
House of the Rising Sun

You know, I was fascinated with vampires when I was a kid. The thought of power and good looks made me want to be one. That is, until I actually became one. Suddenly Lestat’s musings of an eternity being lonely became too real. Waking up in a forest who would have thought I’d run into ‘that’ family. I’d strangle the one that sent me here if she hadn’t trapped me in a world full of bullshit magic, doppelgängers, and broody vampires. *Status: Complete* *Sequel Pending*

Vargr_the_Skald · TV
Not enough ratings
75 Chs


[Multi POV]



She spun around just in time to be smothered by the blonde rocket that was Caroline. Returning her embrace the brunette sighed. She had been nervous about returning to school, there was that whole fiasco with Matt. Then there was the accident at the bridge just a few months ago, as hard as it was to believe, Elena Gilbert was not a fan of gossip. 


"Oh my god, are you okay? I heard from my mom that you guys were in an accident." 


She shouldn't have been surprised that Caroline would have known already, yet there she was, staring dumbly into space. She had expected Caroline to have been more concerned with her break up with Matt. 


"Y-yeah, I'm fine." 


"Ughh look at the lack of major male real estate." 


The two friends turned to the latest arrival. "Hey Bonnie." 


The now trio continued to observe the many students walking through the halls. 


"Look at the shower curtain on Kelly Beach."


"She looks a hot- Can you still say tranny mess?"


"No, that's over." Elena responded as Caroline nodded her head in agreement. 


As Bonnie continued her rant on another school year. Elena looked past her shoulder to Matt who had a forlorn look on his face. A bit of guilt seeped into her as she gave him a little wave which he didn't return. Instead he gave a short nod before walking over to his locker. Elena felt a set of eyes on the back of her head and she quickly spun around. 


Ever since the incident with the dead animal in her room she had the feeling that something was off about the town. She quickly spotted an unfamiliar face in the sea of students milling about. The new boy noticed her looking and ducked away into a classroom. She shook her head at the strange behavior. 


'Probably just another stoner freaking out.' She thought, the bell rang and Caroline waved as she walked to her class. Bonnie and Elena made their way over to theirs when Elena almost walked into Bonnie's back. Just as she was about to complain she looked up. The dark skinned teen was staring into the staff office. 


"Hold up, who's this?"


"All I see is back." 


"That's a hot back." 


Elena glanced at Bonnie, a small grin on her friend's face. 


"I'm sensing… Seattle. Probably plays a guitar." 


Elena chuckled before pulling Bonnie away before the stranger with a 'hot back' would notice them ogling him. Earlier that day Bonnie had spoken out about how she suspected she was a witch, Elena didn't buy into it of course but she indulged her friend nonetheless. Bonnie already had it rough with her Dad being gone and her Grandmother with her numerous issues. Once they reached their classroom they took their respective seats. The teacher hadn't arrived just yet and Elena's thoughts drifted back to everything that had happened since the car accident. She could have sworn that she had met someone, someone calling her 'Kathrine'. She had asked her parents but they had remained tight lipped about that night. 


Her next door neighbor, Seth, was somehow involved but she had been rather drunk that night and couldn't remember all the details. Even Jeremy had been weirded out by their parent's behavior. They had never kept secrets before. She was pulled from her thoughts when their new teacher arrived.


The man looked too good to be a high school teacher. She shared a look with Bonnie before they turned back to the smiling teacher. His teeth were pearly white and almost too perfect. 


There was something dangerous about him that Elena couldn't quite put her finger on. Perhaps it was the way he moved, like a cat, stalking its prey. The way his eyes shifted around the room, seeming just looking at the students. The new teacher finally introduced himself by writing his name on the chalk board, Alaric Saltzman. 


The class droned on, Alaric went on about several topics before assigning them their homework just as the bell rang. Elena scooped up her books and followed Bonnie out of the room. She was lost in her own thoughts when she ran into what felt like a brick wall. Her books fell from her arms and she silently cursed. 


"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention. Let me help with that." 


