
How A Coach Is Made

Unproven young coach? But all of the coaches were once young! It’s said that all of big names players have talents and so do coaches! Without hard work, even the best potential won’t be reached! Traveling back in time and transmigrated into the body of an Englishman, Wen Sheng has only one goal in this life, it is to realize his dream of managing a football team, to fulfill his love and passion for football. He would experience joy and misery along his journey to the top.

Kinzinho · Esportes
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

14. Taking office

When Wen Sheng arrived at the pub where the Croydon players had gathered, it was already full of people, this pub had been frequented by Wen Sheng during this period of time, where there was this pomp and circumstance on weekdays.

"ner! ner!"

Traore saw Wen Sheng first, and immediately shouted, he shouted with quite a bit of rhythm, and then...

"NER! NER!" everyone was shouting, gradually becoming more and more in unison, quite imposing.

Wen Sheng was a bit proud and touched, as if he hadn't done much, merely leading everyone to a victory in a trivial friendly match.

Making a gesture of thanks, Vincennes was led by Traore and Joey to the bar.

"Paul, a beer! It's all on me tonight!"

The bar was filled with joyful smiles and cheers.

The team's players surrounded Man Sheng with laughter and banter.

"Why are there so many people tonight? Looks like I'm going broke tonight!" Wen Sheng joked.

We were all neighbours and basically knew each other, who would believe it if they drank Wen Sheng out of business!

"Che, I can't imagine you're still a miser!"

"Do you want to backtrack?!"

Everyone naturally counterattacked back.

"I'm backtracking! Paul!" Wen Sheng shouted.

"There's no use calling me, you're set for tonight!" Paul, the bearded boss, fell on his sword, everyone burst into laughter, and the drinking game officially began.

"Danny, enjoy yourself tonight, there are quite a few chicks!" Joey had a wicked grin on his face, an expression that a man would understand.

"Fuck off you!" Wen Sheng scolded, he is still pure drops it, Daniel seems to have been in love, but Wen Sheng has not been in love once, white one, this moment is a little embarrassed, of course, the heart is also vaguely expect a certain beauty to hit on their own.

After thinking about it and feel bad, tonight in the bar of the women of the ten ** are team players close to the people, this is to get into fire face bad look it!

After all, Wen Sheng could not learn the open attitude of foreigners.

"Make way! Make way!" A voice came from the distance, a woman's voice.

Joey changed his face, needless to say, the one who could make him change his face was Elizabeth.

"Haha, you guys are really here!" Elizabeth pushed her way through the crowd, "Joe, how could you not tell me about such an important party?!"

"And you, Danny! Don't tell me you didn't know my phone number?!" Elizabeth gouged out Danny.

"Ho, how strange! Why should I tell you? Who are you?!" Wen Sheng didn't have a good word to say, his impression of this cousin had always been bad, too naughty and middle-aged so far.

"You!" Elizabeth was furious, she couldn't get used to Daniel's way of doing things, it felt like Daniel was getting more and more 'rebellious' towards her, Daniel wouldn't have talked like this before.

"That's funny, it's just a friendly match, look at you guys! You've been rejected by Crystal Palace, even though you're a great player! You can only take Croydon with you!" How could Elizabeth not fight back.

"Hehe, who said I was rejected?!" Wen Sheng smiled smugly, "I'll report to Crystal Palace FC tomorrow! Ma'am, the person you're talking to right now is Daniel, a member of Crystal Palace's first team coaching staff!"

Without waiting for Elizabeth to react, a few of the surrounding Croydon players were the first to react.

"Danny, is everything you said true?!"

"You're going to Crystal Palace?!"

"What are we going to do?!"

Everyone was a bit caught off guard, they had been completely adapted to Wenson as the temporary manager during this time, and they were completely surprised that the temporary was indeed temporary, and that it was so short.

"Sorry, guys!" Wen Sheng glared at Elizabeth, if it wasn't for her hooking up this topic, he had originally planned to go back to the club tomorrow to tell everyone.

Of course it was mostly his fault for getting carried away.

"Indeed, I have to leave! I've already told Mr Smith this afternoon that I'll be leaving after this match! Mr Warnock extended an invitation to me, and you know it's hard to refuse!" Wen Sheng actually didn't have that much of a sense of staying, but now he also put on an expression of I can't bear to part with it.

Everyone was a bit silent for a while.

