
Chapter 7


My pack of three stared in shock as Carol Lockwood explained as to why there were dozens of people putting up decorations and setting tables in the mansion.

Four Days had passed since the last full moon and I had convinced my Grams to take a much needed vacation far from Mystic Falls, to help with losing grandpa. To my relief she agreed to not tell a soul about this and silently left town. In the meantime I had taken up residence at the Lockwoods.

Mason had pleaded to Carol that it would be best for Tyler to take some time off school after the loss of his father. Although reluctant at first, she eventually conceded.

As the Mayor of a small town, she rarely had to leave her house to work and spent almost all her time in an office. This meant she was also out of Katherines reach. Everything was going well. All we had to do was stay home and draw as little attention as possible.

However it seemed things wouldn't be so simple, "There's going to be a Masquerade ball for the town, right here, tonight. Why are you looking at me like that?" Carol frowned.

Ah yes. The Masquerade ball. How could I forget? If my memory serves me right this was a very eventful night.

After what felt like years of arguing it was clear she was set on this thing happening tonight and wouldn't cancel. This would cause a few complications, but nothing we couldn't handle if we played smart.

Feeling a tap on my elbow I turned to face a worried Tyler, "We gotta get somewhere safe. Katherine is on the lookout for her wolves and the moonstone, she'll be at the ball." He was certain the she-devil would make an appearance. And I for one agreed.

The doppelgänger couldn't afford to miss an opportunity like this.

Although she had yet to be invited in, what's to stop Carol from making the mistake? Even if we could prevent her from getting in, she could still compel someone to do her dirty work for her. No matter how you look at it, we're sitting ducks, and the sharks are circling in.

Trying to look on the bright side, I thought of the positives. In canon this party would serve as the setting in which Katherine was captured. It would be in our best interest to make sure history repeats itself, unhindered.

It wouldn't be difficult for us to get to a safe place, no that wasn't the problem. The problem was Tyler's mom. We couldn't leave her alone and defenceless surrounded by vampires that were either wary of us, or looking for us. I didn't doubt they'd stoop low enough to use her as leverage.

There was only one thing we could do, "You two get to the cellar, I'll stay back to watch your mom in case Katherine tries something." I whispered. The duo looked ready to argue, although I managed beat them to the punch, "Think about it. Katherine knows you both have the werewolf gene, but I'm just a regular human in her eyes. She'll probably just ignore me in favour of your mom. This way she won't see me coming if I need to interfere."


Katherine Pierce had been having a bad few days. What seemed like a solid plan, years in the making, was falling apart piece by piece. No matter how she tried to repair the situation the damage only worsened . And now her loyal pet dog had gone missing. It seemed he'd somehow seen through Katherines lies and betrayed her. Either that or he was dead

She tried looking for his nephew, but the Lockwoods were playing safe in their mansion leaving her without a source of blackmail. This only confirmed the betrayal theory. With no leverage, no werewolves and no moonstone Katherine was at a loss of what step to take next.

This was when the answer fell right into her lap. A masquerade ball? At the Lockwoods? This was the perfect opportunity to find the moonstone she believed to be on the property, not pondering the possibility of Mason having found it. This also aided Katherine with getting her paws on the Mayor and seeing Stefan again.

Getting ready for tonight she called a witch that owed her a little favour.


Wearing a basic black dress and a highly concealing Mask that hid my entire face I styled my hair into a fancy bun. Looking in the mirror a smile broke out on my face. It was practically impossible for anybody to recognise me the way I looked. I would just be another attendee gliding across the marble dance floor. The perfect disguise.

Making my way to the main hall I noticed it was starting to fill up with guests and spotted the Mayor at the entrance welcoming people. Standing off to the corner I silently sipped my orange juice and kept an eye on who entered the building.

One by one more people arrived.

Eventually a few familiar faces from school begun to show up. Matt Donovan, Sarah, Bonnie, Aimee Bradley and Caroline to name a few.

Time went by as more and more people entered. I wasn't completely idle during this process and socialised with a few strangers. Just as my boredom reached a tipping point the smell of vampire hit me. To the human eyes, Elena had just walked in. Katherine has made an appearance as expected.

Keeping my purse close to me I clutched the small tranquilliser gun inside filled with vervain. One of many gifts from Mason, being a non official member of the founders council had its perks. Inside also hid a small stake, a vervain grenade and a proper gun loaded with wooden bullets.

Following her arrival the beautiful Elena Gilbert had entered. Clinging to her right arm was Stefan Salvatore and her left Damon. I had to admit, the scene looked like something straight out of a movie.

With all the key players present I silently let everything unfold, making sure to always have the mayor in my sights.


Damon Salvatore silently waltzed into the Mayors office with a single goal in mind, find the moonstone. The so-called magic artefact that was the current source of all his problems. According the Isobel's research it's supposed to help with werewolves breaking their curse. So why did Katherine - a vampire - want to accomplish exactly that? It didn't make sense.

As for where the damn rock was, he had no clue. Katherine was keeping tight lipped and his best bet was the werewolves. However they were proving particularly hard to provoke into confrontation. Especially with his brother and Elena breathing down his neck. Unless they gave him a reason, he couldn't torture them for the information he was oh so certain they held.

Rummaging through every nook and crany Damons frustration peaked as he came up empty handed. Running his hand across his face, his brows wrinkled, he decided to focus on tonights goal of capturing Katherine. Maybe then they'd get some leeway into how she planned to use the moonstone, where it was and why Katherine was helping the enemy species. Everything and eveyone was in place it was just a matter of time.

Yet it seemed a proposition for another plan would soon find its way to him.


'Well well well. Looks like the little piggies ran off', Katherine thought to herself noticing the absence of Mason and Tyler Lockwood in their own home. However, she wasn't entirely out of luck, there was still Miss Mayor. She had been waiting for the right moment to make her move, and that time had finally come. Carol Lockwood had just split off from the festivities for a phone call and made her way upstairs. Quitely putting her drink down Katherine followed along, stalking her prey.

She soon blurred into the Mayors office where an unpleasant surprise was waiting for her. Instead of finding an unsuspecting Carol, she came face to face with her old lover, Damon. Before Katherine could come up with a sassy comment the doors loudly slammed behind her. Turning around she spotted a stoic looking Stefan.

It seems she fallen into a trap.


Just outside the Mayors office I listened in as the three vampires went at eachother. It was a risky plan, but it worked out for me in the end. Despite what happened in the show I was still unsure of whether or not my presence would change the course of history. Not wanting to risk it I decided to approach Elena and the Salvatores at the ball in private, telling them Katherine was after my pack believing we had something called the 'moonstone', and thats why they hadn't seen Tyler and I at school. We were too 'scared' to leave the mansion.

Safe to say Elena ate it up and convinced the other two to help me set a trap for Katherine. I called the Mayors cell to get her alone, knowing the 500 year old vampire would follow. The brothers would patiently wait in the room and swiftly knock Carol out when she entered, stuffing her body in the closet. I also gave them a gun loaded with vervain darts, leaving the rest to them.

This way I ensure Katherines capture, get on their good side and put the pack off the 'who has the moonstone' radar. A win win win situation.

I know it been a while, but just havent had the inspiration to write. There wont be a proper schedule for releases.

TheTrueDaocreators' thoughts