
Homunculus Rebirth

Ernest Quelt, the alchemist known for his unparalleled knowledge within the world of alchemy has perished Yet he never met his end by protecting his comrades nor there were struggles with their most recent expedition, it was none other than his comrades The very people he trusted the most would soon betray him for no other reason than his growth Unfortunately, life wasn't unfair. With his last breaths, he gaze at the tube filled with his life's work The artificial being labeled as the 'Homunculus' his creation comparable to that of a human being But what lies beyond this perfect vessel harbors the power of the catastrophic beast that once wreaked havoc on his world

Sleeping_Giant · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
67 Chs

Past time

"Muhahahahahaha!!! Yes!! Purge them all, leave nothing behind of their existence!! I want to see them disappear from my sight and reduce them to ashes. Cull their relatives, and bring forth their absolute demise!!! Peuhehhahahahaha!!!" It finally happened, by the time his soldiers appeared in his sight their fate was inevitable

[System: The guardian's skill unique race ability [Lesser homunculus] has been triggered!!!

Status: All of the available vassals have appeared before their Lord, your words are absolute. Everything you say is irreversible and a lesser extent is chained by your tyranny. As long as they held the same existence as your own, these beast displays unyielding loyalty]

"General Glutton of the devouring leach"

"General Vestal of the manipulative hivemind,"

"Master, we shall cleanse everything from your sight!" The two perfectly aligned their voice, and soon after they rose from his sight and weapons in hand they marched in hopes of conquest

'Good... Mwehehehehehehe! This feeling, I never thought I'd long for such a sight to behold. My enemies were eradicated from my sight, whilst I sat on the throne presented by my subjects... This feels exhilarating!!!'

At this point, Neon was irredeemable, the ideologies were no longer present. As of now the man he once spoke as grand and heroic had disappeared from the face of the world. Not a single speck of his past existence had remained and his nothing but a former shell of his glorious past. At last, he became the thing he hated the most, a being who refutes his belief, a monster that succumbed

"Hehehehehe... This feels incredible! I didn't think I'll ever have servants, what's more, they're cleaning my house!!! So this is how an Absolute evil should act? The joy of having all my chores dealt with by my servants is incredible without a doubt!" Yes, he finally succumbed. Neon had regressed to his former ideologies, he was once a man of action. But as of now, he's nothing but a lazy piece of shit

This freakishly unimaginable beast of pure strength and durability was used as nothing more than a mere housemaid...? This man, no homunculus can no longer afford to be saved when he feels the joy of having his abode rid of its filth by the hands of others. He sat on a plastic chair whilst his minions swept every filth in his sight. What's worse, he's reading a novel and pleasuring himself with bundles of junk food and the flavorful taste of soda

[System: The guardian's command over his minions has risen!!!

Status: Passive ability [Leadership] leaped F- grade -> E+ grade. The guardian has unlocked a sub-ability for [Lesser homunculus]

Sub ability: [Tyrranical will]: This ability has two forms and its activation requirement is the following

(1st form) [Ferocious march]: The deployed homunculus will become feral in return they'll gain an increase in their stats. Each homunculus will gain a feral gauge, when this gauge reaches its max they'll undergo the status effect [Havoc]

[Havoc]: Manifestation of their destructive form, a form higher than the manifesto vassal's catastrophe form

Rank: F

Cost: 300 mana/chi

Duration: 20 minutes

Cooldown: 12 hours

(2nd form) [Inevitable servitude]: If the guardian activates this form instead all of the deployed homunculi will return to their creator's side. Each minion the caster absorbs will temporarily gain their stats and enter [Abomination]

[Abomination]: This is an advanced state which is currently available upon using the skill. The caster will undergo Cross-fusion. In this state, the guardian can transform and Cross-fuse his transformation from a single form to a combined catastrophic manifestation

Rank: F

Cost: 300 mana/chi

Duration: Automatically turns off after any form of danger hasn't been detected for 10 minutes

Cooldown: 24 hours]

"Master, can you lift your feet?" Glutton was in charge is sweeping the floors and the rest were either supervised by Vestal

