
House of the Rising Sun

You know, I was fascinated with vampires when I was a kid. The thought of power and good looks made me want to be one. That is, until I actually became one. Suddenly Lestat’s musings of an eternity being lonely became too real. Waking up in a forest who would have thought I’d run into ‘that’ family. I’d strangle the one that sent me here if she hadn’t trapped me in a world full of bullshit magic, doppelgängers, and broody vampires. *Status: Complete* *Sequel Pending*

Vargr_the_Skald · TV
Classificações insuficientes
75 Chs

Meddling Old Men

Amelie looked at me with a pout as I pulled away from her to answer my phone. She had spent the better half of an hour attempting to seduce me and had succeeded in unbuttoning the first few buttons of my shirt. I checked the caller ID and groaned. 


"Alaric, to what do I owe the pleasure?" 


"Seth, you need to come to the school. Elena has been attacked, her brother is comatose. The rest of the council has been informed."


'Fuck.' This was bound to happen, Elena was a vampire magnet. But attacking in broad daylight and in a very public place. That was new. "Understood, hold tight. I'm on my way." 


Hanging up the phone I looked over to Amelie who was grinning. "The vampire magnet finally got attacked?" 


"Yeah, try not to look too shocked. This was bound to happen at some point." 


"Oh but I am. Shocked, that is." 


"Whatever, do you want to come with me?" 


"Hell yes, I can give you road head on the way." 


I nearly missed a step and fell on my face, catching myself. I groaned, this had all the makings of a very long day. Sure enough I had a difficult time not swerving as Amelie and I made our way over to the school. I had learned over the years that it was better to just go along with her perversions rather than fighting it after I had woken up somehow stripped naked and chained to a bed. 


I hopped out of the car and ran to the steps of the school where Alaric and the Gilbert's were sitting. Alaric spotted Amelie straightening out her top behind me and grinned despite the rather serious situation.


"What have you told them?" Alaric stepped away from the Gilbert's and met me at the bottom of the steps. "Just the basics. Grayson and Miranda explained the rest." 


I nodded, "Good, they need to be made aware of the world they live in." 


"I agree, though it makes no sense. These vampires have never been so bold before. Attacking Elena at school in the middle of the day?"


"Where are the bodies, I want to go have a look at them." 


"They've been sent to the mortuary, Sheriff Forbes is there now keeping watch." 


"I'll leave Amelie here with you guys, I'll be back. Something about these vampires feels off to me." Alaric nodded before returning to the Gilbert's side where Amelie was already comforting Elena. I grinned as I spotted Jeremy gawking at Amelie, the poor kid was practically drooling. 


Making a quick call to my security team I had them double the guard on my home and increase their patrol rate in the town. Something big was going down, this attack, Freya getting kidnapped, the trio of demented vampires, the Strix. It was all connected, I could just feel it. 


I arrived at the mortuary a few moments later, I spotted two police cruisers outside and waved at the deputies who waved back. Inside the council had gathered and were discussing something over the two body bags in the center of the room. They fell quiet as I stepped inside and the Mayor stepped forward. 


"Seth, I'm so glad you could make it. We were just discussing the incident." 


"It's fucked if you ask me, this attack on the Gilbert's could just be the beginning." 


I looked at the man that spoke up, "You're right, that's why I doubled the guard around town. Now if you excuse me I need some time alone to examine the bodies." 


Mayor Lockwood nodded before ushering everyone to another room. I thanked the man before walking over to the body bags and opened them. The first thing that struck me as odd was the fact that the 'vampires' hadn't turned gray yet. Using my power I scanned the bodies and groaned. I had run into these assholes in the past. Fanatical vampires, more cult than anything else. Travelers, these two were most likely just the witchy members. The other two that Alaric had said were part of the attack were vampires. This changed things. I remembered a part of the show where the Travelers played a significant role in screwing things up in the town. I also had a sneaking suspicion on the identity of the vampires that attacked Elena. 


