
House of the Rising Sun

You know, I was fascinated with vampires when I was a kid. The thought of power and good looks made me want to be one. That is, until I actually became one. Suddenly Lestat’s musings of an eternity being lonely became too real. Waking up in a forest who would have thought I’d run into ‘that’ family. I’d strangle the one that sent me here if she hadn’t trapped me in a world full of bullshit magic, doppelgängers, and broody vampires. *Status: Complete* *Sequel Pending*

Vargr_the_Skald · TV
Not enough ratings
75 Chs

Casimir & Dorina

It was my turn to be in shock, I looked at the couple. I felt like something was just revealed to me. I felt as if Morgana had a hand in this, there was no way the people I was looking for conveniently spoke English. Though I could hear a faint accent when the woman spoke. 


"Listen to me very carefully, have the two of you ever met a strange woman?" 


"Strange woman? No, but-" 


The prince stopped the woman before she could continue.


"We don't know if we can trust him, don't give-" 


"Listen you little shit," the prince growled at me. "First off, growl at me again and I will tear out your heart and feed it to your wife here. You're a thousand years too young to think you can fight me. Second, my name is Seth Williamson. I was sent to this world which I know for a fact is a movie to deal with a problem on behalf of an overly eccentric enchantress. And lastly, if I wanted the both of you dead, you would be dead already. I'm not here to hurt anyone, I'm just here to fix whatever Morgana screwed up and get back to my world." 


"Wait so you know?" 


"Yes I know, I can't for the life of me remember the name of the damn movie but I know that Morgana sent me into one." 


The woman stepped forward. "Morgana? Like Morgana La Fay?" 


"Yes, it's a long story and I'd rather not get into it out here. Do you two have a camp or a shack we can go to?" 


"We- We do, our cabin is just past the wall." 


I looked at the prince, "So the big scary vampire can speak!" I beckoned towards the wall. "After you your most esteemed royal excellency." 


The woman bit back a laugh as the man grumbled something under his breath that sounded like. 'Fucking ancient vampires.' 


I was led to a modest but decently sized cabin, the prince went about lighting candles as the woman went over to the hearth and stirred a pot of something. I made observations on the two and came to the realization that only the man was a vampire. The woman was still a human, whether it was her choice of his. As she took of her oversized coat I suddenly felt terrible for having been so rough with her. 


"Hey, look. I didn't realize you were pregnant, if I did I wouldn't have been so rough." 


"It's not your fault, you didn't know." 


"Still, I have to apologize. To the both of you." 


"It's fine, I know you haven't said it, but I'm assuming you're also a Vampire. Do you need any blood or will you be able to eat this soup?" 


"Either or," the prince finally sat down on the table across from me. "What are you looking at, pretty boy." 


"I have never met another vampire, much less someone older than the one I killed in the cave." 


"So you're trusting me now?" 


"Might as well, it's not like we have much of a choice. Like you said. If you wanted us dead we would be. Besides it's not like I can counter that bullshit power you have." 


The woman stopped and looked back to us from her pot of soup. 


"What power?" 


I glanced at the couple and levitated objects around the room before gently lowering the furniture back to their places. 


"So you can control stuff?" 


"More or less, it's telekinesis as far as I've checked and it's a pretty overpowered skill." 


"That's bullshit, all I got was a magic sword." 


"You're really downplaying Excalibur?" 


"I can't move things with it, all I can do is slow down time to an extent." 


"That's even more broken, think of what you can do to people while time is crawling!" 


"Boys, the food is ready. Let's eat first and then we'll get back to talking about your toys." 


The prince grumbled again and I grinned, for the first time in a thousand years I was surrounded by people who would  understand me. Though I couldn't confirm it yet, I was guessing these two were in similar situations as I was. Sent to another world by some entity. In my case it was Morgana La Fay. They displayed all the tell tale signs, speaking English in a foreign land, sticking out like sore thumbs, and most importantly they knew that we were in a world that had only this far existed in a movie. 


I spoke with the two for hours while eating the food prepared by the woman. My first point had been only partially correct. They both did in fact get sent to this world, but that's where it diverged . They didn't come here as grown adults, no. They both had been reincarnated as extra characters.


"I don't know what's worse, you both having to have gone through your teenage years all over again, or realizing that this world was from a movie." 


"I realized it was a movie the moment I was born." 


