
How To Save The Endangered Empire

Finally, after fighting for most of my life I’m free or well I was free for at least a day. That all changed the day I entered a strange portal that took me to another realm and in there I was given the mission of protecting an Empire that was destined to fall. In order to return home I was going to have to save this Empire from who knows what with only the resources given to me which were a magical book containing the information I needed to understand the Riphulon Empire. Not only that but I was transmigrated into this world as Emris Fallow, the Dukes beloved daughter but she was described as a woman who hid from society. It didn’t matter to me because no matter what I had to do I was going to make it back home to my world, now with the freedom I longed for, I wasn’t going to let it slip away from my grasp so easily. That’s what I thought until I met the person who would alter every thought I had and every choice I’d make, but what am I to do, this isn’t my body or my home, how was I just supposed to steal this life that doesn’t belong to me? Will she return home? Or will her heart change for the person who changed her?

Kimchi_Kim16 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Sweet Compensation

The ruffling of the bed sheets was heard as Emris rolled around, waking up from her unconscious state. Her eyelids slowly raise as she blinks, revealing her aquamarine eyes shining in the sun's light. Emris slowly lifts herself from the bed, yawning and stretching.

What happened? My head feels like it was shaken a million times. With a gentle, soft touch, she rubs her bandaged forehead, trying to soothe the pain.

Emris blinked a few times, her mind dizzy as the memories of the attack flooded back. As she becomes more aware of her surroundings, she notices someone in the room with her.

"…Father?" She whispered weakly.

Warin's head snaps up at the sound of Emris's voice, his eyes filled with a mix of joy and gratitude. He reaches out and pulls her into a tight embrace, his body trembling with emotions too powerful to contain.

"Emris! You're awake!" With a choked voice, Warin spoke. He holds her tightly, his tears wetting her hair. "I'm sorry! I'm really sorry!"

"It's alright, Father. I'm okay because you cared for me and stayed by my side." Emris's muscles were tense as she felt Warin's embrace, her heart fighting the instinct to pull away.

She keeps a distance, unable to feel comfortable fully, and lets her guard down around him. Emris reciprocates his hug stiffly, feeling conflicted by the shadows of her past experiences.

"Emris, are you alright? Do you feel okay? I'll get the doctor immediately, so tell me if something hurts." Warin pulled back just enough to meet Emris's gaze.

"I'm alright, Father. Just a minor headache, nothing to worry about." Emris forces a slight smile, her voice strained as she tries to downplay the sharp, throbbing pain radiating through her head.

The fear of vulnerability and the belief that history may repeat itself grip her tightly.

"Are you sure, Sweetheart? Perhaps we should send for the physician to check on you." Warin insisted.

"No, Father, it's really not necessary." Emris shifts uncomfortably, her hand instinctively warning her to reach up to cradle her pounding temples.

"If you say so, Sweetheart, don't hesitate to ask if something hurts later. However… Emris, I need to talk to you about something…" Anxiously, he turned away from her gaze.

Huh? Why did he suddenly change expressions? Is the topic something sensitive that only Emris would know!? Oh no, please not that; if that's the case, I'll be caught for sure, and what might happen next is something I don't want to imagine. What do I do? What do I do? I need to think of something..!

"…Have you been inventing again lately?"

Emris freezes, her eyes widening in surprise as she registers Warin's question. Oh, thank god! I worried for nothing, but anyway, why does such a topic seem to trigger an anxious look on his face like that? Well, it was said that he permitted Emris to do something like inventing.

"Only one thing, but why do you ask, Father?" Emris was puzzled, unaware of how he knew she had invented something.

Warin's gaze became heavy, his voice laced with concern as he squeezed his fists to the point of shaking. "…I will confiscate your tools once we are home."

Not exactly understanding the gravity of the situation, Emris agreed calmly to her father's demands. A few minutes later, the doctor entered, calling Warin to explain the medicine Emris would be prescribed for her injury.

Without a moment of breath between the Emris and the empty room, Irene enters, her expression full of purposely buried excitement.

"My Lady!" Irene shouted with a burst of energy.

"Good morning, Irene. You appear to be very excited. Did something good happen?" Her heart flickered like a light bulb when she saw Irene's carefree smile.

So this is how happy she can look. I'm thankful, though I am curious about what happened to the bastard head butler; I don't want to mention him and break her happiness.

"Yes, My Lady! You'll never believe it, but we won!" Irene takes Emris' hands in her own, offering a comforting squeeze.

"Won? What are you talking about, Irene? Won what?"

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'd forgotten you'd been bedridden the whole time. Well, My Lady, the Head Butler had claimed that you and I had provoked him into attacking us since we had threatened him in the Garden." Irene explained, the vein in Emris' head bulging.

That bastard still tried to feign innocence and even threw around false accusations! How dare he!? Thankfully, Irene said we won, so I feel a little relieved, but I'm still confused about one thing.

"Irene, how did we win? Wasn't it our word against his, specifically your word? Did Their Majesties believe you were telling the truth?" No, that doesn't sound plausible. Ashton was said to be meticulous and reliant on facts, so what could it have been?

