
HOTD: Into the Apocalypse

I was but a normal guy living a normal life when a new set of memories came rushing back at me. What memories were they you ask? Well, the world is apparently about to be engulfed by a virus that turns my fellow humans into creatures whose sole purpose is to infect and spread the virus on a wider scale. Hmm, I feel like I'm forgetting something... oh yeah, I've apparently been reincarnated into the world of HOTD, sounds fun right? ______________________________ Advance sorry as I'm a new author, I have 0 experience in writing fanfics and this is my first time. My first language isn't English so I'll try to make as little mistakes as I can. Sorry in advance. If anyone owns the pic I used for the cover and wanted it to be taken off just tell me and I'll do it.

Lust_Incarnated · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Chapter 6

Hearing gun shots from the direction of the bridge, the group was surprised and had a worried look, we all know that sounds attracts the zombies, and with those gun shots despite being far was heard from here.. we have limited time now, those gun shots attracted a lot of unwanted attention and it's giving me a bad feeling.

Ushering the group to go inside the house, me and Kohta made sure to lock the gate and the door, making sure it's secure, we headed to the living room where the group was.

"Alright, we need to eat, clean up then rest, we've all been through a lot and I know we are all tired so get as much rest as you can...I have a bad feeling about those gun shots." I said, as the zombies relies on hearing, they would hear those even in the distance and with the zombies being able to run here.. it won't long before they all head to the bridge even possibly a horde, and that's one thing the group isn't ready to face yet.

Cooking something simple like curry, we then cook rice as well and handed the plates out after they're cooked, we all sat down by the table in the kitchen and quietly ate in silence as to not attract zombies outside.

Takashi and Hisashi washed the dishes while the ladies along with Alice went and took a shower. Me, Kohta, and Akema went up and saw a locker, I know what this locker is but didn't voice it out as it would be rather suspicious with how I know that there's guns in it.

Kohta being Kohta sensed that there's some rather powerful items in it, so I went down to the garage and took a crowbar from there, I then handed it to Kohta and he tried to open it. Seeing as it's not opening, me and Akema helped him open it up, and it the locker came opening, we saw guns, and ammos in it. I looked at Kohta and he's eyes were literally shining.

"I guess we can 'borrow' this as we need it, man this is a god sent for us." I sad voicing out my idea and a bit 'surprised' with the guns. The boys finished washing the dishes and was also surprised with what we got, I then handed Takashi the Ithaca M37 or to put it simply a shotgun as he had it in the original, Kohta too the Springfield, I took the MP5SFK which was supposed to be Rei's but beat it, the gun was calling me so I had to get it.

(a/n: I'm taking a gun that they would get from the future cuz it's op and would be useful here.)

[images here]

Knowing we would get more in the near future, I told the ladies about what we found after they came out of the bathroom. Shocked as well, they were happy that we have guns to defend ourselves now. "Listen we will only use the guns, if we are even in a tricky situation, as much as possible use melee and avoid making too much noise, I will repeat what I said.. do not and absolutely do not use the guns if you can take out the zombies with bats or the make shift spears." I warned them, nodding at me in response. It was the men's turn to clean up and after we did, we went to sleep.

I set up a watch guard as we can't all be asleep, me and Saeko took first watch while the others sleep, and after 2 hours another duo would take over. "Its a beautiful night isn't it Akio.." Saeko said, and I nodded at her while hugging her, "It is, I just wish we could have enjoyed this view in a safer place.." I replied while kissing her forehead.

We silently watched the night for 2 hours in each other's arms till Saya, and Kohta woke up to take over. Me and Saeko took one of the sleeping bags we were able to get in the super market for some reason. We cuddled in the sleeping bag. "Goodnight Saeko.." I said, she kissed me in the cheek, "Goodnight Akio.." she replied back.

Waking up with your girlfriend in your arms is a blessing indeed, and I was one who enjoys it since I got together with her. Damn she's so cute, drooling on my shirt, I kept myself from laughing hard as to not wake her up..

I sadly couldn't resist and had a light laugh waking her up fro her sleep.. she slowly rose up and rub her eyes rather cutely, and suddenly blushed seeing how she drooled on my shirt while we were asleep. I gave her a morning kiss, and she happily returned it. Man having a girlfriend this cute is a blessing in this apocalypse.

Seeing as the group was either starting to wake up or already woke up, we went to the living room to eat breakfast. After eating we cleaned up and dressed up getting ready to travel to Saya's house. Kohta found the Humvee in the garage last night during his watch, and told us this morning.

Planning to use it along with the bus we all went and gathered up our stuff, with me, Takashi, and Kohta armed with guns and the rest of the group with make shift weapons we split in half with me, Saeko, Shizuka, and Kohta in the Humvee and Rei, Hisashi, Takashi, Akema and Alice along with the dog Zeke went to the bus. I opened the gate and made sure it's clear then got back on the Humvee, signalling the bus to follow us.

I knew we would have to split up soon like in the show as there would be a horde on our way if I'm not mistaken. While we could avoid it with my knowledge, it would be a big detour to those who are heading to the manor, and no way in all hell would I let Takashi be alone with Saeko so I'm replacing him instead.

{A/n: bite me hmph no one goes alone with Saeko but my oc hehehehe}

Suddenly we were hit with a few zombies and I know we are close to the scene where Takashi and Saeko distracted the zombies for the group, except this would be a lot more dangerous.



Author notes: sorry for the rather boring chapter, I'm trying to make a action scene and I already have one in mind just trying to get it in writing, I swear I'll make it up with maybe a r18 chapter heheheheh, it's a maybe no promises, but here's the chapter, il promise I'll make the next one better, and I'll fix the mistakes here I know there are some.

Again do comment your ideas so I can make the story better author out.

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