
HP: Daniel Atlas

Standing in a white room after his death, he's greeted by a screen. [Welcome to the world of Harry Potter] [New Tag Category and Tags suck major ass] [No System] [No Harem]

Gumzy_Games · Filmes
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A New Life

[Author's Note: What you are about to read is NOT an info copy and paste, I had to write everything... 3,500 words]

[Welcome to the world of Harry Potter. You have been selected to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and will be transported into a new life as a young witch or wizard. In one month you will begin the first seven years of schooling to learn how to control your new powers and prepare yourself for life in the wondrous and dangerous wizarding world]

[You have 100 Points to customize your new life]



Canon: By default, you will be inserted into the canon setting and era of July 31st, 1991. This places you in the same year as Harry and uses the original books as canon.

Alternate: You may instead opt to enter into another time period. This can be from anywhere between 990 A.D, just after the founding of Hogwarts, up to the current year after the second wizarding war ended.


Confusion, anger, sadness, these emotions seem lost to him, a sense of tranquility and acceptance washes over him as he clicks the choice of Canon.

As the screen vanishes, another one takes its place.



Muggle-born: Bothe of your parents are muggles. It was something of a surprise to find out you were magical, but it did explain a few odd experiences you'd had while growing up. Your parents have agreed to allow you to attend Hogwarts.

Because magic is so novel to you, you take to it more eagerly. You may take +10 Points to add to your total, to be spent as you see fit.

Half-blood: You have a magical parent and a parent of non-magical background, such as a muggle or muggle-born wizard. You likely have a decent grasp of moth the muggle and wizarding worlds as a result.

Half-bloods often have hidden depths and untapped potential. Any magic affinity drawbacks you take during customization can be overcome with a few years of dedicated effort.

Pure-blood: Both your parents were magical. You grow up in the magical community and may find yourself unaccustomed to muggle conventions. You can take one of the twenty-eight pureblood surnames to replace your own.

Your family has many heirlooms. Gain +10 Points to spend only on the items section. You can still buy items even if they have the [Poverty] drawback.


'Hmm, if I was born as a pureblood, I could learn things while growing up but I will be starting as an eleven-year-old', he thinks as he presses down on the Muggle option.

[+10 Points]


[Hogwarts House]

Gryffindor: Members of Gryffindor are renowned for their courage, chivalry, and heroics. In this house, you will find many noble and loyal friends, but you may also find braggarts and those brave to the point of foolishness. The story's protagonists are in Gryffindor house.

Ravenclaw: Ravenclaw house is renowned for their smart, creative members. Those who value wit and intelligence above all else will find their place in Ravenclaw house. Some may come across as arrogant oddballs, and the house is very competitive when it comes to grades.

Hufflepuff: Hufflepuff embodies the values of kindness, hard work, and loyalty. Hufflepuff is willing to accept anyone who does not fit into the other houses. Members tend to be kind and patient but can see, lazy or unambitious to others. Hufflepuff has produced fewer dark wizards than any other house.

Slytherin: Slytherin house embodies the traits of cunning, ambition, resourcefulness, and leadership. This has led to the house gaining a rather dark reputation, as its current members can seem cutthroat and power-hungry to others. Slytherin has produced more dark wizards and witches than any other house.


Finally, a smile appears on his face, 'I even get to pick the House I will go to? screw it', he thinks as he picks Slytherin.

[For picking Slytherin as a Muggle-born, you have gained +10 Points]

Unknowingly making the surprised Pikachu face, he lets out a chuckle at the points he gained for his choice.


[Magical Talent]

The main appeal of being a wizard is, of course, the ability to use magic. By default, you will have an average level of talent in all magical fields. This means you will need a great deal of time, effort, and study to become truly powerful. Some wizards take to magic more naturally than others, and you can too by purchasing options from the affinities below.

Buying an affinity will increase your abilities in a specific area, which will make the subject twice as intuitive to learn and cause the spells you cast to be twice as effective. You can also take specialties, which will double this talent in a smaller subset of magic. Unless specified, you can only take a particular affinity one time.

Taking an Affinity will grant you talent in your chosen area on par with Gellert Grindelwald, Albus Dumbledore, or Tom Riddle while they were in school. If you stack specialized affinities with general affinities or purchase a general affinity twice, you can receive a maximum x4 boost to learning speed and effectiveness and making you a once-in-a-lifetime prodigy on the applicable field.

