
HOTD: The Crafting Dead

Kurogane Shun was your average University student until one night, something extraordinary happened to him. The next day, another extraordinary thing happened...the whole world was plunged into a zombie apocalypse. Was it a coincidence that after he experienced such a thing, the next day an apocalypse happened?

Blanc_Canvas · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Temporary Stay

After some twists and turns, Shun and Saeko rejoined with the latter's group. Of course, before that, Shun threw all his Molotov toward the incoming zombie horde after the rescue squad stopped pumping water. Suffice it to say, that there would be numerous burnt corpses later on.

Now the group was staying in the Takagi Estate. Shun was surprised to know that the one who rescued them was someone he knew, Yuriko Takagi.

"As expected of Souichiro-san, he calmly led his subordinates and managed to build a defensive perimeter just a day after it happened." Shun grabbed his teacup and took a sip.

"Fufu, he would be happy to hear that coming from you. Though, why were you in this part of the city? I imagined 'they' would have already contacted you." Yuriko glanced at the young man in front of her. He appears like your everyday university student apart from his excellent looks. However, the truth is far from the norm.

"They were in Tokyo on some business trip. They probably are on their way by now," The way he phrased his reply radiated confidence. It's as if the zombies and other threats were of no worries. "However, in my estimation, it would still take them a few days to a week before arriving. That is if they went on land."

"Hmm, that's understandable but it would have been better if they were here," Yuriko sighed in disappointment. Their chances of surviving their predicament would increase if those people were here.

"Well, no one expected an apocalypse to suddenly happen." Shun smiled wryly. He was also caught off guard by the suddenness of the outbreak. From watching the news, he also discovered that it was not limited to Japan but globally.

It all happened in the span of a few hours before the world was plunged into chaos. Some major countries have fallen even, which shows just how serious the outbreak is.

"True, though I'm glad you're safe and here with us, Shun-kun. I'm sure my husband also thinks the same."

"Speaking of Souichiro-san, where is he?" He asked after noticing the absence of the man.

"He went out to clear the vicinity of those things."

"Working diligently as always," Shun nodded in understanding.

The two enjoyed their tea and some cookies while they continued their conversation.


Meanwhile, traversing the sea was a boat with several people onboard. In particular, a middle-aged man smoked his favorite cigar.

"The hell is happening in the world. I thought it was already fucked up but this topped it off." Carlo cursed at their predicament. Their business trip went to waste and the world was plunged into chaos.

"Right on, boss. Based on what I gathered, it all happened simultaneously all over the world. I'm not sure if it is some biological weapon experiment that went wrong by some country or something but I'll try digging deeper in their database." Said a young man appearing to be in his twenties, holding a laptop.

"Those things are stronger than normal humans. It seems their brain is not functioning fully since the limiters on their body were unlocked." Chimed in another bespectacled man.

"Heh, though they're strong, they move stiffly. I thought there would be new challenges to improve my martial arts but it was disappointing." The blond-haired man sighed. His distinct blue eyes lost a bit of gleam.

"Enough of that, we need to hurry to Tokonosu City. How long till we make it?" Carlo questioned their driver.

"At the latest, in a day and a half. We still need to make stops to refuel."

"Alright, all of you get ready. Once we arrive, our destination is the Takagi Estate. I have already received a call and the young master is safe. The other squad is also on their way to Tokonosu City."

"No need to tell us the obvious, boss. With young master's skills, he can easily survive this shitty situation." Luke, the young man holding a laptop, grinned.

The others grinned knowingly as well. They have full confidence in their young master. Even in their squad which only has the elites, he ranks quite high in terms of skill.


Night came and most people stopped their activities to rest. The estate was relatively peaceful apart from what happened earlier that afternoon when Souichiro came back and brought a former subordinate who was bitten.

Souichiro gave a speech about how the world they lived in was different and that they needed to fight if they wanted to survive. He then decapitated his former subordinate and friend and turned into a zombie in front of all the people rescued by him.

Other than that, a little fiasco happened with the adults trying to confiscate the guns from Kohta Hirano, the bespectacled fat guy in Saeko's group. However, it all ended shortly with the help of Souichiro and Shun intervening.

"...Such a beautiful starry sky. It would have been better if this all didn't happen." Shun sighed softly. Gazing upon that sky reminded him of some memories before shaking them off.

"What's your planning next, senpai?" Saeko turned her attention away from the sky and turned toward Shun.

Still admiring the tranquillity of the night and the starry sky, Shun replied, "I'm waiting for some people here. Besides that, I have no concrete destination in mind. How about you?"

"I...don't know," She replied with hesitation. "Father is overseas, other than that, I only have myself to worry about."

"Hmm, then what about your little group?"

"Komuro-kun and Miyamoto-san plan on searching for their parents. Alice lost her father last night so she has no other relatives around. Marikawa-sensei has a friend in this city so she might try to find her. Hirano-kun's parents are overseas."

No need to say about Saya Takagi, her parents were here. As for the others, other than the little girl Alice, Hirano, and Saeko, the others already have a concrete goal.

"Do you want to join me? It would be safer that way," Shun suggested after some thought. He continued, "You can extend this to your other friends too, especially Hirano and Alice."

Saeko nodded in understanding. She understood that Hirano's expertise and knowledge about firearms were good. As for Alice, perhaps he was sympathetic towards her.

However, what Saeko didn't know was she misunderstood his intention regarding Hirano. While the guy knows about firearms, Shun already has someone for that.

He simply thought Hirano could become useful if trained properly. The fat guy did survive the initial chaos after the outbreak so he has a survivalist mindset and Shun appreciates that and the firearm knowledge is only a plus.