Elena looked up, it was the new student. She smiled and shook her head. "It's alright, I was lost in my own head." Now that she got a closer look at the guy she could fully admit that he was good looking, no, the new student was beautiful. The boy returned her smile but it didn't reach his eyes. There was something pained about it. 


Bonnie shot her a grin before slinking off with a wink. The boy handed her books back to her and stuck his hand out. 


"Stefan, you're Elena Gilbert right?" 


She looked at the now identified Stefan. "Yeah, how did you know?"


"I'll tell you about it on the way to class. We have history next." 


She quickly shook his hand before following him to the room. Thoughts of how Stefan knew her next class escaped her mind, she was too taken by his looks. 


Alaric Saltzman peered out of his door as his last class filed out murmuring about the lesson. He had finally tracked down the damned vampire that killed his wife to Mystic Falls. It hadn't been difficult to secure a position at the high school. In fact he had been welcomed by the council, he noted that they had been aware of who he was. At the last meeting a man stood out, he had arrived late and informed Mayor Lockwood that he had tracked a den of vampire in Louisiana. 


The man locked eyes with him at the meeting before smiling at him knowingly. He thought back to their strange encounter and the high esteem the rest of the council seemed to hold him in. 




"Seems we're all here, let us-" before the mayor could finish the door flew open and a man strode in.  


"Ah, Seth. Please join us we were just about to begin."  


Alaric looked at the new arrival, his instincts immediately blaring as the man walked past him and took a seat next to the mayor.  


"Now that Mr. Williamson has joined us, where did we leave off last meeting?" 


"I believe we were on the topic of our vervain supplies."  


"Yes, how are we on that Seth?" 


Seth nodded before pulling out a tablet and swiping a few times. "I just harvested the new crop, I've expanded to the fields by my estate and I believe the Salvatores are planning on planting some seedlings as a back up."  


"Good, even though it has been quiet the last few months, I know these vampires can strike at the most unexpected times."  


Alaric zoned out as the council went around discussing the town and its population. He leaned to his right and asked the man next to him about Seth.  


"He's not who I think he is right?"  


The Gilbert patriarch nodded and whispered back. "Seth Williamson, owner of Williamson Bank."  


"What's a man like that doing here?"  


"His family was a part of this town council when it was founded. He has ties to this place I guess." 


"You guess?"  


"He's pretty secretive, lives out on the massive mansion that makes Lockwood manor look like a slum."  


"Guy with money like that I'm surprised he sticks around."  


"He only moved back less than a year ago. Apparently he had been traveling the world. If you ask me he's just old money trying to find new ways of building his wealth. My grandfather had a whole entry on the first Seth Williamson." 


"The first Seth Williamson?" 


"Yeah, like all old families they seemed to have a habit of passing their name down to the next heir."  


Alaric nodded before returning to observing the man in question. The room was laced with Vervain, Seth didn't seem to be reacting at all. He also didn't have that hungry look in his eyes that vampires had. Alaric dismissed the idea that Seth was some vampire masquerading as the towns vervain supplier.  


There was too much there that pointed otherwise. Just as the meeting ended Alaric approached Seth who smiled kindly at him.  


"Alaric Saltzman, it's a pleasure to finally meet you." 


Surprise cross the hunters face briefly before he schooled his expression and took the man's offered hand. Alaric noted that Seth's hand was warm, usually vampires were a bit colder to the touch than humans.  


"I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you know me. A man of your caliber is bound to be well connected."  


"You'd be right, that being said why don't you join me at my home for a drink."  


It wasn't a question, Alaric nodded. Following Seth out to his own car where Seth gave him the address to his home. Informing him that he would catch up Seth walked away before speeding off in a brand new sports car.  


The drive to the billionaire's home was rather peaceful. Alaric noted the half hidden cameras just as he pulled into the driveway. Getting out of his car he looked around the grounds of the sprawling estate. Strangely there was an absence of security guards commonly present in rich peoples homes.  


Before he could knock on the door the double oak doors swung open and he was ushered inside by an auburn haired woman. The woman smiled at him before curtsieing.  


