
Media rampage

Louis had only intended to pay Chloe a visit to see how she was and then return the next day. In fact, he had already booked the flight that would take him back that evening. But he hadn't expected that he would be stumbling upon a very serious issue. So he forewent his plans to go back that day and stayed at Chloe's place. He didn't mention anything about the pregnancy to her again. He just hugged her, ate with her, saw a movie with her, and talked about random things until Chloe didn't realize she was also laughing. It had been over a month since she last laughed. How could she find anything amusing in this situation she was currently in?


As much as Chloe appreciated her brother for not mentioning anything, she knew it was a conversation they could not run from. And the more she tried to delay it, the longer Louis was going to remain here. And he had work to do. 

So after they had breakfast the next morning, she raised the topic, surprising him.