It's been a week since they've yet arrived at their home, Alex stayed the night with Zane and the rest. He never felt lonely in their time in the wilderness, but he wasn't able to fool his master, not even a second. No matter how much he tends to hide his suffering from that facade of a jolly happy go, lucky boy, deep down his deeply scarred

No amount of treatment will recover his former innocence and most of the time his panic attack occurs in the dead of night. But in the times he spent inside the rift for better or worse, he felt that he was equal to the ones who reached for his hand. Since openly asking about his illness would only affect his mood, Neon easily plotted all these events purely for his gain

'I can't believe im missing the presence of that loud mouth of a disciple... This infuriates me the most! Normally I'd be relieved after I got all that annoyance away from my sight, but I guess not. If I knew that he wasn't coming home, I should've agreed to accompany Gwen in her little project,'

It seems one of the things which upsets him the most was the stability of his surroundings. He always lived a life with every passing second he'd be requested to lend a helping hand, now he faces the well-known enemy of mankind. Boredom, he had never once felt this feeling of emptiness and lack of danger in his life

'It's too early to sleep. Even if I do, my body doesn't require me to rest, one of the abilities it had is to relieve my fatigue... My draconic heart is beating with such a tremendous speed that's far above the average dragon,'

'The mana I gained from being one with nature gets sucked into my body and my heart pumps it through every available limb. I am neither drained nor in need of rest, occasionally I feel like im a level 99 final boss with max attributes. In any case, I can read this novel since I'm bored. But the title... This isn't a joke, right?'

Since it's been a week, he already finished reading every novel he bought along with their groceries. In the middle of his flight back to his house, he took a detour and visited the same bookstore and flooded a basket full of books. He rubbed his eyes and slowly read the title once more, but it seems that his eye never failed to display the truth

"Truck kun killed me and before I knew it I got reincarnated as one of the heroes, the great alchemist Ernest Quelt? Seriously...? This is real? I can't believe this is one of their most popular stories~ 2 billion copies!!? This isn't a joke, isn't it...?" Though it was a portrayal of his story, he never thought I'd be such a hit considering its title

"Do you want us to hunt that person down?" Glutton along with Vestal we're furious about such a thing as a book that plays with the life of their master

"Oh come on, the both of you should learn to keep your cool. It's just a book, I'll return the book when the stores open... Let's check the rest of the books I've bought, there's bound to be something good," When he tried to relieve the anger of his homunculus. Neon never knew of the content of the rest of the books he bought. He later realizes that even till his death his fanbase has yet to disappear

[System: The only books the guardian has are the following

1. Autobiography of Ernest Quelt's delay sword technique A.K.A the 'Anime slash'

2. Tales of the sword stripper, Ernest Quelts lightning fast sword strips his enemies of their clothing

3. Tales of the wandering pharmacist

4. Alchemical regression: Ernest Quelts second life in becoming more of a monster than he originally was

5. Enter the Quelt: A martial arts story inspired by Ernest Quelt

6. Absolute monarch of tyranny: That time Ernest Quelt reincarnated as an overlord and gain the power of darkness

Scroll down for more]

"Enough!!! Is there any book that's not related to me? I just want to have a relaxing evening! Is that so hard to ask and might as well read a book that's in no relation to me..."

[Status: There's a single book that matches the guardian's request!!!]

'You're not pulling my leg, right...? Is there truly such a book? Show me the title right now system!!!'

[System: The targeted book information will now be presented to the host!!!

Book: [Vampiric superhero interdimensional traveling part-time cultivator that's equipped with a system] is the only thing that matches the host's request

Synopsis: This is a story about a vampire who found out his human father was a superhero all along. Before he was to attend a school for heroes a wormhole opens and he finds himself in the world of cultivation. Before he could return to his world, the mc is required to finish the missions given to him by an annoying system]

"I regretted my decision..." It seems in the year 2070th was one the toughest time to find a normal book. After he finishes binge-reading the novel, he decided to continue watching the cartoons he grew to love. This was the time he truly realizes the horrible truth that he's yet to accept

'The world truly is cruel... What did the people do to get this kind of thing? I miss the time when there were a lot of isekai novels, and now im missing them. I regret avoiding those novels, now I have to face this hell of a reality, a world where the titles are so long,'