Regardless of your choice of affinities, you will require decades to reach your full potential and will need resources, dedication, practical experience, and a brilliant mind to do so. Fortunately, there is no better place to begin this journey than as Hogwarts.

[Charms Affinity: 15 Points]

Charms is a branch of magic that focuses on adding magical qualities to targets. Charms are some of the most commonly used spells in a witch or wizard's everyday life and cover many general utility spells such as levitating objects, breathing underwater, creating or altering light it sounds, erasing memories, or crafting magic items. While this area of magic has a high level of utility, it is not usable in combat for anyone but the most quick-thinking and imaginative.

Most non-violent spells are referred to as Charms. though not all of them fall under this affinity, such as combat spells like shields or transfigurations.

[Physical Charm Affinity: 5 Points]

Have a specialized affinity for physical charms. These spells are able to levitate and manipulate objects, create visual effects, unlock doors, clean areas, fix broken things, and more. These tend to be quality-of-life spells, but do not tend to be long-lasting unless used for enchanting. Semi-useful in combat.

[Mental Charm Affinity: 5 Points]

Have a specialized affinity for mental charms. These spells read or alter a target's mental state. Memory charms, adding minds to magic objects, confounding others, or altering moods. This field is the primary reason the wizarding world has managed to remain a secret for so long. Also includes Legilimency.

[Enchantment Affinity: 5 Points]

have a specialized affinity for enchantment. The practice of laying charms on an object to create magic items. Used in wand-making, broom crafting, and magical inventions. This magic can last for millennia. What you can create in this field of magic is up to what other magic you know.

[D.A.D.A. Affinity: 15 Points]

A field dedicated to defending against and combating dangerous magical creatures, objects, and wizards. This field is comprised of many defensive and offensive spells, including shields, hexes, jinxes, and curses. This is an absolute must for anyone looking to fight seriously against the powerful creatures and criminals of the wizarding world. This field also has the most overlap with other affinities, as most spells can be twisted to use in combat by those with a strong imagination.

D.A.D.A. Incorporates some knowledge of the dark arts in an effort to counter them. It also benefits immensely from the strong knowledge of magical creatures and their weakness granted by a magical creature's affinity.

[Offense Affinity: 5 Points]

Have a specialized affinity for offensive abilities such as hexes, jinxes, curses, and anything that will damage an opponent. This can also overlap with other magic types, such as using charms to drown an enemy or transfiguration to turn them into an animal. This will not protect you from being harmed yourself, however.

[Defense Affinity: 5 Points]

Have a specialized affinity for defensive abilities such as counter-spells, shields, curse breaking, and more. This can extend to other types of magic, create smokescreens or blocking mental intrusions, as well as employing a variety of magic to heal yourself and others of curses and harmful effects.

[Dark Arts Affinity: 5 Points]

Have a specialized affinity for the dark arts. A dark temptation for many, Have a specialized affinity for the dark arts. These are powerful and dangerous practices that exist in practically every field. The dark arts are more powerful than other types of magic but are illegal, often deeply immoral, and it is difficult to find useful resources to learn them from.

[Transfiguration Affinity: 10 Points]

In its most basic form, this field allows users to transform one thing into another, such as turning a cup into a bird, switching traits between creatures, or changing the environment. Transfiguration typically involves conjuring or vanishing materials or a mix of both practices when altering a target. This magic is more scientific than most fields and requires a complex understanding of the materials being manipulated in order to be used effectively.

[Conjuration Affinity: 5 Points]

Have a specialized affinity for conjuration. This is a branch of transfiguration used to summon something from nothing, This field can even be used to create living creatures, such as snakes, bugs, or birds. This skill has no end to its uses, but objects summoned from thin air tend to be temporary.

[Vanishment Affinity: 5 Points]

Have a specialized affinity for vanishment charms. This is the ability to remove objects or creatures from existence entirely. Very complicated to be used on living creatures, it is typically used to clean or remove magical materials and charms. It can also be used for teleportation, through the skill known as Apparition.

[Animagus: 2 Points]

Not technically a magical affinity, you have completed a dangerous ritual to become an animagus. Pick a mundane animal, you can then transform into that animal at will. This can fool some magical defenses and creatures. You will be an unregistered animagus and should fix this or avoid being caught.

