
How I,Vandal Savage's brother, became a pirate king too early

A One piece fan gets the chance to reincarnate into One Piece World with no extra power or into DC world of his choosing with a few perks. Now what will he choose? MC: "I am a 100% OP fan so there is not even a moment of doubt... I choose option 2." ROB1: HUH?! But you could meet Luffy, Roger and even find the ONE PIECE. Why did you not choose that option. MC: If I don't have any extra power I'm as good as dead with the Yonko, admiral or even if a Celestial Cunt finds me while i'm still weak and there is no guarante that I would become stronger I migth be just a random character" ROB2: "HAHAHAHAHAHA. HE got you there. Well Done mortal as a thanks for showing me the sight of him losing you will have extra perks at his expenses!" All other ROBs: Agreed!! It's my first writing so don't expect some 10th level literature as Oda. I don't own any DC or One Piece or there respective Characters Edit: I added the "Too early" cuz I forgot to put it there

Isekai_enjoyer · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

Chapter 3: Let's meet some Titans

Marcus:.... Should I know you?

[.....You know what, this will make talking to you more easier. We are Outer Gods. Bascally he are extremally dangerous for mortal and well... anyone on that matter but since we were bored so we though we would isekaied mortal after we kill them. For you it took more time then usual. I had so much fun watching them failing to kill you. You see most of us if not all us like to torture people. For me, its been boring lately so watching the others Gods agonizing over your survival was .....pleasant.]

Marcus: .....Y-you're.....welcome?!

[It was almost an inspiration as a thank you, I will do something I have not done since.... well EVER. I am going to give you a gift WITHOUT screwing you over.]

[*Ding* Aquired

+1 Title

+1 Skill]

[Anyway, have fun and always remember spread chaos when you fill like it.... Also yeah your instinct were right to never trust us HAHAHAHAHA.


Marcus: Hmn. I'm just gonna ignore that chaos....for now. Let's see what I got. STATUS!

[Title: .....

One who inspired a God *New* : Your impact someone becomes stronger if their are stronger then you.


Twisted mind: Lv 1 *New*

As you have been betrayed, manipulated multiple times, Nyarlathotep, gave you this skill. It will help you notice betrayal and if betrayed, will help you find the most twisted revenge]

Marcus: Well I guess that could be helpfull.

As Marcus was focused on his Status, he did not noticed the T-rex that was approching him until...


Marcus: SHIT A...A A T-T-T-... A T-REX!!!! Wait this is the perfect moment to test my haki.

He ran to the T-rex, that had not noticed him, and punched him on his left leg.


Marcus:..... Hold on. This doesn't seems right. why is it still okay? Why is my hand not blac-....well darker then it should. WHY IT SHOULD BE WORKING!!!!

Sadly he shouted that last part, and this time the T-rex noticed him. The T-rex then ate him. As he was being eating alive he had only one though.


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *50 Years Time Skip*

A man walk towards a cave while trailling on the ground, 3 velociraptor's body, with his left hand. He was 6'7'' tall, dark skinned, with blue hair and beard and a well toned body. He looked at the 10 velociraptors that were circuling him. They were out for blood. He looked left then right then a transparent wave spread from him to his suroundings.


Then all the 10 velociraptors frozes. Their predator eyes were changed to fearfull eyes. The next second they all left.

Marcus:....Haoshoku Haki is making returns after hunts way easier.

Marcus went into his cave, started a fire and ate the 3 velociraptors.

Marcus: *Burrrp* Ah that hit the spot. Hmn 50 years huh.... Time really does flies. How many years has it been since I checked my status?

[It has been 5 years, Marcus]

