
Hunter x Hunter : Marcus x Challenge

Reborn into Huge clan in Hunter x Hunter world, Marcus set himself on a challenge to become a Hunter and explore this world.

Cute_Melon · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs


31 Haki

Two weeks later.

If there was anything different about his power after the minor updates, Marcus felt that he was no longer able to exerted out his reiatsu.

Although he had never use it on anyone, Marcus usually could control and exert them to create pressure towards his surroundings during training. However he couldn't do it anymore.

Weird enough, he still could use Shunpo with ease which meant his Spirit could function well replacing Reiryoku but couldn't exert out his Reiatsu.

The power update seems to taking back some of his power while giving him another type of power which the special sense that he had been training for more than a week.

Marcus didn't mind that much as he hardly use the reiatsu before because of the small amount of reiryoku he had in the past. Even after he got the reiryoku card, Marcus didn't have time to try use his reiatsu on anyone yet. And now it's gone, Marcus didn't feel much as he could still use his Ren to do so.

Focusing on his Kenbunshoku Haki, Marcus finally mastered three of four main Kenbunshoku Haki power which Presence sensing, Strength sensing and Intent sensing.

As for the emotion sensing, Marcus learned that it wasn't for everyone as only some special people will awake it because of some special reason.

Marcus also understood how the Spirit worked for his Kenbunshoku Haki. For his Presence Sensing, every units of his power indicate how far he could stretch his sense to feel the presence of people around him.

It almost like En but not as detailed as En which he could only detect the living presence using Kenbunshoku Haki. Not only that, his low amount of Spirit also made his sensing couldn't stretch further than his En. The only advantage was he could sense people around him without alerting them unlike En.

His Power sensing also tight entangled with His Spirit. He couldn't sense the level strength of anyone that had stronger power Spirit or Nen than him. In other words, it was currently useless. It might help in future, but not now.

Marcus felt the Intent sensing was the best gain he got from Kenbunshoku Haki. Like previous Kenbunshoku, his intent also depended on his Spirit amount. However this skill was a new types of skill that different from any Nen power that he had. Using the intent sensing, Marcus could sense the acts of his opponent and enabled him to predicted the opponent moves.

Even though, the person didn't show or suppressed any intent towards him. The moment the move was made, Marcus will had a glimpse of it and able to respond to the acts. This power also served as an alarm for him if he was suddenly attacked.

While it was still his proficiency was still low, Marcus believe his proficiency will increase when his spirit increased.

However, there wasn't anything too good to be true. With the new discoveries of his power, Marcus found out one big problem.

Since the beginning he had the reiryoku opened in his system, Marcus had already felt something was wrong with his newly gained power, however he had no way to confirm it with enough data.

In the end, when he activated Haki, the Skill Card didn't come with just the powers but also the way to train them.

Although the system had made a minor adjustments, Marcus believe that the way to train shouldn't change just like his Shunpo practice.

After two weeks of tries and errors, Marcus almost certain that he didn't have any way to increase his Spirit through training. In other words, the power should be trained according to Rayleigh method but not for him. The only way for him to do it was to artificially gain the Spirit from Spirit Card. (Which had been adjusted from Reiryoku Card)

Now, not only he had to complete more challenges for the upgrade cards, he also need more Spirit cards to increase his Spirit power.

"One Spirit card can only give me randomly from 1 to 100 spirit. If I'm lucky enough I need at least 100 card to increased my Spirit to 10,000 spirits. Still my Nen might had left them in dust at that time. Also that if I'm lucky. If not I might only increase 100 spirit which the worst case scenario could happened. A great potential power, but too limited to the chances. Haizzz." Marcus sighed when he thought of his new findings.

Having done with his Haki training, Marcus decided that it was the time for him to deliver his task.

With that, he packed up and went to airport to buy a ticket to the Republic Pakoeda.

Arriving in Republic Pakoeda, Markus walked around the area for a few days before deciding to take a tourist bus to Zoldyck estate.

Seeing the empty bus, Marcus asked where were other tourists.

Answering Marcus, the tourist guide tood him that someone had just been killed in front of Zoldyck estate gate which made the other tourists refused to go to Zoldyck estate anymore.

However, according to her, this wasn't the first time it had happened. And the tourist would comback after certain period as if nothing haf happened. Until that period ended the ticket to Zoldyck estate would be very expensive and he had to take a one way taxi to go there.

After confirming his payment, the guide called for a taxi for Marcus to ride.

It was a few hours of quiet ride until Marcus reached in front of Zoldyck estate's gate.

As soon as Marcus closed the door, the taxi immediately sped up and left the area.