
hopelessly enamoured

Hi. So I'm changing the original intent of this book, because random ideas are popping into my mind. This will be a collection of all sorts of topics, but most of them might either be of LGBTQ+ literature or sensitive issues. I will make sure to put a warning before any writing anything that can be a trigger. Category: LGBTQ+ literature + random topics Appropriate for all ages, but focusing on the Young Adults (13-18 years old). This is the work of @_mukhtalif_ . If I see anyone copying my work and publishing it as theirs, I will take action. Thank you for checking this out!

_mukhtalif_ · LGBT+
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10 Chs

are you sure

"Are you sure?"

no, not at all.

i can only hope, can only wish,

to en-robe your hands with mine,

to gently let my lips dance across yours,

to wrap my arms around your body,

no size is too big for me to express my love for you.

and yet, my brain whirs with possibilities,

what if you are? maybe you aren't!

am I sure? definitely not.

sometimes all one can do is wait.


for some reason, I can't seem to find any setting to make my words *bold* :(((

_mukhtalif_creators' thoughts