"It was because of you and your genius invention, My Lady!" Irene cheered with sheer happiness while a sudden realization plagued Emris.

"My Lady…?" Abruptly, Emris pulled Irene into a comforting hug.

"I didn't know you had to face him again. Are you okay, Irene? It must have been a shock for you. I'm sorry… I'm sorry you were put through that; you shouldn't have ever seen his face again."

It was because of the tape recorder that Emris' Father knew and why we won the trial that had only now met my ears, but Irene, after being abused by him moments ago, had to see him all alone. It must have been excruciating for her to stand up to him after all she went through.

"I'm fine, My Lady. It wasn't easy, but I couldn't let him get away with hurting you. The image of you shedding blood in my stead caused me more pain. That's why…I wanted to win so you wouldn't have been hurt in vain." Irene took a deep breath, feeling the warmth of Emris' embrace as tears filled her eyes.

They briefly remained in each other's arms until a third person arrived to check on Emris's state. Irene opened the door, letting in Stephen, and bowed before moving to a separate corner of the room.

"Greetings, Mister Stephen." Emris lowered her head.

"None of that, my dear, you're hurt. Moving as much as you are now is even a risk to your health." Stephen straightened Emris out and patted her head gently.

It's hard to imagine that anyone could be this concerned for someone they just met, but for Mister Stephen, it makes sense.

"Thank you for your concern, Mister Stephen, but I'm okay. You shouldn't worry so much it's bad for your health." Emris smiled, the tired marks under her eyes becoming invisible.

That shining smile that Emris had never seen fade began to change into an unmistakable frown. "Irene, Miss Emris, I apologize. You both were hurt due to my negligence. If I paid more attention to Mr. Palmer instead of trusting him blindly, those events wouldn't have occurred."

"I don't want your apology, Mister Stephen." Her abrupt, firm voice interrupted his apology. She held her hand over her heart, laying her adamant stare on Stephen. "The apology I want is from that man who laid his hand on Irene and me. Why do you blame yourself, Mister Stephen? It wasn't even your fault, not any bit; the one at fault is him for deceiving and abusing his power."

Her attitude and thirst for justice reminded him of Ashton, who shared the same values. The image of the perfect match for Ashton he had been waiting for was Emris.

"Hearing you say so erases my guilt, but I still wish to give you the compensation Ashton and I have prepared for you both." He pulled out two sheets of paper from the inner pocket of his jacket. "Here you are."

Once received from both Emris and Irene, their jaws dropped, seeing the valuable Emperor's seal meet their eyes at the bottom corner of the paper.

"This is the Emperor's seal, is it not?!" Irene's eyes shook from the burdening shiver of the paper.

"Yes, that's correct. Ashton approved the promise made to you with the Emperor's seal to show his deepest apologies for what you were put through."

The Emperor's seal. The Emperor's seal symbolizes the Emperor's legitimacy as the ruler of Riphulon. The official stamp marks decrees, mandates, and essential documents. When that seal is placed upon a document, it carries the weight of the Emperor's authority. It can elevate a mere proclamation to a law that must be followed.

The fact that the Emperor's seal was given to Irene and me must mean that we have no choice but to accept compensation from him.

"You may ask for whatever you wish. However, there are some restrictions, but Ashton will try his best to give you what you ask for." A hidden tone in his voice hoped to hint at Emris in choosing something related to Ashton.

Mister Stephen's gaze is boring a hole in my head; I have a feeling he wants my compensation to be used towards something regarding Ashton, but an opportunity like this comes once in a lifetime.

"…Your Majesty?" Irene came forth with her head lowered.

"Have you decided on what you will be requesting, Irene?"

Startling both Stephen and Emris, Irene slammed her body down to the floor. On her knees, she slumped her body forward, her forehead tapped against the marble floor. "Your Majesty, please accept my resignation! I wish to work at the Fallow Manor and serve my lady wholeheartedly. I sincerely apologize for my absurd request!"

Stephen and Emris froze, sweating excessively because of Irene's plead. Stephen sighed, letting the build-up of breath release from his enclosed lungs as though forgetting to breathe.

"Irene, raise your head. You needn't apologize to me when you have every reason to leave the Palace. Besides, this wish is your own. I have no right to interfere or protest." The soul of a once benevolent ruler flashed through Irene's eyes when she lifted her head and met her eyes with Stephen.

"Oh, Thank you for understanding, Your Majesty! I'm sincerely grateful for your graciousness." Irene fully smiled, her hands intertwined when she stood on her knees.

Irene grasped the sheets of the bed, poking her head up, resembling a dog attempting its jump on the bed. "Did you hear that, My Lady? I can come with you to Moonhollow!" Her pink eyes, the color of tulips, shined like glistening dew on wet grass.

"Hahaha!" Emris chucked, holding her hand to her lips and covering her smile. "It's perfect, Irene! I'll provide you with a comfortable residence and a wonderful guide who will look after you in the manor."

