
Chapter 10

A/N: Chapters in advance in Patreòn

Checkut My P.A.T.R.E.O.N

Pa treon.com/HolyJoker

[40+ Chapters in Advance]

DISCORD: https://discord.gg/M9hghrm

Chapter 10

Title: Machi...


Since the day of my first run, one year has passed. And things have gotten way better now. That proves it as I am currently running along with Machi.

"So how much poison do you think they put in the food?" I ask Mach as we run along each other.

Machi shrugs at this. "Probably a lot, the new kids always get stomach aches when they eat and some even go to the infirmary."

I smile at this. "I think that different foods have different degrees of poison. We can choose our own food and put it on a plate. The more delicious the food the more poisonous it is."

Machi's eyes widened at this. "That… sounds reasonable actually." She looks around and whispers to me. "But why have no kids died then?"

I just look around making sure that no one can hear, we are running at the end of the group so no one is around us, but just to be sure I get close and whisper to her. "Who says that there have been no others who have died of this? They most likely just covered it up."

Machi seems even more surprised at this. Though her cold face doesn't say anything, that glint in her eyes expresses everything I needed to know. I have known her for close to a year now. So I can read her easily, she is just a nine years old kid after all, no matter how advanced for her age she would like to seem.

I just nod at her, implying to her that it's better if we don't say anything. No need to endanger ourselves. 


As our little jog ends, I am only breathing a little heavily. But I didn't even use Nen at all, so this is just my natural physical ability at work. 

"So, wanna spar together, I have the rest of the day free?" I ask Machi, she nods at this without saying a word. 


We go towards the training grounds, it is really just a part in the compound which has no trees and only grass.

There are a bunch of other children around us sparring, some even have knives, but they seem around twelve years old so they are allowed to hold weapons within the compound.

Me and Machi, just go towards the ends of the field, where usually there are no other children. 

We just stand opposite of each other, I look at her pink hair which is cut in a bowl haircut, I can't help but think that it looks stupid. Though I don't bring that up to Machi, she needs to learn that haircuts like that are sh*t and outdated. No need to break it to her yet, though I could still be wrong, after all, the HxH world isn't like my world. But again… in my opinion its stupid.

Even though I have grown up a bit and Machi seems to be on the shorter side for a nine year old. I am still only up to her chest in height.

I grab a piece of plastic from my pocket and throw it high in the air.

"Just like usual, when it hits the ground, we start the spar." I explain it to her. I do this every time we fight.

She looks at the piece of plastic as it is about to hit the ground.


I am the first to attack, with a punch straight to her gut, which she blocks with her palm. I can't help but wince a little as she clenches her hand, locking my fist in place. She twists my hand in order to place my wrist out of socket, but I rotate my body to stop any injury to my wrist. I then grapple her head with my legs, rotating my body to twist her arm behind her back. I immediately go to try and dislocate her shoulder. But as soon as I try so I feel Machi lock up her muscles and it feels like trying to bend metal.

Machi just sighs at this and says. "You win, if it wasn't because of your weak strength, you would have definitely dislocated or even broken my arm if you wanted."

She is still standing, and not budging at all, holding my weight as if it was nothing to her. 

I smile at this. "Well I definitely can't defeat you yet, so accepting a cheap win like this would be useless. So it's your win this time too."

Well if I used Nen that would be a different story, but that would also be useless to me. If I used Nen against Machi even one hit would be fatal to her. 

Machi just nods at this and takes a boxing position as I get off her and we have a distance between us. 

"How long till your next assassination class?" I ask Machi, who simply answers with. "Five hours."

I nod at this, then we will spar for four hours, have lunch and then she will go to her next class while I train my Nen. 

After all, Nen is something that should be trained continuously to improve. And I have been improving at an admirable pace. I now have an EN of one meter around myself, meaning that I can spread my aura around myself, though the distance is only around roughly one meter (~3.2 feet), and even then it is mostly due to my hours upon hours a day that I train my Nen. The results were satisfactory, though it's nothing compared to Pitou's EN which extends above 1000 meters. 

But surprisingly my dedication and hard work has allowed me to advance faster than someone like Killua, who is one in ten million talent. I have obviously worked many times harder than him so that is the main reason, but there is also my adult concentration and me not being distracted by adventure or someone like Gon.


Four hours later, me and Machi are breathing a little heavy as we continue fighting. She sweeps my legs making me start to fall down. So I use my hands and make a handstand and jump backwards while doing a flip to land on my legs. Machi isn't idle as I do that she charges at me and lands a punch on my stomach, making me spit out my saliva. 

But the pain inflicted by the punch is nothing to me, so I just grab her arm and do a judo throw as I throw her over my shoulder. But she uses her other hand to stop her back from hitting the ground and she grabs my wrist, this time exerting enough power to..


To almost break my wrist but before she could do so I used her own technique and dislocated my wrist to prevent a breaking damage, she still has a calm look on her face as I do that. This technique is only taught during later years but Machi decided to teach it to me… that is of course after I asked her to. 

In the end she just lets go of my wrist and I let off her shirt kimono that she wears as a shirt. 


I put my wrist back in place, though it hurt a little it wasn't that painful. I rotate my hand and reassure Machi. "Yep, everything is okay here."

She just nods at this, seemingly a cold reaction. But I know that she is soft on me and sometimes one of us gets a dislocated elbow, shoulder, knee or wrist. But to us it's nothing big really. Though Machi does get needlessly worried once I am hurt. She is such a worrywart.

"Anyway, what are we thinking of getting at lunch?" I ask Machi as we just dust ourselves off and start walking towards the cafeteria building.

"I think of getting some chicken breast." Answers Machi. "What about you?"

As she asks me that, I act like I am thinking real hard, but in the end I say. "1 Steak, rice, 1 mutton, maybe some pork… also some salad and green beans. Gotta keep the diet balanced."

Machi looks at me with a strange loon in her eyes. "You will get bloated if you eat that much."

I just laugh it off. "Hahahaha, no need to worry about me. As you know I am always a big eater."

Machi just sighs at this in annoyance. 


Thirty minutes later, we finished eating our meals. My stomach is bloated and looks like a half ball. I look at Machi who looks annoyed. 

"I told you this would happen." Reprimands Machi.

I just look at her with a tired face and grab her hand. "Machi, I feel so full… carry me to my room."

She frowns at this. "No way, you do this every day."

I look at her. "C'mon now Machi why didn't you warn me? Take responsibility for your actions?"

Machi gets annoyed at this and  pointedly says. "I did warn you!"

"Machi… what if I die like this. My blood will be in your hands." 

"You did this to yourself."

"C'mon now, don't be so mean."

"My answer is still no, it's embarrassing having to carry you like a princess every day."

She then starts walking away, so I use my trump card by saying to her. "I will cause a scene if you don't do this."

She stops in her tracks as if unsure about this, in the end she says. "I can't or I will be late for class."

As she says that I just look around bored. "Yeahhh… that sounds more like a you problem."

Her eye twitches in anger. 

"You are SO SELFISH!" Says Machi, screaming the last part. 

I just shrug at this and take a deep breath and scream loudly. "UAAAAAAA MACHI IS A MEANIE. SHE-"

I felt a hand block my mouth, it is Machi with an angry look in her eyes. "Ok, ok… just stop causing a scene…"

I just smile vicariously at this. Being a kid is fun, especially since I can use my adult mind to use my status as a child to my full advantage.



We see that Machi and the MC have built a friendship… though the MC sometimes acts so needy, selfish and overuses his status as a child to get Machi to do things for him.😒