"Alaric right? Seth told me you'd be coming by. Just make yourself at home. He should be home soon."  


"You seem to know my name but I don't know yours."  


Just then the door opened again and Seth walked through. "Amelie, has Alaric arriv- never mind. I take it you've introduced yourself to our guest?"  


"I was about to when you came in."  


Alaric watched the two exchange a kiss before Amelie walked away disappearing into the massive home. The auburn haired woman also made his instincts scream danger. He looked at Seth as the man poured them both a stiff drink.  


"We met in France, if you're wondering. But I reckon you want to get to the point."  


Alaric nodded, he admitted he was curious about Amelie but he came here to talk.  


"Well, let's get to it then. You're here to find your wife's killer. Isobel Was her name right?"  


"She wa- was murdered by a vampire. I didn't get a good look at the bastard but I tracked him here."  


"I assumed as much, I will offer you assistance. Whatever you need, weapons, men, explosives. You name it, I can get it for you."  




"Why am I helping you? Well it's not out of the goodness of my own heart if that's what you're wondering. No, I want something in return."  


"What could I offer you that you couldn't get yourself with the money you have?"  


"Simple, I need someone who is well versed in dealing with the supernatural."  


"What do you mean?"  


"Someone important to me was kidnapped, I brought it up at the meeting earlier but you seemed to be distracted talking about me with Mr. Gilbert. Now before you deny it I don't really care. What I care about is the den of vampires in New Orleans. These same vampires have kidnapped someone who I care about quite deeply."  


"Where do I come in? I'm just one guy?"  


"I'll tell you when the time comes. Now tell me about this vampire that killed your wife."  


Flashback End 

He had stumbled home afterwards with more questions than he had answers. But now he was one step closer to avenging Isobel. Seth had informed him that the vampire who murdered his wife was one of the ones that had gathered at the den in New Orleans. He still wasn't sure about Seth, the man was just as big of a mystery as he first made out, but the two of them had something in common. They both wanted to kill the vampires that had taken their loved ones. In Seth's case the billionaire had told him that the woman that had been taken was his long time lover. Which got a kick out of Alaric as he had pointed out that Seth also had Amelie. That had led to the two of them sharing stories of heartbreaks and the strangeness that was their lives. 


Alaric sighed and stood from behind his desk, he was regretting his choice of coming to the school. He had suspicions that a certain Gilbert girl was connected to Isobel and had been proven right when he saw her. Elena looked almost like a younger version of his deceased wife. He didn't know if there was a familial connection yet, but he was sure the girl was being stalked by a vampire. The strange and sudden appearance of Stefan Salvatore only reinforced his suspicions. 


There was something odd about the broody mess. It was near obvious that the guy was a vampire. Between the hungry look in his eyes, signet ring with lapis lazuli, and the creepy obsession with stalking teenage girls. There was no shortage of evidence. Yet the vampire did not act in any violent way. Other than shooting Elena longing glances, and practically being the girl's shadow. Stefan was completely harmless. Which really threw off his knowledge on vampires. 


Another issue that arose from this was the fact that the council seemed to be blind to the Salvatore issue. Either they knew about the vampire and didn't do anything about it, or they didn't know and the Salvatore's had somehow fooled the council members. Alaric really doubted it was the latter. Seth seemed to be far too smart to have fallen for any vampire tricks. 


A scream pulled him away from his swirling thoughts. Yanking open his drawer he withdrew his handgun loaded with wooden bullets and tucked it in his waistband before running out of the classroom. He rounded the corner of the hall when he saw several vampires standing around Elena Gilbert and her brother. Throwing caution to the wind he drew his pistol and fired off multiple shots at the vampires. Two fell dead and Elena let out another scream as a body fell close to her, the other two blurred away and disappeared. 


Elena looked up at him as he scanned for more threats. The younger Gilbert was unconscious and bleeding from a neck wound. Alaric cursed before pulling out his phone and tucking away his gun. He had a few calls to make.