

Just something that I wrote when I had nothing better to do.

Master_of_Mana · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter 4

Man, was I nervous? of course I was nervous. I had prepared everything I could I had rested well enough kept my body warmed up stored the bokken in one of the lockers near the rooftop access. 

Was I going to save everyone? nah not really.

The targets that I was going to save except for the main cast were Hiashi and Morita.

But for some reason Morita hadn't shown up to school today calling in sick when I phoned him earlier.

So I told him to stay inside no matter what happens and watch the news.

Right now, I am standing on the stairs looking at the school gate right when the anime picks up.

"So you finally got thorough your detention!" I heard a voice as the pink haired girl came down the steps this was of course Takagi.

"Miss me?" I smiled at her.

"Who would miss you? and you are skipping classes again!" Takagi said as i could see the slight blush on her face.

"I am hurt, that you think I would not score the highest again"

"You won't"

"Want to make a bet?"

"Oh! and what would you gain from such a bet perhaps ask for some photos?" saya attempted to tease me, as I smirked.

"of course, who would reject the idea of a beauty like you showing up in a bikini" I replied as her face blushed harder.

"Fuck you I am leaving!" she said stomping out as I smiled. 

I look at my Mom's number if I am right she survives the outbreak as she is with the policeman shooting that gun in the last chapter of the manga so I don't really have to worry about her for now and Rei's mother survives along with Takagi's Parents, I don't know about Hiashi and Saeko since it wasn't shown, neither were khota's. So it means I would have to travel north to get Morita out of his house.

Otherwise all is set for now at least.

I expected some changes that I would have to make along the way.

I sighed as I waited fo rthe zombie to come, and eventually it did baging its head aginst the gate.

Well time to skip!

I dialled the emergency number just to check sure enough it was busy.

I jogged up trying to keep my nerves under control as I reached 3-A thankfully there wasn't a teacher in yet as I moved to both Hiashi and Rei.

"Can you both come with me for a second?" I asked as they looked at me Rei was a little hesitant while Hiashi agreed.

We walked out as I led them away from the class, "Alright we need to get out of here!"

"Say what?" that was Rei

"Huh?" came from Hiashi.

"Try calling the emergency line you will understand" I said as Hiashi took out his phone while I passed mine to Rei.

"Call your dad too" she accepted as she dialled his number as her expression crumbled same with Hiashi who had just finished calling the emergency line.

"What's happening?" this was Rei thankfully I didn't need to slap the shit out of her. 

"I am not particularly sure what it is? but some guy just came to the main gate then attacked one of the teacher there was blood everywhere. Then the teacher got up and attacked another teacher it was a mess that's when I called the police but as you see the lines were busy so we need to get out!" I expalined opening the locker grabbing my bokken, while throwing the bat to Hiashi before breaking the broom to give the staff to Rei.

"Hey don't we need to inform the others?" Hiashi asked as I pointed at the speakers which cracked at that very moment.

"Attention students, there has been activities of Violenece on campus please evacuate, I repeat there has been activities of Violence on campus please evacuate...hey get away no get away aaaah" and the speaker dissconnected.

I pushed both of them towards the roof, "We need to leave before there is chaos around here!"

I said as we rushed towards the rooftop.

Of course the social science teacher showed up on the bridge but I wasn't hesitating as I brought down the bokken on his head killing him.

"W...what? That Sensei he wasn't..." This was Hiasahi who was still reeling from seeing me kill a Zombie I wiped the blood off, then pointed Down as screams filled around us.

Zombies were attacking students as I looked over only to see a girl get eaten by zombies.

"Keep moving we need the chaos to die down before we can get out of here." I said as both of them nodded.

We reached the rooftop finding a only a couple of zombies up there since we were fast enough. I shut the door behind latching it as the zombies noticed us and started walking towards us, could they see us? I was confused as I moved to the side and they followed. Well fuck.

Unlike the Anime these bitches could see.

I took care of the most while Hisashi and Rei took on the rest.

Hisashi leaned against the fence as we could see the chaos down in the streets and the ground as helicopters flew overhead.