[Potions Affinity: 10 Points]

Have an affinity for brewing potions. Potions have some of the strongest magical effects of any type of magic, but often require rare or expensive ingredients and a great deal of time to create. Potion making is almost more science than magic, but all potions will require some degree of magical affinity to craft. By taking this option, you gain talent in alchemy and crafting potions, and may even be able to craft new recipes with time. Unlike other affinities, you can purchase this option twice.

[Herbology Affinity: 5 Points]

Have an affinity for herbology. This is the study of magical and mundane plants and fungi. Many of these plans produce magically viable ingredients for potion making and enchanting. Studying herbology can assist in collecting these resources and in using the unique and dangerous natures of these plants to your advantage. Taking this affinity will also cut in half the threat posed by magical flora and their byproducts. Unlike other affinities, you can purchase this option twice.

[Magical Creature Affinity: 5 Points]

Have an affinity for magical creatures. They are more willing to work with you, and you are twice as effective at understanding how to best interact with them, or fighting them. Care for magical creatures is only an elective. rather than a main subject at Hogwarts, meaning this will not necessarily impact your grade. It is a very good skill to have for those trained in dark arts, however. Unlike most other affinities, you can purchase this option twice.

[Occlumency: 3 Points]

You gain the fully-mastered ability to block the mental intrusions of others. This will allow you to provide also information to mind readers and break free of some mental charms such as the imperius curse. This ability can be learned normally, with study and talent, but by taking this option you have mastered the skill from the start.


'Jesus christ', he thinks as he pinches the bridge of his nose, 'That... that was a lot of reading'

After blinking a few times, he looks back at the screens.

'Okay, I have a hundred and twenty points, let's first spend fifty points on getting the affinities for Charms, D.A.D.A, Transfiguration, and Potions'

[Please wait, you still have one more page to read]

A twinkle enters his eyes, he nods for the system to continue.


[Inborn Magical Traits - These cannot be learned without being purchased here]

[Parseltongue: 3 Points]

You were born with the rare skill typically associated with dark wizards: the ability to talk to snakes. Snakes that you talk to will be willing to obey most commands and demonstrating this ability will be hard proof to most people that you are a pure-blood wizard, regardless of your origins. You can use this language with or without a snake being present. There is a basilisk under the school awaiting your orders.

[Part Giant: 4 Points]

Someone in your family tree was a giant (and someone else was very brave to impregnate or be impregnated by one). You are larger than the average person, are stronger than a normal human could ever be, and outright resist many forms of hostile magic. at eleven-years-old, you will stand at 7ft and weigh 180 pounds.

If you chose Muggle-Born as your origin, you were most likely adopted.

[Seer: 6 Points]

You were born with the gift of future sight. You will occasionally be capable of creating prophecies that are 100% reliable, though this occurrence happens randomly. When id happens, you will remember what your prophecy said with perfect accuracy.

Gain a specialized affinity in Arithmancy.

[Natural Legilimens: 9 Points]

You are a natural-born Legilimens. Legilimency is the art of reading and probing minds to detect lies, gather information, and influence people's minds. Legilimency is a learnable, if difficult, style of magic. Unlike those who have learned this skill through study and practice, however, you have a greater proficiency over your powers. Your ability to read minds is always on unless blocked out, and you do not require line-of-sight or a spell to enter the minds of others. Can be blocked with Occlumency.

[Part Veela: 10 Points]

Someone in your family tree was a Veela, a race of magical beings resembling exceptionally beautiful women. As a result, you are supernaturally attractive and can leverage your good looks to entrance others for a short period of time. Part Veelas can be of any gender and are often targets of jealousy.

If you chose Muggle-Born as your origin, you were most likely adopted.

[Metamorphmagus: 11 Points]

You were born with the ability to change your physical appearance without the need for a potion or spell. You can do this as often as you like at will, and ever change your sex or take on inhuman traits like vibrantly colored hair or animal noses. Your forms take no effort to maintain, but you will also have a 'default' appearance in the case that your magic fails. You can make yourself look younger when you get older but cannot stop your aging. Your changes in appearance will fool most forms of magical and muggle detection.


'Okay, are we finished? can I make my choices now?'


