
HOTD: The Crafting Dead

Kurogane Shun was your average University student until one night, something extraordinary happened to him. The next day, another extraordinary thing happened...the whole world was plunged into a zombie apocalypse. Was it a coincidence that after he experienced such a thing, the next day an apocalypse happened?

Blanc_Canvas · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs


"Haa..." Shun sighed before smiling wryly. It was already a few hours after he talked with Saeko. He entered the game but with some twists and turns, he died.

"The game mode is 'True' hardcore." He muttered. Unlike the normal hardcore, he played in his past life, the game he played now is truly hardcore.

At night, hostile mob spawns were multiple times more than normal. Walk around at night and you'll encounter groups of hostile mobs. And they're mixed as well and not just one kind.

Not only that, daytime is significantly less than nighttime. Only around 1/3 was daytime and the rest is night. So he needed to be extremely careful.

"That damn creeper...!" Shun gritted his teeth in frustration after remembering the creeper that managed to sneak behind him. His fists clenched tightly before relaxing them. "Haa...now I'm back to the start. Luckily, the increase in my weight limit is not affected by the world reset."

A function of his cheat was being able to bring out in-game items to the real world. However, it has limitations in the form of weight limit. He has a limited capacity of items he can bring in his inventory to the real world.

There are two ways to increase the limit. Either get an achievement and use it to increase the limit by 10 kg or spend 10 levels for 1 kg.

Through his gameplays, though they ended abruptly, he increased his initial limit of 10 kg to 200 kg.

"Thankfully, all was not lost, I managed to store food in my inventory and some tools."

His personal inventory worked separately from his in-game inventory so items stored in it won't be affected by any work reset. He frequently puts in some in-game items in it which he knew would help in this apocalypse.

"Well, I should focus on establishing a safe base first before focusing on the game. Anyway, I already have enough things for now."

Shun was clear on the state of the Takagi Estate. The food supply won't last for long and the personnel was lacking too. In other words, this temporary base won't be functioning soon, and the people being sheltered would need to make a choice: Fight or Die!

He already met with Souichiro Takagi and discussed some things. Both were already planning on some things whilst waiting for Shun's subordinates.

"Sleep...I need sleep for now," Shun muttered before closing his eyes.


The next day~

"Fuwa–Hm?" Shun stretched out his arms as he walked out of the mansion. He just woke up after a long sleep since he helped in night guard duty last night.

However, a commotion caught his attention. Saeko's companions, mainly Miyamoto Rei, were threatening a man.

The man had a thin frame wearing a black pinstripe suit. A white dress shirt underneath along with a yellow tie. He also wears black-framed glasses and brown dress shoes.

Shun immediately recognized the man and scoffed in contempt. The man was Koichi Shido, the homeroom teacher of 3-A at Fujimi Academy. Shun also had him as a teacher and knew the latter wasn't as kind as he appears to be.

"What is that cockroach doing here?" He whispered. He then walked over and saw Souichiro walking there. He gave the man a nod as a greeting which the latter acknowledged.

He then heard the argument and the subsequent events that followed. However, he did not interfere, as a show of respect to Souichiro, the owner of the Estate. In the end, Shun watched as Shido and his group left the Estate premises.

"So you were acquainted with Senator Shido, Souichiro-san?" Shun glanced at his side.

"I have talked with him on a few occasions. He was a shrewd and deceitful man," Souichiro nodded.

"Hmm, as expected of a politician," Shun added. "It was a good decision to banish him." He suddenly said which caused Souichiro to glance at him.

"Why do you say so?"

"He reeks of the same aura as our clients and business rivals," Shun smiled as he replied. He then said his goodbye to Souichiro and walked away.

"...Haha, the same aura huh," Souichiro gave out a knowing smile before walking off as well.


Later that day, the rain stopped giving way to the setting sun to be seen.

It was then that a sudden flash of light appeared in the sky which lightened up the city for a moment before returning to its former state.

People were alarmed but more for those who knew what that flash of light was.

Shun who was having a pleasant talk with Souichiro in the latter's study also saw the light.

Shun took a moment to register what happened before his expression turned grim and serious.

"Souichiro-san..." He says in a grave voice. "...Please have your men prepare. The following night will truly turn dark from now."

"Can you elaborate?"

"That light was from a nuclear bomb being detonated in the upper atmosphere which blasted an EMP blast. The EMP blast caused all electronic devices to be fried, meaning most cars also stopped working." As to reinforce Shun's reply, a man came running into the study without even knocking, showing the severity of the ordeal.

"Commander, our computers suddenly stopped working! All electricity also stopped in the whole Estate."

"..." Souichiro glanced at Shun before giving out his orders. "Have our men put down gas lamps to lighten the Estate."


"...Our plans need to change. The planned population will need to be reduced. However, my subordinates will come soon, we can still proceed." Shun said.

"It seems to be the case," Souichiro nodded. He knew the dangers of their planned evacuation. Added to this sudden event, the danger will increase.

Meanwhile, in a random building in Tokonosu City, several men were gathered inside, fully armed.

"Fuck! What are those bastards thinking?! The world has already turned into this but they still fired those fucking weapons!" Carlo curses out loud. His team wore the same grave expressions on their faces.

"Boss, we need to focus on getting to the young master."

"Fuuu...You're right, we're near the place he mentioned last time. Let's go–!"
