
House of the Dragon: True Queen

I don’t own anything. A girl who is Arrax decided to save the Targaryen Dynasty by being the First born of Rhaenyra Targaryen and Laenor Velaryon. Her mother saw the thing between her legs but the Maesters said she has mostly a female body but the cock is able to produce heirs. most whisper about her cause of the greens but with her scholar genius mind with Maesters and her Martial Prowess with a sword but also hand to hand combat the people of the realm look at her with Awe. So she is Heir to the Iron Throne after her mother and is going to appoint her brother as her hand and her youngest brother will be Heir to House Velaryon.

xGodWarriorx · TV
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Chapter 3 - Driftmark


After moving to Dragonstone we get word of Laena Velaryon passing during child birth.

We departed at once as we were the first ones there as I had to listen to Vaemond disrespect my brothers at my cousin's funeral while Daemon laughed but Daemon was just as upset about this as we are.

Father was the most inconsolable as I walked up to him to hold his hand.

As the events with Vhagar happened I was shaken awake by mother.

Vis: M-Mother, what is it?

Mother: Have you seen your brothers?

Vis: No, where are they?

Mother: I don't know.

I got out of bed to put my robe on to search for them as we pushed open the door as Father and Daemon were with us.

Mother: Jace! Luke!

We ran to them through the people to see blood on there faces as I look to see Aemon's eye which was stitched shut, ouch.

Mother: Who did this?



They started arguing as I saw Grandfather as he's too weak for this.


Jace: He called us Bastards.

The room went quiet at my outburst.

Vis: Grandfather please sit, this whole ordeal is making you tired.

Grandfather: I'm fine child.

I nodded to walk to the center of the room.

Vis: So let me see if I understand.

Everyone looked at me.

Vis: Not only did you take a dragon whose Rider has just passed for yourself, you were stupid enough to go after her knowing how vicious she is.

I looked at Aemond.

Vis: You broke guest rights under my Grandfather's house, yes my brother took your eye but I sounds like you didn't leave him any choice as you probably threatened to kill somsone, isn't that right?

Alicent: My son lost an eye!

Vis: I know but it is punishment for doing something stupid to begin with but I'm afraid that you all have overstayed your welcome, you will gone by Morne, I will send Ravens to the other Lords of what happened here tonight.

Alicent: Viserys, say something!

Viserys: Visenya is right, guest rights have been broken.

Alicent: What about your son's eye Viserys!

Viserys: What would have me do?

Alicent: There's a debt to be paid, Ser Criston bring the eye Lucerys Velaryon.

Mother: You will not.

As my brother were hidden behind my mother.

Alicent: He will be able to choose which eye to keep, something my son did not a choice in having.

Laenor: I like to see you try.

As father had his sword at the ready and I had my daggers hidden in my sleeves at the ready.

Viserys: Alicent, this finished.

But as the king was walking away Alicent grabbed knife to match to us.

Vis: Father! Ser Criston Cole!

As father and Daemon blocked Cole's path I jumped infront of my mother as I grabbed Alicent with one hand but the dagger was through my hand, it hurts but not that much.

Vis: You dare strike my brother and mother!

Alicent: Step aside!

Vis: I can't do that, as my mother's heir, any threat towards her must go through me by force.

Alicent: I have sacrificed so much while spat on it?!

Vis: We all can't be perfect.

As I pushed her away with the dagger still in my hand.

Mother: Vis, let me see!

Vis: It's nothing, just a flesh wound.

I pulled the dagger out to look at Alicent as Heleana ran to my side.

Heleana: Are you okay?

Vis: I'm fine darling.

I looked at Alicent.

Vis: Raven's will be sent to the Lords of the other Kingdoms of what's happened tonight, you have twice broken guest rights, you leave by Morne but first, Guards!

As the guards came in.

Vis: Put the Queen in a room for the rest of the night as I fear what she'll do until Morne.

The guards escorted her out as I have the Archmaester to send ravens to the other Kingdoms Lords.