjoying the intimacy. After a moment, she changed the subject, "Noah called me again this morning. You little rascal, have you really bought 3700 S&P long contracts?"

Simon nodded, "Yes."

Janet obviously laughed again, saying, "No

ah called you a madman."

Since last week, the S&P 500 index had been hovering between 270 and 275 points. Simon had been instructing Noah Scott to continuously buy long contracts for the S&P 500 index futures expiring in September.


With a cumulative 3700 contracts, considering the margin requirement of approximately $13,600 per contract, Simon had already invested over $50 million. If not counting the $20 million loan left in his personal account as a backup, Simon's current holding ratio had reached a staggering 67%.

Futures contracts for stock indices are issued for March, June, September, and December. Simon did not buy the nearest June contracts but chose the September contracts four months away, aiming for a long-term investment.

Noah Scott clearly saw this as well.

Most futures speculators typically keep their long-term holding ratio cautiously within 30%. Simon raised his position to 67%, a very risky level even with the current lax trading rules for futures, making it easy to lose everything.

No wonder he was considered a madman.

As these thoughts crossed his mind, Simon caressed Janet's soft body and asked, "Do you think I'm a madman?"

Janet nodded, "Mm-hmm."

Simon self-deprecatingly replied, "Well, it seems I really am a madman."

Janet giggled, her arms tightly wrapped around Simon, her certainty unhidden, "You're my boyfriend, you little rascal. Janet Johnston's boyfriend, how could you be normal?"

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