

The Earth shattered by darkness and despair, where demonic forces emerge from a malevolent portal to unleash havoc upon the lands, hope flickers like a dying ember. Just as humanity teeters on the precipice of defeat, a solitary figure emerges from the shadows, determined to defy destiny and ignite a spark of resistance.

Danari_Barcenas · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

II - Spark of Survival

Dristan calls forth his summons - Kikuryuu the Flame Meister, Ryozen the Flame Arsenal, Kujikawa the Flame Scholar and Ikkaku the Flame Barrier but this time instead of their phoenix form they are in their human form.

"Dristan it seems you're in pinch."

One of his phoenix said who wore a Japanese Kinagashi-style Kimono with several flintlocks on the waist said.

"Long time no see everyone. This is disaster rather than a pinch Kikuryuu."

Dristan replied.

"I called specifically the four of you since I need your powers. Kujikawa, do you think we could kill those Demons approaching us?"

Dristan added.

The girl in glasses wearing a Samue-clothing holding a scroll answered that they are susceptible to MREN-oriented attacks; she added that with Dristan's MREN there is a high chance he could kill them.

"Good to hear that Kujikawa, now I need your knowledge regarding those monsters, also assist General De Luna here and you'll provide communication between us using our telepathy. Ryozen, I need a sharp sword and shield that has a high durability. Ikkaku, I need you to protect these people while fighting. Kikuryuu, you'll be fighting with me in the field."

Ryozen the huge monk looking guy who was carrying a huge coffin-like stash transform into a katana with wing pattern on the tsuba and a winged-design buckler. Meanwhile Ikkaku vanished in thin air, then every soldier in the defense line blanket themselves in a translucent aura-like. It was Ikkaku's barrier that envelops their body and it provide protection against the Demons. Everyone felt a surge of morale as they felt the warm barrier that covers them.

"General De Luna, everyone here might be protected by Ikkaku's barrier but that protection isn't omnipotent since Ikkaku is covering many soldier."

Kujikawa advises.

De Luna announces that everyone mustn't be overconfident and must remain vigilant even they had protection.


The preparation in the defense line was broadcast inside the bunker, and after a short while the battle against the Demons began. Monitors where placed in the vast holding area of the refugees which everyone saw Dristan's cooperation.

Some were shookt by the mystical power Dristan's shared, while some felt optimistic, but there few become astonished. Those few people knew to themselves that they had that kind of power which could help them but they remained silent in order not to be cast out by the other, amongst those people who remained silent are Lyne Horzuluna and Scud Sreve.

Those two were Dristan's former comrades and both of them are powerful MREN User. Lyne and Scud was around the corner while watching the live feed in the defense line.

"Damn that Dristan! We already agreed that we should avoid any dangerous situation after the MREN War."

Lyne annoyingly said.

"Well, you know him and his hero-istic ego. Perhaps there is someone amongst the refugee he wants to protect. Knowing him, he'll do anything even if it's his life is on line doing that."

"We were lucky to be alive after the war, even though Dristan is strong we don't know the true potential of those Demons."

"Ollie of London Knights already sent a video of him fighting a Demon to everyone before our telecommunications were cut off. If Ollie could kill those Demons, then Dristan could handle those monster easily."

"That thin guy in bulky armor did? Then there is no need for us to help Dristan this time?"

"For the meantime, I think there's no need for us to help him."

Scud said as he lowers his hood as they maintain low profile within the refugees

Not far from them, a girl with odd dress was trying to get the attention of the authorities station near the exit. She was in distressed and screaming on the top of her lungs that guy on the monitor will die protecting the gate of the bunker. That incident caught the attention of Lyne and Scud who wasn't afar. The guards just ignore the distressed girl.

As a MREN User, it is easy to identify another MREN User because they had this kind of intuition or sense of knowing of their own kind.

Lyne quickly moved to where the girl is, and asked something.

"Hey you! What is your name?"

"I am Hazel... Help that guy on the monitor! He will die in the near future! I am telling you the truth!"

"How sure are you?!"

Lyne panicky asked.

"It's been few months since I got this weird feeling... I suddenly daze off then in a short while I could tell a fragment of future... This happened to me many times already and no one believes me..."

"A premonition MREN ability?"

Scud wonders.

"Could you tell us what is the exact time when it will happen?"

"I am sorry but I can't tell you when... As I enter that stated I have no control of everything."