Marcus: Well let's see.... STATUS


NAME: Marcus D. Nika

Level: 27

AGE: 69

TITLE: One who outsmarted the gods

Luck that even Gods can't kill




One who inspired a God

HP: 2500/2500

MP: 4980/5000

STA: 1500/1500

STK: 400

AGT: 350

DEF: 720

DEX: 210

INT: 200

WIS: 100

CHA: 25

LUCK: 107


Gamer mind: Max Lv

Gamer body: Max Lv

Evolution: Lv 4 *Adaptation reached 100 and evolved into this*

regeneration: Lv 35

Absorbtion: Lv 1 *Has not been used yet*

invulnerability: Lv 1 *has been block by Marcus to focus on Haki*

Flight: Lv 1 *has been block by Marcus to focus on Haki*

CQC: Lv 15

Observation (Kenbunshoku) Haki: Lv 59

Armament (Busoshoku) Haki: Lv 57

Conqueror's (Haoshoku) Haki: Lv 55

Twisted mind: Lv 4 *has leveled up because of his 50 years of solutide*

Hunting: Lv 67 *New*

Tracking: Lv 52 *New*

Instinct: Lv 80 *New*

Poison resistance: Lv 82 *New*

Soru: Lv 58 *New*

Tekkai: Lv 32 *New*

Geppo: Lv 55 *New*

Shigan: Lv 59 *New*

Rankyaku: Lv 56 *New*

Kami-E: Lv 27 *New*

Skill point: 5 *Takes 1 Skill point to level up*

Free points: 20]

Marcus: Man I'm so bored. There is nothing left to help me get stronger. Tia put all remaining free point on luck. Add 3 SP into Busoshoku Haki (BH) and 2 SP into Kenbunshoku Haki (KH).

[Understood marcus!]


NAME: Marcus D. Nika

Level: 27

AGE: 69

TITLE: One who outsmarted the gods

Luck that even Gods can't kill




One who inspired a God

HP: 2500/2500

MP: 4980/5000

STA: 1500/1500

STK: 400

AGT: 350

DEF: 720

DEX: 210

INT: 200

WIS: 100

CHA: 25

LUCK: 127


Gamer mind: Max Lv

Gamer body: Max Lv

Evolution: Lv 4 *Adaptation reached 100 and evolved into this*

regeneration: Lv 35

Absorbtion: Lv 1 *Has not been used yet*

invulnerability: Lv 1 *has been block by Marcus to focus on Haki*

Flight: Lv 1 *has been block by Marcus to focus on Haki*

CQC: Lv 15

Observation (Kenbunshoku) Haki: Lv 61

Armament (Busoshoku) Haki: Lv 60

Conqueror's (Haoshoku) Haki: Lv 55

Twisted mind: Lv 4

Hunting: Lv 67

Tracking: Lv 52

Instinct: Lv 80

Poison resistance: Lv 82

Soru: Lv 58

Tekkai: Lv 32

Geppo: Lv 55

Shigan: Lv 59

Rankyaku: Lv 56

Kami-E: Lv 27

Skill point: 0

Free points: 0]

[Kenbunshoku Haki has reached level 60: Future sight has been unclocked

Duration: 1 sec

Busoshoku Haki has reached level 60: Ryu Busoshoku Haki has been unclocked

As the Marcus is not used to it yet there is a 5% chances to cause internal damage.]

Marcus: Hey Tia is there any place I can go to grow stronger. I need to fight with powerful foes to increase my haki. Training it doesn't even add that much anymore.

[Yes marcus. In three months, they will be the opportunity that you are looking for]

Marcus: ZEHAHAHAHAHAHA! That gives me just enough time to get ready.

[Marcus your laughing like Teach again]

Marcus: It's not like there is anybody to see me doing it. SHISHISHISHISHI

[Yes but there will be peoples where you will be going and they will find it weird]

Marcus: ... I should probably stop it then hmmmm....

---------------------------------------3 months later------------------------------------------------------- Marcus swong his right fist slowly toward a tree. He stops mere centimeter away from the trunk. The next second an invisible explosion appeares on the other side of the tree. Marcus moves his left side backward and to the right to avoid the tree falling. Marcus grins after seeing the big dent on the next tree in front of him.

Marcus: ZEHAHAHA! I'm finally able to control ryu for mid range attack. Tia how more time do I still need.

[Soon.... the opportunity is near. Just a little bit more patience]

Marcus: You still won't tell me what it is huh. Well show me my status.