Well there goes the SDF, most likely going to the power plant and water plant.

"Hey!!! We are here!" Rei shouted 

"They won't listen, it's most likely that they are on a mission since they are not caring about what's happening down there." Hisashi broke her line of thought pointing below as the zombies attacked the living.

"What do we do then?" Rei asked looking at him.

"We wait until the chaos dies down and make our way down, staying here is a death sentence."I replied as both of them nodded.

I breathed out now we wait for things to quite down, then head for the staff room where Saya is, and meet Saeko and Shizuka.

I opened the system since we had sometime before heading out.


Name: Takashi Komuro

Species: Average Human

Age: 17

Mutation level: 1

Skills: Perfect copy (Max), Protag Aura, Swordsmanship (Level 4), Martial arts (Level 2)

Quests: (!)

Skill store:

Skill points - 0

Mutation tree:

Mutation points - 2

Teammates mutation:

I saw that I had gained some mutation points as I opened up the mutation skill tree

As I read through the available ones,

I went with increased agility and stamina that cost me 2 mutation points one for each.

I felt my bone creak a little as the changes started taking place in my body.

The effects seem to be good for now.

I opened the teammate section.


Rei Miyamoto

Mutation points-0

Hisashi Iguo

Mutation points-0


This was the discription in the meaning they needed Mutation points.

The screams seemed to have died a little as I decided its about time we head down get some survivours out if there are any.

I clicked on the quests as it popped up.


Survive: get to a safe area.

Rewards: Teammates mutation point +1, 

faliure: Death


Oh boy so they would get extra mutation points through this.

I cracked my neck, "I think we should head down and try to find if there are other survivors since it has calmed down a little" I said as they looked at me unable to decide.

"What? want to stay here be my guest, but my Mom is going to kill me for being late." I said as Rei smiled a little while Hiashi got up.

"How do we get out?"  he asked.

I looked down finding the bus on the grounds as I pointed at it.

"The bus, we take it, the keys should be in the staff room. We get there and help anyone we run on the way except Shido" I said as Hiashi looked troubled while Rei was all for leaving Shido. 

"Let's go and don't get bitten you both saw what happens once you get a bite, don't you?" I said as they nodded, "Good let's get out of here"

I said opening the door leading the way ready to be jumped.

Staff room was on first floor just near the lower bridge connecting the two buildings.

We climbed down the stairs heading down taking care of the zombies here and there, from what I could see they could see but it wasn't that they primiraly moved according to sounds.

So as long as we keep it down we will be safe.

It was then I heard the pops of a nail gun while we were on the second floor, I looked at the other two who nodded as we ran down.


3rd POV

"Their vison isn't too good and they focus on sounds" Saya spoke while Kohta behind her was holding his makeshift gun.

"Uh takagi, I think we should go somewhere safe!" He spoke looking around as he spotted some Zombies walking towards them.

"Ah..fuck" Kohta cursed as he began to shoot them down,

"Dammit there are too many of them!" Kohta said as he shot them retreating towards the staff room.

"If you shoot them so fast I won't be able to observe thier traits!" she said as she looked behind her, to find a zombie coming towards her.

"Hey Hirano! there is one here!" she said as Kohta turned trying to shoot as his Ammo ran out. He fumbled with reloading as The zombie cornered Saya who stumbled a little coming near the trophy stand as she picked them and throwing them.

"DON'T COME HERE!" She shouted throwing the trophies at the zombie as more zombies heard her shouts.

"Takagi-san!" Kohta reloaded as he aimed at the nearest one shooting it down.

"GET AWAY! GEAT AWAY!" she threw more but the zombie continued to Close in as she grabbed the drill from her bag. 

she screamed as she pushed the drill into Zombies head as more zombies closed in on her. 

"Takagi -san!" Kohta shot more down but it wasn't enough as the zombie was about to reach her only to get its head blown away by a bokken.

As Kohta grinned and began to shoot the zombies closing in on him as he recognised the black haired teen who had helped him the past month or so.

"You guys seem to be having fun!" Takashi spoke hitting another zombie which crumpled under his bokken.