
House of Potter

Transmigrated in to Harry Potter's body at the age of 7. Might have major changes to the story plot of the movies So please do enjoy [Harry Potter Universe] Donation : https://www.paypal.me/SibongileIviwe

Iviwe_Mzimba_9747 · Filmes
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28 Chs

Cp 17

" Damn women don't you tire"

" Nope, now come here and put another baby in me" Hayley

" As you wish my Love"

( Knock, Knock)

" Yes "

" Alpha the packs have arrived and have asked to see the queen" Harry

" We will be out soon" Hayley

" Thank you my Queen" Harry

" Now or later "

" Later, for now we need to join the packs" Hayley

" Than we should get dressed my love"


( In the lounge, the stood two thrones on each side of them was a couch facing the 6 chairs with 2 behind each. Harry had shown them the chairs and they each sat accordingly with Harry standing besides the door)

First Chair = Jackson The Crescent wolf pack's Alpha

Behind him, his beta's

Second Chair = John The Deep Water Pack's Alpha

Behind him, his beta's

Third Chair = Thomas The Barry Pack' Alpha

Behind him, his beta's

Fourth Chair = Sam The Poldark Pack's Alpha

Behind him, his beta's

Fifth Chair = Adam The BasRoq Pack's Alpha

Behind him, his beta's

Sixth Chair = Theo The Paxon Pack's Alpha

Behind him, his beta's

" Presenting The Alphas Family

Lord Finn Elder of the Mikealson Coven

Lord Elijah warrior of Mikealson Clan

Lord Kol Elder of the Mikealson coven

Lady Rebekah Healer of Mikealson Clan

Lord Marcellus Son of Mikealson Clan

Lady Hope Daughter of Mikealson Clan and Heir to Lord & Lady Mikealson " Harry

They entered and took a sit at the couch's provided as they waited for Nicklaus and Hayley.

" Presenting His Lordship, Alpha of the North Atlantic Pack and his mate Lady Hayley of the Crescent wolf pack." Harry

As Klaus and Hayley entered and took their sits the smiled

" Thank you all for accepting my invitation"

" Think nothing of it, Please let's get down to business" Theo

" Well said, As introduced I am Klaus Alpha to the enhanced combined packs of the North Atlantic Pack and my Hybrid pack which I took to absorbing into the North Atlantic Pack. "

" How is it enhanced?" John

" Due to me being a Hybrid, they got a power boost and the benefit of retaining their minds during the full moon. The Benefit I'm offering you and your packs"

" What makes you worthy for our submission?" Thomas

" Besides the power boost, Jackson's recommendation as he has Submitted and became a vassal of ours. He is my beta and go-to-leader of the crescents as is Harry his my beta and go-to-leader of the North Atlantic Pack."

" Yes besides the power boost, what else?" Sam

" You know I believe that as wolf our motto should be, For the strength of the pack is the wolf and the strength of the wolf is the pack. Now imagine all of use combined sharing and embracing my power boost."

" You have said enough Alpha Klaus, The BasRoq Pack shall bend the knee and join you." Adam said leaving his chair being followed by his beta's and kneeled in front of Klaus and Hayley.

( The other Alpha's looked at each other and Nodded as the followed the Lead of Adam)

" Excellent Harry send someone to inform John and Mary to prepare the unification ritual, and send for others to prepare a feast, Tonight we dine like Kings. Harry mingle with the others. Sister stay with Hayley and Hope. Brother my son meet me in the lord's chamber."


" Son you will hold court so that we sort this out, Brothers preform the coven creation ritual with Hope than decide between yourselves who will be regent until my little angel grow up to take the rains. Than organise and meet with the Regent of the New Orleans covens than join them. Choose a magic to specialize in than join. Once you have completed the tasks inform me for I need you to do something for me. Elijah you will help Marcel control or remove the unruly ones. Are there any complaints to my plan so far."

" We will specialize majorly on enhancing and protection magic. Than dabble a little in ritual, fortification and runic magic. I will talk with the regent" Finn and Kol nodded

" Thank you brothers"

" I got no problem controlling my guys but Elijah's Help will be welcomed." Marcel

" Agreed " Elijah

( Knock, Knock)

" Yes "

" The Elders are done and the Luna and your sister are already there." Jerry


As every wolf of every pack watched their Alpha's standing in the middle with John and Mary standing each side of the bowl they began to speak drawing out silence in the plantation.

" Alpha's are you ready?" John

" For the is no way back after this" Mary

" We are " The Alpha's said in perfect unison

Than John had the Alpha's of each Pack pour their territory's soil into the bowl and than John pushed the bowl towards their legs as they each spilled some blood mixing it with the soil and herbs to make a paste.

Mary than used the paste to draw a triskele symbol on their foreheads and the Individual Alpha's pack symbol on the pledge of fealty. John and Mary had each Alpha make a handprint on the contract before the paste dried as they faced the Alpha's and spoke in unison

" Do you renounce your Alpha status and accept Alpha Nicklaus Aumont Mikealson to be your ALPHA, Bow before him and submit"

They did so Than John and Mary looked a Klaus and said

" Do you welcome their submission and accept to be their Alpha. If so mark them with your scent and led the celebration"

Klaus hugged each and everyone of them and than released a howl so deep that it shacked the houses on the plantation. Many howls joined in following behind Klaus.


Later that night the sat at a campfire with Klaus, Hayley and Hope over looking the pack.

" So Harry, you will continue being our beta and lead the North Atlantic Pack on our behalf."

" Thank you Alpha & Luna " Harry

" Jackson, you will continue being our beta and lead The Crescent Wolf Pack our behalf." Hayley

" Thank you Alpha & Luna " Jackson

" John, you will lead the The Deep Water Pack as our beta on our behalf "

" Thank you Alpha & Luna " John

" Thomas, you will lead The Barry Pack as our beta on our behalf " Hayley

" Thank you Alpha & Luna " Thomas

" Sam, , you will lead The Poldark Pack as our beta on our behalf"

" Thank you Alpha & Luna " Sam

" Adam, you will lead The BasRoq Pack as our beta on our behalf" Hayley

" Thank you Alpha & Luna " Adam

" Theo, you will lead The Paxon Pack as our beta on our behalf" Hayley

" Thank you Alpha & Luna " Theo

" With the combination of your packs you will now and forever more be known as the vassals of the Mikealson Pack. The Guardians and Protectors of the Family. Rest for the day after tomorrow will the wedding of Me and Hayley. Now excuses us we still have to umm..."