NAME: Marcus D. Nika

Level: 28

AGE: 69

TITLE: One who outsmarted the gods

Luck that even Gods can't kill




One who inspired a God

HP: 2550/2550

MP: 5450/5570

STA: 2000/2000

STK: 750

AGT: 460

DEF: 860

DEX: 430

INT: 227

WIS: 140

CHA: 25

LUCK: 140


Gamer mind: Max Lv

Gamer body: Max Lv

Evolution: Lv 4

regeneration: Lv 36

Absorbtion: Lv 1 *Has not been used yet*

invulnerability: Lv 1 *has been block by Marcus to focus on Haki*

Flight: Lv 1 *has been block by Marcus to focus on Haki*

CQC: Lv 17

Observation (Kenbunshoku) Haki: Lv 61

Armament (Busoshoku) Haki: Lv 65

Conqueror's (Haoshoku) Haki: Lv 56

Twisted mind: Lv 4

Hunting: Lv 68

Tracking: Lv 54

Instinct: Lv 80

Poison resistance: Lv 82

Soru: Lv 59

Tekkai: Lv 33

Geppo: Lv 57

Shigan: Lv 59

Rankyaku: Lv 59

Kami-E: Lv 27

Craftmanship: Lv 20 *New*

Observation: Lv 12 *New*

Skill point: 0

Free points: 30]

Marcus: Who would though me discerning another type of tree from another and trying to build a wooden weapen would give these skills. At least I can now create a decent weapon and know if something is poisonous before eating it. SHISHISHISHI

[...5min left.....]

Marcus: Huh did you say something Tia?


Marcus: Whatever. Start converting sun radiation into skill points now. it might be slower but it's faster then leveling also add all my remaining free point into Mana Points. Well should I eat a T-rex today or maybe go green for today.




NAME: Marcus D. Nika

Level: 28

AGE: 69

TITLE: One who outsmarted the gods

Luck that even Gods can't kill




One who inspired a God

HP: 2550/2550

MP: 5600/5600

STA: 2000/2000

STK: 750

AGT: 460

DEF: 860

DEX: 430

INT: 227

WIS: 140

CHA: 25

LUCK: 140


Gamer mind: Max Lv

Gamer body: Max Lv

Evolution: Lv 4

regeneration: Lv 36

Absorbtion: Lv 1 *Has not been used yet*

invulnerability: Lv 1 *has been block by Marcus to focus on Haki*

Flight: Lv 1 *has been block by Marcus to focus on Haki*

CQC: Lv 17

Observation (Kenbunshoku) Haki: Lv 61

Armament (Busoshoku) Haki: Lv 65

Conqueror's (Haoshoku) Haki: Lv 56

Twisted mind: Lv 4

Hunting: Lv 68

Tracking: Lv 54

Instinct: Lv 80

Poison resistance: Lv 82

Soru: Lv 59

Tekkai: Lv 33

Geppo: Lv 57

Shigan: Lv 59

Rankyaku: Lv 59

Kami-E: Lv 27

Craftmanship: Lv 20

Observation: Lv 12

Skill point: 0

Free points: 0]

[You do not have to choose marcus. The opportunity will be here in mere moments]

Marcus: Really I don't sense anyone and I don't see anyone in the Futur-THE FUCK?!!!!

[....3,2,1 *Ding* opportunity is here]

A Whiteish blue light illuminated his surrounding for a few moments then when it fade, Marcus could only see a prairie with a forest starting on the left of his horizon.

It took a couple minutes for marcus to regain his cool but just as he was calming himself a belge pillar fell from the sky and caused a earthquake. The sky blacken.

Marcus: What?! OBSERVATION!!!




Level: ????(&@#)


Marcus: The fuck!!! What's ????(&@#).

[Host level is to low to see anymore or his actual level thus it was put as ????]

Marcus: Then why the (&@#)

[It's my way of telling you to humble yourself. you just become the bottom of the food chain again.]

Marcus:..... So I'm went to the Greek ancient times with Titans and all that?

[Yes.... and a mission has been generated to fulfill Host wish]

Marcus: M-Mission? "Why do I have a bad feeling right now?" he thought

[*Ding* Skill: Instinct raised +1 Lv]

[*Ding* Mission created!!!!

Mission: Defeat Kronos!!!

Kronos has beaten his father in a few millions years ago. His firstborn will be born after a short while, which will lead to him being swallowed along with the rest of his 4 siblings before being freed by Zeus and the Titanomarchy will starts. You are an insect to them. Your power is even more ridiculous. BECOME STRONG. STRONG ENOUGH TO DEFEAT/KILL/EAT the king of the titans.

Reward:???, Chronokinesis, Divinity

Fail: You get stuck in this time.]

Marcus: Stuck in time. that doesn't sound too bad i'm immortal. That's not really a deterent.

[Host should know Titans and Gods will swings any type of way and concent is their choice.]

Marcus:.... Let's kill that Titan.