"Thank you, My Lady!"

Emris patted Irene's gripped hand on the crumpled bed sheets until her watchful eyes caught the observing Stephen fixing his drilling gaze on her again.

"And you, my dear, is there something you wish for? You may ask for anything at all." Stephen's piercing, subtle remark caused Emris to flinch and nervously scrape her fingernail up against her cheek.

"Ahem…to be frank, there is something that I want, Mister Stephen." Emris cleared out her hesitance.

"Yes, and what is that?" On the edge of his seat, his instant expression leaned forward.

She turned toward Stephen, her voice filled with excitement and eagerness. "Mister Stephen, as a form of compensation, I would like to ask for all access to the Imperial Library and your recommendations for any information I desire. That is what I wish."

Stephen's eyes widen in surprise as he staggers from his seat. Her request was different from what he'd been wanting, but nonetheless, the hint of admiration for Emris didn't leave his gaze.

"Very well, I will grant you full access to the Imperial Library. Whatever knowledge you seek, I will give you only the best selection of works." Stephen beamed a great smile that bounced off Emris' dumbfounded expression.

Her jaw dropped slightly, and her eyebrows lifted ever so slightly.

How is he accepting so readily? I was sure he was expecting my wish to have something to do with Ashton. Maybe I was wrong. Thankfully, I don't have to worry anymore.

"Thank you, Mister Stephen. Will you also relay my gratitude to His Majesty the Emperor?"

Though I want nothing to do with him, that doesn't mean I don't know how to be thankful when I receive something. Besides, thanks to him, I now have access to every bit of information regarding the Empire's history.

"I will let him know. I'm sure he'll be touched to know you're thankful." Absurd words leave Stephen, piercing both Irene's and Emris's ears. "Anyway, I shall leave you to rest before dinnertime."

Stephen exited the room, and shortly after, Emris, who was drained from all the conversations, took a nap with Irene at her bedside.


Ashton's footsteps filled the eerie calm in the brightly lit hallway. He creaked open the door to his office and closed it, locking it behind him. Sitting in his chair, he pulled Emris's tape recorder from his coat pocket and stared at it.

"This thing…the duke's daughter made this? I had no idea she had this kind of talent." He stares at the tape recorder for a while, reminiscing on how Irene activated it in front of him. Following her actions, he pressed a different button out of curiosity.

Suddenly, a recording of Emris's voice plays, "Hello? Testing, Testing! Okay, let's see if this works…" She cleared her throat and unexpectedly started to sing.

Her voice sounded like an angel's; she resonated within the room as if her presence had actually been there. It felt like a vision of Emris sitting beside Ashton as he heard her sing.

The voice resonating from the recorder emitted a deep emotion and somber beauty. Ashton listened intently, captivated by the exude of sadness in her shaking voice.

The song ended, and the recording stopped there. Once filled with sweet song, the room was empty, with silence filling the space. Ashton looked at the recorder, feeling confused about that song.

"How can someone who possesses the world's admiration sing such a sorrowful song? The duke's daughter, hasn't she always lived a life full of love?" He whispered to himself, pondering Emris' song, his eyes clouded with confusion.

Drawn to the button, his curiosity overtakes him, and he plays the song over again, listening to the melancholy tune that came from a person he believed to be showered in overflowing affection.


Emris walked through the Palace halls, wandering aimlessly for anything that caught her eye while searching for Irene. As Emris stepped onto the marble floor, her feet sank ever so slightly into the intricate patterns that adorned the surface. Soft golden light spilled from the elaborately designed chandeliers, casting a warm glow that danced upon polished surfaces and gleaming golden frames.

"I know the Palace was extravagant, but I didn't expect something like this." Her eyes were hypnotic to the blinding sights.

"Woah! Is that!?" She runs to the vast window showing the view of the Garden.

Every flower was in full bloom, and the trees were so green it was clear the Garden was adequately cared for. The vibrant, lush greenery of the Garden spread in the window's eye like a sea of emeralds, delicately groomed and intricately designed. Flowers of every hue and fragrance bloomed in abundance, forming a captivating mosaic that kissed the air with the intoxicating scents she'd imagined.

She was saturated in happiness. Emris loved the sight of the Garden's beauty. She rested her head on her hands that crossed above the window seal.

"It looks like every kind of flower blooms in that massive Garden. I wonder if it even has a fountain in the center, like the ones in the movies." The sight captured Emris's heart as it beat with a racing intensity, bringing a blushing red to her cheeks.

After admiring the Garden for a few moments, she continued the search for Irene, letting her hand slip away from the seal.

As she walked, the fabric of her plain white dress that resembles a nightgown had gotten caught on a carved corner of an adorned table. With a gasp of surprise, she loses her balance and falls to the ground.

She closed her eyes, and to her surprise, she felt fine. "Huh? Why didn't that hurt?" She mumbled to herself with a raising of her brow perplexedly.

"If you'd open your eyes, you would see the reason." She immediately opened her eyes to see herself in Ashton's arms.
