
hopelessly enamoured

Hi. So I'm changing the original intent of this book, because random ideas are popping into my mind. This will be a collection of all sorts of topics, but most of them might either be of LGBTQ+ literature or sensitive issues. I will make sure to put a warning before any writing anything that can be a trigger. Category: LGBTQ+ literature + random topics Appropriate for all ages, but focusing on the Young Adults (13-18 years old). This is the work of @_mukhtalif_ . If I see anyone copying my work and publishing it as theirs, I will take action. Thank you for checking this out!

_mukhtalif_ · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Author's Note

Hello, all. This is my first time writing on Webnovel, and I will admit that I'm not a literary genius. I'm sorry if I disappoint you, because I know how it feels when one doesn't like a book, and I will always accept constructive criticism.

This work is not, in fact, a novel, but a small collection of poems, some ranging from short paragraphs to long epics. If I had to put this under a specific topic, I would put this under prose-poetry, but I'm not so sure if that is entirely correct.

I will try to update frequently, if many people see this, or if I feel like it. Thank you all for selecting this work to read, I am truly grateful. Do vote on the chapters that you like, or you can tell me if you like it (but that's not mandatory, obviously.)

This is dedicated to all the members of the LGBTQ+ community everywhere. I am so proud of you all, as I know how hard it can be to come out and be fearless when idiots hate you.



_mukhtalif_creators' thoughts