The rest of the council came back a few minutes later. The mayor paled at my revelation. Witches, vampires, and vampire witches in league with each other. It was his worst nightmare. I put a hand on his shoulder to reassure him, "Calm down Lockwood. I'll make sure this gets taken care of as quickly as possible."


The man nodded frantically before stepping back to the rest of the council and repeating what I told him. I snuck back out onto the street before making my way over to my car. My phone rang again, without checking the caller ID I answered. 


"Seth, we're ready on our end. We head for New Orleans tomorrow morning." 


"Good, I'll be there."


I hung up and smiled, "I'm coming Freya. Just keep holding on till then." 


You'd think vampire speed would get you across the US in mere seconds. Unfortunately we were traveling with allays and Aurora. The two insisted on "traveling in style". So we ended up driving all the way to New Orleans. From Virginia. I was two minutes from tearing out everyone's throats when I felt the hairs on my neck prickle. We were just several miles short of reaching our destination. 


"Everybody get the fuck out of the car." They looked at me like I had grown a second head. "NOW!" 


Maybe it was the urgency in my voice, or maybe it was the fact that I could literally feel my bloodlust rolling off me like some demented waterfall. Everyone jumped out of the black Range Rover, hardly a moment later the car exploded into a ball of green flames. Klaus roared at the unseen attacker. 


"Show yourself coward!" He spun in circles looking for our assailant. 


"Brother I think it's best if we-" 


"Quite right, Elijah Mikaelson." We all turned to the voice. I felt a surge of power begin to saturate the air. This presence was familiar. Morgana had a similar 'aura' so to speak. The difference was this 'aura' was suffocating.


Steeling my nerves I prepared to use my power to fly away if need be. I knew I was powerful, overpoweringly so even. Yet I also knew that I was but a speck of dirt to someone like Myrddin. Hell, I didn't even know if Morgana survived her 'encounter' with the twisted wizard. 


Was he even a wizard, Morgana was a vampire. How she came to be a vampire I had yet to ask. Thought it wasn't like she stuck around long enough for me to do so in the past. 


"Why, Seth…. You left before I could talk to you. That's quite rude, you know."


"What do you want, Myrddin?" 


I looked at my companions who were seemingly frozen in place. I hadn't even felt him cast whatever magic he used to freeze time. With Morgana there was a subtle tingle in my fingers every time she did something magical, but with this psychopa-


"I assure you I am not a psychopath young man." 


There it was, confirmation I needed to know that Myrddin was a different beast. 


"Get to the point. If you're going to kill me then do it, don't give me some convoluted villain monologue. I'm sure you have one prepared."


Myrddin sighed, the man, god, omnipotent being or whatever the fuck he was actually sighed. 


"No respect whatsoever, just like your maker. After several millennia you'd think she'd get over it." 


I barely managed to stop myself from rolling my eyes, it seemed like despite what I just said the man was set on giving me some ridiculous speech. 


"Look, Merlin, or Myrddin whatever your name is. Either kill me now or fuck right on off." 


"Now now, I thought I taught you better than that Seth." 


I spun around, Morgana was standing behind me. Her eyes filled with fury and hate, all directed at Myrddin. She put a hand on my shoulder and looked right into my eyes. For a moment there was sadness there, the anger returned and she pulled me behind her. 


'Don't look around, I'm speaking directly to your mind. I'll draw him away. Do what you must, save her. Be quick, and Seth,' I felt warmth course through my body. 'for what it's worth, I'm sorry for dragging you into this mess.' 


With that Morgana rushed towards Myrddin, in a brilliant flash of light both were gone. I looked around at the Mikaelsons who were slowly coming to their senses. Klaus recovered first and growled at me. 


"What have you done!"


"Calm yourself Klaus, I'm as clueless as you are." 


The hybrid huffed and went over to Elijah who was speaking to Finn and Sage. I turned back and looked at the large compound in the distance. Shooting a quick look at the 'original family' I made my decision. Using every ounce of strength in me I sped towards the compound and blew through the doors. I tore through the wards the witches had put up and immediately began to feel around with my power. 


It was faint, I had almost missed it had I not been intimately familiar with the 'feel' of her. I had found Freya.