"Hey Scud, If this girl's premonition is right then Dristan is in danger!"

Lyne hurriedly told the guards to let them pass but under strict orders they aren't allowed let civilians just wander outside. Lyne couldn't get through normally so she tried to use her MREN Ability, however before she could activate it a well-known personally intervenes the commotion.

It was the Mayor of Davao - Sebas D.

"What is happening here?"

The mayor asked who was just behind Lyne and Scud.

The guards saluted and explained the situation as Scud tried to calm down Lyne.

"I see, but miss do you have any evidence that thing will happen, letting this commotion might led the civilians here become unrest"'

Mayor Sebas asked.

As it was just a premonition there is no solid evidence they could provide but Lyne couldn't risk the chance of letting that happen. She was just about to burst at the gate as Scud speaks up.

"Mayor Sebas, I am Scud of Black Berets - 1st Offense Team Leader. This is Lyne the Vice-Leader of Black Berets, and this girl is Hazel. The three of us have MREN Ability, and this girl Hazel has a premonition ability. That guy on the screen is our Leader, Dristan of the Flames. We humbly asked for a permission to get out and help our comrade."

"It is easy to say that since it was all told in the live feed -"

But before the Mayor could finish his word Scud transform into a black haze then into a Grim Reaper-like. In a couple of seconds he goes back to his original form.

The Mayor, the two guards, as well as who was nearby was shocked.

"That was transmogrification effect as we use our MREN Ability. Miss Hazel, you might not notice but you are still in transmogrification effect. Try to calm down, feel the energy into yourself, shutting it slowly and recall what was your clothes before you Transmog**."

Scud explained.

As Hazel did what Scud told her, she immediately revert to her original wear.

The Mayor took a deep breathe. He ask to them to follow him and explain that it will just take a couple of minute before he will let them go outside.

The Mayor led them in the inner entrance gate before the tunnel and entered a meeting room.

Inside the room there are four radio operators, two drone operators, and four high ranking military official discussing on a conference table.

"Greetings Mayor Sebas!"

One of the officials greets.

The Mayor introduces Lyne, Scud, as well as Hazel to the officials. He told that Lyne and Scud were Dristan's comrades and they had the same ability as him and he saw it first hand. Then Mayor Sebas asked Hazel what she saw in the near future.

The short conversation was interrupted as one of the radio guy reported that most of the refugees are now inside the bunker and only few left at the tunnel, in addition, General De Luna requested for a full retreat together with Dristan who was with them.

Lyne become relief as she heard the report.

"Does your MREN Ability always accurate? Since it seems everything goes smoothly?"

Lyne asked.

However before Hazel could answer; Lyne, Scud, and Hazel felt an ominous pressure. Hazel immediately collapse while Lyne and Scud could barely stand. The mayor asked what was the problem but they couldn't answer. Scud instinct kicks in an transmogrify into his Grim Reaper form.

"Lyne, transmog immediately!"

Scud shouted as he reaps a piece of clothing and covers Hazel with it.

Lyne transmog into a faintly essence being wearing an onmyoji dress holding a crescent-shaped blade and she had nine furry tails with a fox ears.

"No need to be alarmed, we aren't not monster. This is our MREN Transmogrification. We transform into this when we use our ability even just a small portion. We happened to felt an ominous pressure and our transmog is protecting us from it."

Scud explained.

"What was that? I never felt that pressure ever since we fought one of the ten Godfathers."

"I don't know but definitely it is not good. Someone could tell us what is the situation of the evacuees?"

Scud asked.

"I am Lt.Gen. Bautista. Right now, the civilians entered the Gate 2 of the tunnel. The bunker tunnel is compromise of five gate which is the Gate 5 is the outer gate and Gate 1 is the inner and last gate. We will close those gates as soon as the defense line team retreats."

One of the high ranking officers said.

"That being said, I hope the defense line team and Dristan could retreat safely. Just to make sure that no Demons are chasing them we go to the tunnel and group with them incase."

Lyne suggested as she was trying to get a firm footing after that sudden pressure.

The four officers together with the mayor brefly discussed it and one of them isn't enthusiastic about the suggestion but it was a race of time since the other group is now retreating. The mayor explain that after all these problem they want to have a dialogue with them and explain to them by detais regarding MREN. Lyne and Scud had no other choice but to accept it, and before they could leave the room, the Lt.General gave them two ear buds for communication.