
House of the Dragon: True Queen

I don’t own anything. A girl who is Arrax decided to save the Targaryen Dynasty by being the First born of Rhaenyra Targaryen and Laenor Velaryon. Her mother saw the thing between her legs but the Maesters said she has mostly a female body but the cock is able to produce heirs. most whisper about her cause of the greens but with her scholar genius mind with Maesters and her Martial Prowess with a sword but also hand to hand combat the people of the realm look at her with Awe. So she is Heir to the Iron Throne after her mother and is going to appoint her brother as her hand and her youngest brother will be Heir to House Velaryon.

xGodWarriorx · TV
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5 Chs

Chapter 2 - Showing whose best


Me and Jace were at our studies with the Maester as we were in the courtyard after seeing my brother Joffrey who is adorable by the way.

We were practicing swordsmanship as Cuntston Cole proposed a spar between my brother and uncle.

As they were sparring I hated Cuntston as he reveled in my brothers pain so why don't I show what real pain is.

I turned to Ser Harwin.

Vis: I think a change in opponents is good idea Ser Harwin.

Harwin: As you wish princess.

Harwin went and helped Jace up as I stepped forward.

Cuntston: What is this?

Vis: This is a change in opponents Ser, best know you had this coming.

I had my armor on as I brought out my practice sword as I was at the ready.

Aegon: Are sure little niece?

Vis: Never been more certain.

Aegon charged at me as I parried his sword away to mine at his neck.

Vis: Your dead.

Aegon swatted my sword away to come running at me.

Aegon: Ahhhhhh!!!

I blocked his sword strike to then kick his foot from under him as he fell on the ground but he tried to get up but my sword was at his face.

Vis: And that's how things are done,

Cuntston: What is this?

Vis: This is to show the princess the proper respect Cole, remeber it or don't, I don't really care.

Cuntston was fuming as he looked at me while I walked back to Ser Harwin.

Then I stood with my brothers as Cuntston made a sly comment about my brothers parentage which Harwin punched him over and over again as the guards had to pull Harwin off him off Cuntston.

I knew where this would lead as I lead my brothers away to mother.

As we arrived mother was sitting with Joffrey and Laenor.

Vis: Mother.

Mother: What happened?

Vis: That insufferable Cole again, his tongue needs to be cut out.

Father: Vis.

I looked to my brothers as I didn't want them to hear this particular conversation but now thanks to this Harwin will be sent away and we will head for Dragonstone but my dragon is there as I miss him.

As the boys left to get cleaned up I was alone with Mother and Father.

Mother: Vis, what's on your mind?

Vis: That the vipers won't stop.

Father: We knew this would happen.

Vis: Well, whatever we're going to do I say we do it fast cause I'm going crazy just listening to the gossip.

Mother: We're leaving for Dragonstone.

Vis: Mother, you see what I see right?

Mother: What is that?

Vis: War.

Father: We knew it would come but not this close.

Vis: Yes, and now things are spiraling out of motion.

Then we heard a knock at the door as a guard opened it.

Mother: What is it?

Guard: Sorry for the intrusion princess but his grace has summoned everyone to the throne room.

As then Mother went to get Jace and Luke ready as I got ready as well.

We made our way to the throne room as Grandfather looks tired, I keep healing him with magic but he can only take so much.

Grandfather: I have an announcement, I have decided on the betrothal of my beautiful daughter Heleana Targaryen.

Alicent had her eyes wide.

Grandfather: My daughter Heleana will be betrothed to Visenya Targaryen.

There were claps really more than whispers.

Grandfather: There's another thing, Visenya Targaryen, step forward and kneel.

I did as I kneeled Grandfather took out Blackfyre.

Grandfather: In the name of the warrior I charge you to be brave. In the name of the father I charge you to be just. In the name of the mother I charge you to defend the young and innocent. In the name maid I charge you to protect all women.

I smiled as I kneeled.

Grandfather: Arise Visenya Targaryen, a knight of the seven kingdoms.

I rised up as Grandfather sheathed Blackfyre as he handed it to me.

Everyone clapped as I hugged Grandfather as he hugged back even with one arm.

Grandfather: Let us celebrate the betrothal of Visenya Targaryen and Helaena Targaryen!