
HP: Bad Intentions

After transmigrating to the Harry Potter world and being reborn as Grindelwald and Dumbledore's flesh and blood, Blake had awakened the Emotional Treasure Chest System! Make someone's blood pressure soar and you'll get a treasure chest! So … Blake: "Review? You've just learned something, how can you forget it so quickly? " Hermione (deep breath): "Hermione, you have to calm down!" [Ding! Silver Treasure Chest 1!] Blake: "What a handsome cat!" (Takes out a cat stick!) Professor McGonagall: "!!" [Ding! Gold Treasure Chest 1!] Blake: "Professor Snape, do you want to eat hotpot together? It's delicious! " Snape: "That's my crucible! How dare you! I'll deduct 50 points from Hufflepuff! " [Ding! Diamond Treasure Chest 1!] Blake: "Professor, my surname is Grindelwald." Dumbledore: "Hmm? What did you say your surname was? " [Ding! Supreme Treasure Chest 1!] Blake: "Soupy, where's your nose?" Voldemort: "Avada …" … Blake: "I'm just a little badger who wants to become stronger. What bad intentions can I have?" (Hands up) ============ DISCLAIMER: This is a Translation of 霍格沃茨:小獾能有啥坏心思呢? If you like a Shameless Mc then this is for you

Max1mus · Filmes
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167 Chs


[I normally do not release chapters today, but this Chapter has been Sponsored by Terrence L Mccall. You can thank him for this release]

There was one more thing that Voldemort didn't say.

And that was that once Blake was on his own and he got a very high reputation in Hogwarts, the reverence of all little wizards then his thoughts would affect many people!

Blake will become an influential figure in the wizarding world. Then... he would be big enough to replace Voldemort himself.

'He would really start doing what I wanted to do after becoming a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts in Hogwarts back then!' Voldemort thought.

When he wanted to be a professor, he wanted to use the convenience of being a professor to spread his ideas among the next generation of young wizards.

Now, Blake could do it for himself! And... even if Blake couldn't make it, then he could be the sword that he uses to stab Dumbledore!

Just like when Barty Jr. backstabbed Barty Sr. badly! Such a plan could show that Dumbledore has a fatal flaw! Voldemort could be said to be making money without losing money!

There was one more point, and that was the only point that Voldemort hadn't been able to figure out. That was, Blake seemed to have a very strange power.

Since the last time, he was hit by Blake's lighting spell. Quirrell fell to the ground with unspeakable delight.

But at that time, many threads of being possessed by Quirrell were relieved! This made Voldemort also very interested in this kind of power!

Thinking about it this way, Voldemort suddenly felt that this Blake was like a treasure trove!

Once he subdues him, then... he will be able to break the game quickly! And there will be great benefits too!

"Next, what should we do?"

"The next step is to wait. If Blake Green comes to you out of the blue... then we will be halfway there!"


"He will be the head of such a large society, but if this head has a very poor duelling ability, then it will be difficult to convince the public to join the society."

"So... If he cares about this, then he will definitely ask you to train him in private. This will prove that he is not immune to the temptation of power!"

"And what if he doesn't come?"

"Then he won't be able to keep his head position. It will also show that he doesn't like power. Such a person is only worthy of being my tool. But... trust me! Nobody doesn't like power!"

While Quirrell was still stunned by Voldemort's plans.


There was a knock on the office door.

"Yes... is that him?"

"Hehehe, go and open the door, Quirrell. Actually, just give me control of your body and let me do it!"

Quirrell (Voldemort) opened the door and saw Blake.

At this time, Blake activated his Intermediate Acting Mastery skill. Yes, this skill was opened by Blake in the previous pile of bronze treasure chests.

Therefore, Blake's acting skills were already comparable to that of an actor. At this time, his expression in points was three points nervous, two points panic, and five points assertive.

The small expression he used was very well grasped. With his slightly melancholy eyes. It was a pity that he didn't have the room to sigh. But it was enough to convince Voldemort who didn't use a mind spell.

Yes, Blake did like power, but he didn't think Voldemort could give him what he really wanted. The Dueling Club had indeed been of great benefit to him. So Blake would not give up halfway.

Blake decided to make a deal with Voldemort first. So that he can justifiably grab the Dueling Club into his hands. He would wait until Quirrell was done. Then Dueling Club is his, Blake's!

Therefore, Blake had already guessed what Voldemort was thinking. He chose this time to come to Voldemort.

Quirrell (Voldemort) pretended to be puzzled and asked, "Oh, dear Blake, what is the reason you came to see me?"

Blake suddenly got goosebumps.

'Dear? f**k! Voldemort, can you be more reserved? Even with his conspiratorial plans, his acting is still so good.

Why did I come, don't you already know? And yet you are still putting on this mask.'

Blake's acting skills could fully support the current situation. Even though goosebumps all over his body increased. He still kept his original expression.

"Professor Quirrell! I want to get stronger!" Blake said firmly.

There was a gleam in Professor Quirrell's (Voldemort) eyes.

"What... what is wrong with this? Why do you say that?"

Blake groaned inwardly.

'Come on, I am sure that your heart is full of joy.'

"I... I want to become stronger, and then... to be the head of the duelling club for real!"

"But you are the chairman now!"

"No! I'm not strong enough! some people might be unconvinced, and then..."

"I can see what you mean, Blake, don't worry! I'll help you! I will let you get the power you want..."

[Ding! An extremely joyful emotion was detected!]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting a golden treasure chest!]

After an hour...

"That's it... Professor Quirrell asked me to visit him every night at eight o'clock."

"Then he taught me duelling skills step by step..."

After Blake finished speaking, he received a golden treasure chest.

Of course, it was Dumbledore who was standing in front of him dumbfounded now. Dumbledore was at a loss for words now.

From Blake's mouth. He already knew all about Voldemort's ambitions.

This meant that Blake was now totally involved... and this was not what he wanted to see.

And, to hear Blake say it in person. That Voldemort was going to teach Blake the duelling skills himself, He still felt an indescribable absurdity...

"Hey... since you had already guessed his plan...you should have told me first!" I would never have sent you to Quirrell if you had told me first. Only in this way could you completely withdraw from this matter!"

Originally, Dumbledore agreed that Blake would help Quirrell form a dueling club. Just to elicit Quirrell's movements. It was enough to guess Voldemort's intentions.

He had no intention of letting Blake get into it! But now, Blake went to find Voldemort...

That said, Blake was now deeply involved in the whole thing. It was no longer easy to pull away.

If it was not done properly, it would arouse Quirrell's suspicion.


If it weren't for Dumbledore's worry that not following that prophecy would lead to unexpected changes.

He even wanted to skip the Harry Potter issue and go kill Voldemort now.

"You shouldn't have gone to him, Blake.

"But... I wanted to help you... He just wants to win me over and let me stab you in the back. I can't sit idly by."

Looking into Blake's sincere eyes. Dumbledore was both moved and heartbroken.

"Anyway, this is a very dangerous thing, Blake...."

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