
How the Stars bring us Together

A story originally set within a castle of the Medieval Era, though it's like paradise on Earth(and in slight ruins), the Zodiacs find themselves caught up in trouble when Ophiuchus starts to stir it. They seem to part ways, although the God of Stars seems to think otherwise. The lot are soon sent to recreate their relationships in modern times, whether this plan seems to play or not is another matter... Having already been reincarnated into the thirteen respective Zodiac signs, you can imagine how confusing yet another time period would be. To most of them, at least. A cautionary reminder that this book shall contain some graphic, mature scenes. Viewer discretion is advised. There is also alot of profound language, such as swearing.

markiee · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

Chapter 13.

•Libra's POV•

"We've been walking all day, can we take a break, almighty leader?" Pisces hissed to Cancer, who just ignored him. I took his sleeve and tugged it slightly

"Hey, Cancer.. Pisces asked you-" I was cut off by him suddenly pivoting to the three behind us.

"We can stop now, if you're that lazy." He made a sarcastic smile to him, and Scorpio sighed in relief.

"About time. Why did I even come along? I am so tired.." Scorpio yawned, as he collapsed onto the sand. We were walking along a beach, which we had stumbled upon from nowhere..

"Speaking of sleep, I'm tired too!" Gemini then fell to his knees and crawled next to Scorpio to sleep next to him.

Pisces didn't look too pleased as Scorpio put an arm around him. Gemini only giggled, clearly oblivious to the envious glares Pisces was giving.

Cancer huffed in annoyance as he took his shoes off and walked into the seawater. I looked back at the three, before I ran up behind him.

"Cancer.. Are you okay?" I asked as I caught up, beside him.

"Tell me your past again." He said out of nowhere, as he looked down at me.

"W-Why..?" I was a little confused by the sudden demand.

"It's something else to think about, other then how I'm stuck with two complete brain dead idiots. So, go on." He looked at me again, after ranting about how bad it was to be with Pisces and Gemini.

"Erm.. Okay." I nodded, before I started.

•The past, when Libra was about thirteen-years-old•

"A job well done, Lilith." My Aunt smiled at me, as blood was splattered all over her shirt. I didn't want to.. I didn't do it on purpose..

I stared at my Uncle, now on the floor and bleeding out from the stomach. Blood pooled around his body on the marble flooring as he tried gasping for air.

"I.. I'm sorry..!" I cried out, tears finally bursting from my eyes as the realization hit me. I just killed someone. I just murdered my own Uncle.

I looked at my bloody hands, gritting my teeth slightly. How could I lose it? Especially with the people who took me in from that wretched orphanage! I'm a horrible niece.. Even if we aren't really related..

I slowly sunk to my knees as I held my head, still sobbing.

"Lilith, that man who is gasping for air, on that cold, hard  floor deserves every piece of suffering!" She screamed at me, as I quickly covered my ears, more tears rushing down.

"I'm so sorry, Uncle.." I whispered, my voice breaking on 'Uncle'.

•Half an hour before•

I stood behind the wall, listening to the constant shouting from each party.

"How could you do that, Edward! How could you go and sleep with another woman..!" I heard my Aunt shout at him, venomous hatred seeped off of every word.

"Well, who says I couldn't?!" He shouted back, with just as much hatred. I didn't understand why they were still together seeing how much they argue..

"The Church!" She screamed back, before a loud slap was heard. "You need to learn your place!" My Aunt finished, before I heard a shhhhick. A dagger was drawn from my Uncle's belt.

I quickly ran in and inbetween the action. My Uncle looked rather shocked to see me there. He dropped the dagger quickly, as I swiftly grabbed it and pointed it towards him. I really had no experience with weapons, at all.

"Lily.. Calm down.." I heard him mutter, as he slowly reached to take it. I instinctively slammed it through his hand which led him to yell out in pain? Shock? Both?

