

Just something that I wrote when I had nothing better to do.

Master_of_Mana · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 5

1st POV.

"You guys seem to be having fun!" I said as I took down the zombies surrounding Saya, I was quick enough.

Rei and Hisahi followed behind me taking care of the other zombies, 

"Rei stay near her," I said as rei reached me and I dashed going past Kohta smashing a zombie head while kicking another one into other pushing them back.

I attacked the one who was trying to go for Kohta, as the I heard another zombie fall behind finding the purple haired girl who was followed by Shizuka.

I looked at Saeko who nodded slightly as we got down to killing.

"Save your ammo, we might need it afterwards" I said as Kohta looked at me, before nodding slightly.

It wasn't long before we cleared out the zombies that were crowding around.

As Hisahi took down the last one while Rei was with Saya who was metally weak right now since this was the first zombie she killed.

Shizuka too had moved towards Saya.

"I think we are all aquainted to Marikawa sensei, I am Saeko Busujima, from 3-A" Saeko said as I locked the door leading outside.

"Komuro Takashi, 2B"

"Um..I am Kohta Hirano"

"Hisashi Igou, 3A"

"Rei Miyamoto, from sojutsu club"

I looked at Takagi who was still visbly shaken from killing as Shizuka was trying to talk to her.

I crouched down in front of her as she looked at me, still in shock, I looked at the handle of my bokken it seemed relatively clean as I tapped her forehead a little hard.

As she seemed to break out of her shock,

"Ow!!" she rubbed her head

"Takashi-kun you shou..." Shizuka wanted to intervene but I cut her off looking at Takagi.

"Oi Takagi, look here" Takagi glared at me, I smiled at her as I placed my hand on her head.

"Good thing I didn't miss school today didn't I?" I said as she stiffened up,

"...Idiot, I would have...Thank you" she muttered as I looked at her eyes with the best face I could make though my blood splatter filled face wasn't the best out there.

"What? didn't quite clearly hear was it a thank you...whoa!" I was just trying to tease her out when she tackled me into a hug which threw me off balance since I was crouching down as she started crying as I held her lightly. I looked at the others,

"I think we should move to the staff room for now" I said as they all seemed to agree as Igou and Rei moved to the room while Saeko kept watch.

Takagi was still hugging me tightly, I leaned forward, "It's ok now, I will not let you get hurt alright." her hug tighten before she let go.

She didn't say much and walked into the staff room with Shizuka leaving me on the floor looking at Saeko and Kohta who was wacthing around.

I smiled as I saw Kohta smirk, as I picked up the bokken.


"So you plan to use the bus?" Saeko asked as I nodded, we were disscussing ways to get out while Takagi was still cleaning near the sink.

"Well it's not like all of us will fit in a car unless it's an SUV" I said,

Saeko nodded looking at the map of the city.

Fujimi Academy was quite far from the main city where most of us lived.

Igou's and Kohta's parent's were away, Saeko's house was quite far from the city itself while Takagi's was the closest following my and Rei's.

Moreover since Morita lived in the same area as Takagi it would make getting to him that much easier.

So first Takagi's house, helping Morita on the way then hopefully mine and Rei's, before heading for the police station and then to the elementary school after that to Saeko's house which was near there.

At least that is what we decided on for now.

We had decided to rest for sometime as I scoured through the staff room to find something useful, ended up finding a box of cigarrites along with a lighter. 

Pocketing them I stood up only to see, Takagi standing behind, this time wearing her glasses.

"Oho, the princess finally got her glasses out!" I said as she glared at me.

"My contacts keep falling off alright!"

"Sure sure,"

We were just talking when Rei turned up the TV as the news caster began to speak about the events how the world was turning into a hell hole.

I didn't pay much attention to it, since I pretty much knew that the world was fucked plus that loli made changes to it.

The best I could do was get stronger, make the others around me stronger then hope for the best.

It was then I heard something that I wished not to hear, "..The goverments have come together to form the GRE which will be taking action against the Viral outbreak headed by Dr, Oswell Spencer and will work in saving humanity." she was saying this but the signal cut off, while I stood frozen.

Resident evil wasn't enogh for the fucking loli

 he even threw in Dying light? I am hoping the mutations don't go ridiculous as in the movies and I don't have to punch a boulder in a volcano.

I shook my head and looked at the system.


Name: Takashi Komuro

Species: Average Human

Age: 17

Mutation level: 1

Skills: Perfect copy (Max), Protag Aura, Swordsmanship (Level 4), Martial arts (Level 2), 

Mutation skills: Strength boost, Agility boost

Quests: (!)

Skill store:

Skill points - 0

Mutation tree:

Mutation points - 0

Teammates mutation:

Yeha still had not earned other points as i checked the mutation points of teammates.


Rei Miyamoto - 1 point

Hisashi Iguo - 0 point

Saeko Bujishima - 2 point

Kohta Hirano - 1 point

Saya Takagi - 0 point

Shizuka Marikawa - 0 point


It seemed that the points were allocated according to the fights they had been in. Saeko being the highest since she killed the most, Kohta and Rei after that.

I selected Saeko as a notice popped up

[Unlock mutation for Saeko Bujishima?]


[Unlocking tree...granting unique mutation...granted 'Reflex']


Reflex: faster reflexes and boosted reaction time


It seemed pretty simple as I saw her mutation tree, mostly the initial abilities were similar with strength and agility.

Saeko seemed to have noticed some changes in her as she was staring at her hand.

I next went with Kohta who got the ability called Hawk eyes


Hawk eyes - increases perception over a wide area.


While Rei got 'senses'


Senses - major boost to all five senses


This time even Rei perked up seems like she picked up the changes while Kohta didn't didn't seem to feel anything.

Which was understandable since he was doing much physical activity and stuff.

Well others would get thier abilites soon enough.

I grabbed some cookies from one of the teacher's bags and ate it.

"So everyone rested now?" I spoke breaking the others out of the news reports,

"Well I will get to the point, do not get bitten as far as I have seen it's the bites that turn you into a dead."

"We know that! plus they can't see very well and react more to loud sounds" She spoke pushing up her glasses seems like she was better now.

The others nodded,

"So don't get bitten and don't make loud sounds, got it!" I said cracking my neck a little.

As the others git up and prepared themselves.

"Oh and one more thing don't play hero, you will die before the other person says thank you" I added looking at Hisashi.

"Why are you looking at me?"

"Because unlike me you aren't a selfish bastard, and use the bat not your hands" I said warning him again as his mouth twitched.

"Alright people let's get out of this shithole" I smiled sliding the door open and killing the first zombie a few feet away