
House of the Rising Sun

You know, I was fascinated with vampires when I was a kid. The thought of power and good looks made me want to be one. That is, until I actually became one. Suddenly Lestat’s musings of an eternity being lonely became too real. Waking up in a forest who would have thought I’d run into ‘that’ family. I’d strangle the one that sent me here if she hadn’t trapped me in a world full of bullshit magic, doppelgängers, and broody vampires. *Status: Complete* *Sequel Pending*

Vargr_the_Skald · TV
Classificações insuficientes
75 Chs


I spent nearly a week with Casimir and Dorina trying to find a way to give them the vials. Though I saw there hardly being a reason to as one of them was already a vampire. I wished Morgana had been more forthcoming with why I was supposed to save them, and what it all had to do with her. No matter how I looked at it, there was no connection to her that I could see. 


I examined the vial of liquid and curiosity got the better of me. Popping off the cork I sniffed the liquid and my eyes narrowed. That was a scent I was all too familiar with, blood. A vial of blood, the second one was the same. There was only one reason for blood to be in a vial. It had to be vampire blood. Either Morgana wanted to turn the two or she wanted the both of them to have a way to heal themselves. That still didn't answer why I had two vials if one of the people. I was supposed to save was already a vampire. 


A realization dawned on me, Dorina was pregnant. Morgana gave me two vials, one for the woman. 


"She couldn't possibly expect me to give a vial to the baby could she?" 


A baby, stuck as a baby forever. I knew some women would find that appealing. But the thought of being a vampire as a baby forever did not sound too appealing. I cursed silently and took out the small note Morgana had left me with the vials. Using a small stick of coal I quickly added a small note to the back and folded up the note before tucking it back into the pouch with the vials. I decided that I was going to let Dorina decide what she wanted to do, but I wasn't going to leave her in the dark with what was in the vial. 


I heard a scream come from the house, I jumped to my feet and ran back inside just as Casimir caught Dorina. She was clutching at her swollen belly and grimacing in pain. Understanding what was happening I cleared the table and laid out a few tools. Throwing some water into a pot I began to boil it to sterilize the tools. Meanwhile Casimir had his wife on the bed, the smell of blood was in the air and I felt my thirst spike. Biting the inside of my cheek I went back to sterilizing cloth and whatever knife I could find. 


I had never seen someone give birth in my life, however I had read a book on home births a long time ago. Reasons being that I wanted to point out that a home birth was feasible in the early 1800s. After helping the couple birth their child I handed Casimir the clean cloth and headed out of the house to give them some time alone with their newborn child. I flew up into the air and disappeared above the clouds. I sighed as the thirst dissipated. 


The fact that I was now getting hungry when I smelled blood bothered me. It never had before, except maybe for when I was new at the whole vampire thing. But being over a thousand years old now I shouldn't be experiencing this sort of hunger. I thought back to what I felt and realized that it could only be due to the Redheads blood. 


"Stupid vampire logic, fuck why is it that attractive people always seem to be the ones with tantalising blood?" 


I floated in the air for a few more hours as the moon finically reached its peak in the sky. I sighed and slowly descended back to the cabin. 


Back inside the couple were huddled around a cooing bundle of cloth. It didn't take someone with vampire senses to know that the baby had been born without issue. 


"It's a girl, I- I can't believe that I'm a father." 


I glanced at the man and smiled, "Honestly it's a surprise that you are. Though I'm not sure if your daughter was conceived when you were human or when you were a vampire. Either way, congratulations to you two."


"Thank you Seth." 


"Now, I feel like I've outstayed my welcome. I'll be leaving in the morning. If any of you two need me I'll be out by the wall."


"Don't worry about it, I enjoy having more people who can relate to our situation to talk to." 


"Casimir, do you mind if I have a conversation with your wife in private. I think I just discovered why I was sent here." 


The man hesitated at first, but with reaffirmation from Dorina he nodded. As he stepped out of the cabin I slowly approached the redheaded woman. 


"I was sent here to right a few wrongs by the woman who made me." 




"Yeah, and as I was flying about I figured out what I had to do." 


She sat up nervously. "Relax, it's nothing serious." 


I hand her the pouch with the two vials of blood and the note. She looked at the contents of the pouch curiously and then back to me. 


"It's a precaution, I don't know exactly why Morgana wants you to have it, since you are protected by a vampire who also happens to have Excalibur. But I want you to take it nonetheless." 


"What exactly is it?" 


"It's something that may save your life one day. When that day comes, if it does, read that note that I left in there and follow exactly what it says." 


"There's two vials though."


"I assumed that it was for Casimir, but seeing that he's already practically untouchable, I'm guessing Morgana intends your daughter to have one too." 


"She's just been born. What danger could she possibly be in?"


"You're telling me that you can't think of any reason why your lives would be in danger?" 


"Well-" she pauses and looks at her baby. "I don't know if I should tell you this. I haven't even told Cas, but-" 


"Listen, it doesn't matter. As long as you hold on to those vials you should be fine." 


"Why do you care so much? We hardly know each other. We only met you less than a week ago." 


"I- It's just so rare for me to talk and interact with people who understand me and what I've been through. I guess I just want what's best for the both of you." 


I felt a tugging at my gut and I sighed. Having fulfilled the task Morgana set me out to do, I was being pulled back to my world. 


"Thank you."


"Take care of each other yeah?" 


She looked at me confused at first but then her eyes widened as I felt a tingling in my fingers. Looking down I saw that I had become translucent. Grinning, I look back up to her. 


"Looks like I'm being called back. Tell Casimir I said goodbye." 


Dorina opened her mouth to say something but it was lost as air roared past my ear. I felt like I was being shoved through a tube again. Suddenly brightness erupted in my vision and I was falling through the air. I tried to use my power to slow myself down but there was nothing. I kept falling at an alarming speed. I could feel my power attempting to slow me down and yet another force was pulling me down faster than my power could counter. As the ground drew closer I closed my eyes and cursed. 


'This is gonna hurt.' 


Feeling bones shatter was nothing new to me, but that's not what greeted me when I finally stopped falling. I opened my eyes and found myself hovering a few feet from the ground. Whatever force was holding me aloft disappeared and I came crashing face first onto the dirt. 


Jumping to my feet I scanned around myself looking for who or whatever interferes with my power. My hand flew to the hilt of the sword instinctively as I saw a hooded figure materialize out of thin air. 


"So she's finally sired a new one." 


The figures voice was strange, it was as if it was all around me. In my head, in my chest, it felt like it was the very air I was breathing. 


"Who the hell are you?" 


"Peace Seth Williamson, I am surprised Morgana hasn't told you about me." 


"That doesn't answer my fucking question, who the hell are you?"


"My, you remind me so much of someone else. You're ancient compared to him though." 


"Look, just answer the damn question." 


"Very well, to some I am One Above All, though many have forgotten my actual name-" 


"Myrddin, step away from what's mine." 


"Ah sister." 


I spun around and my eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. Morgana had appeared and she looked pissed. I knew she was powerful but to be able to visually leak said power, that was something else. 


"Morgana, what the hell is going on?!" 


"Not now Seth, I have to deal with this old man." 


I felt an invisible force slam into my chest, I was blasted off of my feet. It felt like I had been kicked by a horse. I swore I saw Morgana throw a large glowing spear at the hooded figure. There was an explosion of light and a wave of heat washed over me as my world went black.