

I'll put a new synopsis when I think of one

cheelzy · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs


Inside hogwarts train sat harry, while happy that he finally got freedom, no matter how limited from his relatives was still scared out of his mind since... You know, MAGIC.

Harry while thinking the whole magic school up in the mountains was just a gimmick his relative were using to sell him off to a human trafficking ring, was happily surprise when a grown ass giant came busting down the door and to fly him away in his... Flying motorcycle?

Harry was still not sure about that one... Maybe a wizarding trend? Deciding that no matter how weird the trends or traditions wizards might have if they get him away from his family he'll jump into there world with open arms.

As harry was about to get into a comfortable position to maybe sleep during the long train ride the compartment door slides open revealing a freckled gingers head... And only his head.

"Uh you dont mind me sitting here? All the other compartments are full." The ginger asks while still only having his head in actual view.

Harry not really caring nods.

"Thanks, mighty hard finding a place to sit in." The ginger kid says.

"I thought i saw alot of empty compartments.." Mumbles Harry, deciding that they might have magically filled up he shrugs off his doubt.

"Names Ron, Ron weasley." Ron says as he sits down.

"My Names Harry Potter." Harry says innocently not remembering what happened in leaky cauldron.

"YOUR HARRY POTTER?!" Ron yells out, standing up Ron trys to see harrys infamous scar but finding it hidden asks bluntly. "Can i see it?"

"See what?" Harry reponds confused.

"Your scar of course." Ron says, thinking of how cool it would be to see the famous scar in person Ron couldnt wait to see it.

Harry not really caring if someone sees his scar shows it to him causing Ron to gap at it.

"Woah, this is the mark that killed you know who..." Mumbles Ron, sitting back down Ron decides that he couldnt be one up and while what he had wasnt as cool he still had to show off.

Taking out a rat... A very ugly and old rat at that from his robes inner pocket he looks at Harry.

"Want to see a magic trick? My brother just taught me it... I dont actually know what it does but its got to be good." Ron says giving his very much credible stamp of approval.

Seeing the poor rat Manhandled harry couldnt help but feel bad for it, as he was about to tell the ginger to treat his pet better the ginger continues.

"Look ill show you." Ron says but as he was raising his wand the compartment door slides open again.

This time instead of being a ginger with a issue introducing himself with his full body in view it was instead a cute girl with the wildest hair harry had ever seen.

"Has anyone seen a toad? Neville's lost one." she says in a bossy voice causing harry to immediately gain a disliking to her.

"No." Ron and Harry say, but the girl wasn't listening, Instead she was looking at the wand in Ron's hand.

"Oh, your doing magic? Lets see it then." The girl says, sitting down she watches Ron try and fail to do magic on his ugly rat.

Feeling disappointed she leaves to continue her search for the mythical toad leaving poor ron to stew in his embarrassment at failing.

Harry seeing ron not in the mood to talk looks out the window and under the lull of the trains vibrations he slowly falls asleep.

--unknown location--

Appearing in a small island floating in what could only be described as a sea of stars.

Looking around harry comes face to face with 2 floating orbs 1 grey silver and another a mixture of white and black.

"Now if this isnt baiting me to grab them i dont know what is..." Mumbles Harry, wanting to inspect the orbs harry gets closer but as soon as he takes a step into the orbs direction, it happens...

The orbs that were floating calmy suddenly start moving... In Harry's direction, trying to escape the orbs touching him he fails and as they touch him... He could only think that he was right to not want to touch them.

For as soon as the first orb touches his body all harry can feel... Is pain, pure unadulterated pain.

"AGH, STOP! PLEASE!" Screamed Harry, unknown to him his soul was fusing with one of the orbs gaining memories of a world that he shouldnt be able to acquire.

Luckily as the second orb gets absorbed into his body he doesnt get additional pain from it.

-GACHA system activated... Dispensing starter package items... Congrats on winning 5 GACHA TICKETS.-

Harry currently trying to stop the pain he was feeling doesn't notice the blue transparent screen appearing in front of him, instead he was rolling in the ground as the pain only grew causing him to faint.

~time skip~

A voice echoed through the train causing harry to wake up. 'We will be reaching Hogwarts in five minutes' time. Please leave your luggage on the train, it will be taken to the school separately.'

Harry groggily looking around his compartment noting Ron disappearance.


"Great... Not only am i a sacrifice but im also just entertainment for some other worlders..." Mumbles Harry, sighing harry couldnt help but curse seeing how his life becomes worse and worse.

Harry deciding that the information of him being possibly fake... He'd just ignore that... He couldnt afford to think of it.

But what harry could do is use the knowledge of the future to change certain events.

Feeling the train start to slow down harry quickly changes his clothes and locking his suitcase up tight, he exits following a horde of kids out of the train.


So is this a good writing style?