I pulled it upwards which halved his hand easily, before my Aunt leaned next to my ear and whispered. "Finish the job, Lilith." As she said this, her hand went over mine, on the dagger. She quickly thrusted it forwards and into a dumbfounded man's stomach. He soon dropped down, gasping for air.

•Three years later•

"Another job well done, Lilith." My Aunt said as a body laid before me, completely mangled.

I had been doing this for three years now, since the incident with my Uncle. My Aunt had been forcing me to continue, even though she knew how weak hearted I was. I cried after every murder, the sight and smell of blood never ceased to frighten me. The irony smell makes me nose wrinkle and the sight, it just brings tears to my eyes. How could I do this? To an innocent man or woman?

I sighed, before about three knights ran in, all with swords. I dropped the dagger quickly and stared with wide eyes, my Aunt had disappeared and I was left with a dead, bloody body.

One of the knights came up behind me, and tied my wrists via rope. I felt more tears gush down my cheeks, as I was forced into a carriage.

A couple weeks later and my punishment was decided already.

I was to be quartered.

I sobbed for three days straight, before the day had arrived. I was sat down on the floor, roughly as rope was tied to each of my limbs.

⚠Warning! This may be upsetting for some readers, read with caution. ⚠

The rope was put tightly, as horses were then tied to the other ends of the rope.

"Hya!" One of the riders called, before the other three did the same and my agonizing screams were expelled from my body as my limbs were pulled, way too much. The tearing of my limbs was almost heard, as blood soon gushed from my limbless body. I continued screaming, helplessly.

One of the riders came forth to me, and spat on my face, as blood continued to pool around me. I continued screaming, despite nobody willing to help me. Help? Help was irrelevant at this point, nobody could help someone who had already lost all of their limbs. I looked around, to see my limbs still attached to the rope. They were unmoving and disturbed from the punishment.

⚠Warning over. ⚠

•The present•

Even now, I couldn't stop the tears from spilling down my cheeks. Cancer just stood there, staring at me, before he sighed.

"That King's lucky he was already assassinated before I could do anything.." I heard him mumble. If eyes could burn with anger and hatred, his would be flaming by now. He looked back, to the others, before he abruptly pulled me in for a tight hug, whispering a quiet; 'I love you', into my ear.

Pisces was sat now, stroking Gemini's head, while he and Scorpio were either still sleeping or lazing about.

•Cancer's POV•

Maybe I wasn't killed nor executed, but that's one of the reasons I'm so "overprotective". Is it really overprotective when you're worried about someone? Worried they'll die again, soon? I was worried about her. She's so frail and weak, physically and mentally, despite her hardships. She didn't deserve execution, her Aunt did.

Maybe on this journey I'm silently hoping to come across her Aunt, if she's still alive. That was more than thirty years ago.. I mean, maybe she hates the thought of revenge, but how can she leave her Aunt unscathed?

I watched her walk back to the group, and could only think back to my past again.

•The past, when Cancer was about 33•

I found myself looking through an eyeglass at the sea. It was calming, before I heard a yell. I brought the eyeglass down, and found our newly recruited pirate on the plank already.

I had become the Captain of the ship, and I definitely hadn't ordered that.

"What's happening, lads?" I said as I came down the ladder towards the two pirates pushing the new recruit off.

"He won't do as told." He grimaced at me.

"What's his name again?" I asked, as I looked at the newbie.

"It's Sonny." The new lad said, his spiky(ish) hair was a deep shade of red and he had yellow eyes. I stared at him for a minute, before looking to the other two.

"Give him another chance." I demanded, firmly. They nodded, and Sonny came back on deck. "I'd suggest doing as your told, these scallywags don't know how to do as their told." I cracked a short laugh, as he simply nodded.

"May I go to sleep?" He looked to me, and I noticed the light bags under his eyes. I nodded slightly, as he nodded back and walked under the deck.

•The present•

I stared at Scorpio from being sat beside them, somehow he looked like Sonny, but maybe that's coincidence.

I laid down and closed my eyes, bathing in the light lapping of the water against me. Sleeping now would be a good idea, seeing as it may be a while before we sleep again.