
Hungry for desire +18

Cori is a 15 year old girl from virgina, she came from an abusive family, her dad was a drunk, he would beat on her mother when ever he got angry and her mother will beat on her to take the pain away one day her mother beat her up so bad that she couldn't take it no more so... she ran away and that's when she met Christina, Theo, and Tyler Theo and Tyler are twins, they were on a business trip with there little sister Christina when they found Cori beaten up wandering the streets they felt bad for her because Christina is the same age so they took her in and brought her back to Arizona Cori had a crush on the twins, and Christina had a crush on her the twins didn't feel the same way until...... Mature content +18

Paris_Andrews · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs


Mom's gets up from the table and I start collecting the plates "mom, are yo-" before I could finish she says " SHUT THE HELL UP CORI" Wich made me drop the plates

she turns around and smacks me to the floor and says "this is all your fault you little girl"

before I know it she kicking me in the stomach over and over and over again until she stops and start punching me and my face

"I hate you, you know what little girl, I've been wating to do this for a long time"

it feels like she's been punching me for hours untill she takes one last blow and punches me dead in my nose

she gets up and leaves me on the floor and walks up stairs

I pull my self myself up off the floor and take all the plates and smash them on the floor and run out the door and I run and I keep running until I get tired

I ran so far I don't even know where I ended up

I wander the streets looking for help

I turned down an alleyway but I see three men so I turn left to get away from them but they start to follow me

I end up at a dead end

as they get closer I hear one of them say "hey girlie, what happened to you "

one of them touches my hair I say"DONT! touch me!"

he says "girl, nobody want to touch you "

he pushes me on the ground and I hit my head and I black out

suddenly I felt strong arms carrying me as I lost all consciousness