I looked at the man, "So you were aware of everything already?" 


"Yeah, it was pretty traumatic remembering coming out of my mothers w-" 


"Okay! No need to go that far, that would go beyond 'too much information'." I turned to the redhead. "What about you?" 


"I was the same case, though I didn't realize where I was until my father in this world told me I was marrying Dracula's son." 


"And you two hit it off the moment you met, what can I say? You two are lucky to have found each other." 


"It wasn't the same case for you?" 


"No, not at all. I was on spring break with my girlfriend when all this started. Who knew picking up a book in a shoddy little shop would lead me into becoming a vampire." 


"You're gonna have to explain that one. I'm still having a hard time processing the fact that you're over a thousand years old." 


"I would say it's a long story, but we have all the time in the world I guess." 


"Except for me." 


I turned towards the ginger. "It won't take that long I promise." 


She smiled and the prince let out a small chuckle. So I began to retell my story, from finding the book, to getting turned, losing Nicole, being exiled to another world, fighting in the wars, various adventures fighting witches and rogue vampires, even the parts where I cheated my way into becoming filthy rich. 


"I'd say you adapted to your situation pretty well." 


"Well, it took some time getting used to living forever. At first I wanted nothing more than to just die or go back to my old world. But then, I just sort of accepted it. I figured if I was doomed to spend eternity wandering the world, that I might as well enjoy myself." 


"Still, it's ridiculous to think that you've been around for hundreds of years. You've lived through so much history." 


"Is she a big history buff?" I looked at the prince. 


"Like you wouldn't believe. Just the other day she went on a tangent about how we could potentially be changing the course of history by living in these woods." 


"What is this world by the way? I know it's a movie world, but is it like our world aside from supernatural things?" 


The man sombered up, he looked at his wife before turning back to me. 


"I've learned a few things over the past few months that are a cause of concern. Are you familiar with 'The One Above All'?"


The title sounded edgy, I thought back to the countless hours I listened to Nicole going through YouTube videos on film theories. The name had popped up once or twice but I couldn't remember why it was important.


"I have heard of it before, though I can't say I know much about it." 


The woman answered for him. "It's a character in a comic book. Supposedly the creator of the multiverse or something." 


"And what does that have to do with this world, as far as I know this movie world never was a comic book." 


"That wouldn't be a problem, but the thing visited me when I killed the vampire in the cave." 


"Wait, so you're saying 'god' came to you?" 


"Yeah, Cas why didn't you tell me about this?"


The man looks at the two of us before turning to me. 


"Because I wasn't sure on how I would deal with the situation. He brought up a vision I had that resulted in me losing everything I ever cared about and I panicked." 


"That's no reason to keep things from me Casimir, we're supposed to work together!" 


Just then the room felt mighty small, I offered an apologetic smile to the now identified Casimir before taking a step out to let the couple have some space. I wondered what their names had been before coming to this world. 'Casimir' seemed too period fitting to be a name someone had in the modern day. I quietly took to the sky as their argument turned to what I assumed was a make out session. 


"Is that how people see Freya and I?" I thought aloud. 


It wasn't as if I went out of my way with the PDA. Hell most of the time it was Amelie or Freya initiating the kiss. Evelyn was too reserved and proffered to do things behind closed doors. My mind wandered back to the women I had left behind in the other world. Knowing I would be going back left me with little worry. Though I still wondered if time was going by normally or if things had frozen over there. Knowing Morgana, there had to be some sort of strange magical  phenomena that would explain my absence if time was flowing normally. 


Something Casimir had said rubbed me the wrong way. A cosmic entity visiting a person reincarnated into a world from a movie was strange. Taking into account that this Casimir being is all powerful and all knowing, why would it do such a thing? Unless there was something everyone was missing. Omnipotent beings didn't tend to meddle with trivial affairs. Then again, Morgana was practically omnipotent, yet she seemed to love interfering with my life. 


"Maybe it's all connected, I wonder if they have some sort of club." 


A few moments passed before I decided to go back to the cabin, hoping that the two were not in a compromising position. I knocked on the door, which promptly flew open to a red faced Casimir. 


"Sorry, we forgot you were out there. You must have heard everything." 


"On the contrary, I was flying high enough to where I couldn't." 


"You'll have to show me the extent of your powers soon enough." 


"Only when you let me cut someone in half with Excalibur."


"Fair enough."