
Hotel Transylvania: Darker Half

dak_pan · Filmes
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3 Chs


"I know that I would've seen him by now, Johnny." Mavis explained as the two walked through the foyer, "The wedding is in tonight, and I just really want him to be there."

"I know, but I hate seeing you like this." Johnny told her as they stopped behind the front desk, and he frowned as she laid her head down on the desk with a sigh before he saw Marcus and Alex step out of the stairway and he waved at them, "Did you two enjoying yourselves?!"

"Yeah." Marcus told him as they made their way over, not able to see Mavis, "We've just been trying to settle in."

"Some other humans will be arriving in a little while, so it won't just be monsters here." Johnny told them with a smile, and he gave Johnny a confused look until Mavis suddenly stood up straight to see who Johnny was talking and the two vampires locked eyes for a moment before she dived over the desk to give him a hug.

"Holy rabies! You really came!" Mavis yelled in a happy tone as Marcus regained his balance, and Alex smiled as he hugged her back, "Wait until Dad hears about this!"

"Hears about what?" Drac asked as he walked over with a smile but froze in place when they looked over at him before suddenly grabbing both of them tightly, and they spun into the air, "My boy is back!"

"I told him they wouldn't be upset." Alex said as her and Johnny watched the three laugh above them, "He was so worried about this that it was ridiculous."

"Mavis was pretty nervous herself." Johnny told her with a chuckle as he pulled out his phone and began to record them, "I'm glad that things turned out well."

"Look how big you've gotten!" Drac yelled with a happy voice as they landed, and Marcus rubbed the back of his neck with a small smile, "So how have you been?"

"I bounced from place to place after I left as I tried to find my place in the world and ended up in California." Marcus explained with a grin as he motioned for Alex to come over, "That's where I zinged with Alexandra, and everything started to look up from there."

"You zinged to?!" Mavis asked in an excited voice as she stepped in front of them with Johnny close to her, "I zinged with Johnny on our one hundred and eighteenth birthday!"

"After tonight, we'll be brothers-in-law." Johnny told hi. as he held his hand out, and Marcus shook it after processing that his sister was marrying a human, "It's super cool to meet you."

"Likewise." Marcus said as he gave Drac a strange look before seeing how excited Mavis was and smiled at the two, "Well, we should all get ready."

"Right!" Mavis yelled as she spun on her heels and became a blur as she sped out of the foyer. Drac gave Marcus a small smile before pulling Johnny away, and Alex gave Marcus a serious look.

"You're going to have to tell them the truth eventually." Alex told him with a glare, and Marcus sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck, "I suppose it should wait until tomorrow, though."

"Let's go get ready." Marcus said as he walked towards the stairs, and she followed close behind him. They quickly got dressed once they were back in Marcus's room and made their way into the ball room where the wedding was being held, deciding to sit in the back. Marcus grinned as he watched Drac walk Mavis down the aisle before he thought he saw a flash of light in the forest through the window, and he kept his locked on its location but after a few moments of seeing nothing other than darkness he figured he had imagined it. That was until he felt Alex squeeze his arm, and he realized by the look in her eyes that she had seen it as well.

"That was a flashlight." Alex whispered as Mavis and Johnny said their vows, and Marcus nodded without a word as he watched the two. The ballroom erupted in cheers right after Mavis and Johnny kissed, and both Marcus and Alex took that as their chance and transformed into mice to sneak out.

"We have to check it out and get back fast." Marcus told Alex as they made it the foyer and ran outside the moment they transformed back into their normal forms. Their eyes began to glow as they focused their sight near where they had seen the light and saw their boss leading a team of heavily armed monsters through the forest.

"What the hell is he doing here?!" Alex asked in a surprised voice as she turned to look at Marcus, "Why is the team with him?!"

"Whatever his reason, it can't be good." Marcus said, venom in his voice, as he clenched his fists tightly, and they sprinted towards the forest at high speed.