Captain Hocking broke the silence, "Anyway it's still Crystal Palace is better than us here, and you'll be able to get better training and play! I congratulate you, Danny! Good luck!"

"Good luck!"


The well wishes were heard and everyone raised their glasses up.

"Thank you all! I also wish you all the best and wish Croydon relegation success!" Wen Sheng dried his glass and didn't want to say more than that.

The atmosphere was quickly rejuvenated, and when you think about it, everyone realised that it was only a matter of time before Wen Sheng left, but now it was just sudden.

Bar celebrations lasted until late at night, the wine did not drink much, the main chat more enthusiastic, Wen Sheng can feel after such a night his relationship with the players seems to be further, but it's a pity that he had to leave, otherwise he had full confidence in the leadership of the great things to do!

The next day he did not report to Crystal Palace as he told Elizabeth, but went to the Croydon club to say goodbye formally, last night Smith did not come to the pub, the old man, about not want to disturb the "young people" party.

News travels fast in small places, there is no secrecy to speak of, when Wen Sheng appeared at the club, even the doorman knew that the young temporary manager is going to "next door" to Crystal Palace.

Of course from top to bottom, there was nothing but blessings for Man Sheng.

"Alas, it looks like I'll have to speed up the progress of finding a head coach!" Smith put on a sad face.

Wen Sheng thought to himself, "Dare I say that you old man hasn't moved much during this period of time?

"Anyway, going to Crystal Palace is good for you! Daniel, you will succeed!" Smith sent words of blessing.

"Thank you, Mr Smith! I'm very grateful to you and the club for taking care of me during this time, I'm very happy! Also learnt a lot of things! I'll be eternally grateful and will always support the team! Haha, don't forget I'm a Croydon fan!" Wen Sheng similarly expressed his gratitude.

Wen Sheng did not go to the training ground, but only stood in the office building and looked at the situation on the training ground from afar and then left, not because he did not want to see, but because he did not want to say goodbye.

On the 27th of July, Wen Sheng drove himself to the Beckenham training base.

Here is only Crystal Palace Football Club first team training base, the youth team in 2007 moved out of here, Crystal Palace management also in this office.

Warnock is very reliable, and after chatting with Wen Sheng that night to make all the arrangements, and notified Wen Sheng to determine to come to the club today.

The reason why Warnock can do so long in Crystal Palace, mainly Simon Jordan, Simon Jordan in addition to the input is relatively stingy, other aspects of Warnock generous, Warnock in the club power is very large, sign a coaching team members is not a problem at all.

Plus his coaching team was not huge, his own plus assistant coach Mick Jones, goalkeeping coach Jamie Stannard, first-team coach Ronnie Jepson and Keskel only five people, now plus Wenson is only six people.

Under Warnock's personal leadership, Wen Sheng and Crystal Palace signed a two-year contract, with a weekly salary of £ 1,000, which is the result of Warnock's efforts to say that Wen Sheng's experience is not enough to get such a salary.

No need to Warnock said, Wen Sheng know this is the result of Warnock's efforts, after the signing of the contract, he expressed his gratitude to Warnock.

"No need to thank me! I think you're worth the price!" Warnock shook his head and stated with a smile.

Wen Sheng didn't even know what to say, in 2019 he might actually be the King of Mouth as the network said, but fortunately in 2009 there was Daniel touting the fact that thanks to Daniel's profound knowledge, he was even more of a talking head, genius coach? Maybe!

"Work hard! Do not fall Daniel's talent!" Wen Sheng secretly made up his mind, to do it, he had to do it out of the blue.

Next is to meet with the other members of the coaching team, everyone said also know, the day before yesterday's game just know well, for the arrival of the newcomer everyone is still relatively friendly.

"It's great that NER is here! He'll bring us luck!" Mick Jones joked in a double entendre.

Everyone laughed.

"Well, Mr Jones, I was hoping so!" Vince laughed as well.

"Ahem, gentlemen!" Warnock said after laughing, "Daniel's arrival will further strengthen our team, but he's only just arrived and is still unfamiliar with the situation, so I'd like you guys to help help him more! Honestly, he hasn't had any experience working for a professional team yet! I hope you guys can help him familiarise himself as soon as possible!"

"Don't worry, chief, leave everything to us!" Jones, Simpson and other immediately state, in Crystal Palace this acre of Warnock is the absolute authority, they are all old with Warnock's people naturally will not go against Warnock's intention.