'Sticking with my choices earlier, spend fifty points on getting the affinities for Charms, D.A.D.A, Transfiguration, and Potions'

[Purchases Complete]

'Seventy points left, spend fifty points getting Occlumency, Animagus, and all of the other magic affinities except Herbology'

[Purchases Complete, Twenty Points Left]

'Make me a Natural Legilimens and Part Veela, please'

[Done and Done, Enjoy your next life]

[Upon entering your new body, your personality will be altered and merged with all of your choices and the memories of the body]

----- Tenpenny Avenue -----

Three days have passed since he opened his eyes to his new life, and just like the system told him, his personality shifted.

The personality that originally inhabited the body was one with an inquisitive and playful nature, as their souls merged, they became one.

He spent his first day figuring out his memories.

His father, Steven Atlas, is a talented Chef, being recognized as one of the best in Britain, he retired to become a stay-at-home dad, which he hasn't ever regretted.

His mother, Miranda Atlas, is a businesswoman, and quite a talented one, owning a plethora of clothing stores.

Daniel Atlas, their pride and joy, unable to have children of their own, they adopted. Meeting the cutest three-year-old that anyone could ever imagine, it didn't take much for them to adopt him.

With hair as white as snow, pale skin, and sapphire jeweled eyes, the boy was beyond adorable.

He had already gotten his Hogwarts letter, and now, all that had to be done was the shopping.

Currently standing at the entrance of Diagon Alley, the family grimaces at the sight while Minerva merely waits for them to continue walking.

Daniel, acting like a kid that doesn't know any better, looks at the professor with a confused look, "Why is the technology, clothes, and everything else over a century old?"

McGonagall nods, "that question definitely deserves an answer but it would take too long. In short, the Pure-Bloods control most of the political power and they are afraid of change"

This piques his mother's interest, "I'm guessing there is a different currency that your society uses, what is the exchange rate?"

Off to the side, McGonagall transfigures four seats for them to sit on, causing their moods to brighten a little past the sight of actual magic.

Taking their seats, McGonagall goes over their questions, teaching them about the currency, politics, the last wizarding war, and the ministry.

After an hour of chatting, they finally arrived at Gringotts where his parents spent a large chunk of their fortune to be turned into Galleons, Sickles, and Knuts.

Why did they do this? Money is nothing in comparison to their son's safety and future, after learning of that rather corrupt ministry and that last wizarding war, they decided to finance his magical future and his protection.

While they continued settling matters and making deals with Gringotts, Minerva took Daniel to get his list of things for Hogwarts.

----- Ten Minutes Later -----

After being fitted for his Hogwarts clothes, cauldrons, trunk, potion equipment, owl, and getting almost fifty books from Flourish and Blotts, all that's left is his wand.

Opening the door to Ollivanders while his parents exit Gringotts, he's greeted by an older gentleman with unruly grey hair and a bright smile.

As Ollivander walks over to him, he sees the man's smile vanish for a few seconds, "Good evening, I'm Garrick Ollivander. It's not every day that a first-year with strong Occlumency shields comes into my store, what's your name?"

The boy holds out his hand, giving a small smile, "Daniel Atlas"

Garrick's smile returns with renewed happiness, "A muggleborn, you get more interesting by the second", he says while measuring the boy's arm and examining his hand"

The wandmaker wanders off to pick up a red case, out of this case he takes out a wand made entirely of dark green wood.

"Twelve inches, very flexible, Blackthorn, with Dragon Heartstring", he says while very gently handing over the wand.

Daniel expected it to be similar to the movies and fanfics, and that it would take him many wands to find the one perfect for him... he was wrong.

The moment his hand gripped the wand, his magic flared up inside him, a new power washed over him, and the tip of the wand glowed brightly.

He marvels at the object in his hand like it was a new piece of his body, "Can you tell me more about this wand?"

Garrick chuckles happily at the boy's amazement, "Well, the fact that it's twelve inches means that its harder to control spells but only slightly, its supreme flexibility means it is the best for wizards and witches with open minds, Dragon Heartstring wands are amongst the most powerful in the world, these wands like to serve ambitious masters and they learn spells a bit faster which makes up for its length"

"The real kicker is the wood, as of right now, this is the only Blackthorn wand I have in my store. Blackthorn works best for those with a love for combat, it is particularly powerful when used in dangerous situations, and will grow more powerful each time it is exposed to danger"

"All in all, you just got yourself a very powerful wand"

Seemingly entranced by it, the boy hands him a medium-sized pouch filled with Galleons before leaving his store.

Garrick just stands at the door with a smile, "What an interesting boy"

[End of the chapter, hope you all enjoyed it!]

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