

The Earth shattered by darkness and despair, where demonic forces emerge from a malevolent portal to unleash havoc upon the lands, hope flickers like a dying ember. Just as humanity teeters on the precipice of defeat, a solitary figure emerges from the shadows, determined to defy destiny and ignite a spark of resistance.

Danari_Barcenas · Fantasy
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9 Chs

III - Cause of Catastrophe

At the defense line, Dristan eagerly hold the Demons with the help of Kikuryuu who was plunging fireballs on the battlefield as he was using his flintlocks as summoning mechanism of the fireballs. Even though the fire arms used by the soldiers weren't effective and it looks like a BB gun as they shoot on the Demons, it helped to distract and fend off the monsters and not let them pass on the defense line area.

Kujikawa help De Luna to organise and defensive line so that Dristan could easily defeat the Demon slowly. It was proved that Demons could be killed by using MREN Ability as they saw those monsters turning into ashes as they got hit by Kikuryuu's fireball or slash by Dristan's sword. The Demon's numbers slowly diminished as the battle goes on, the flow of the battle smoothly turns to humanity's side but that didn't last long. Almost thirty minutes had past and most of the monsters were killed while on the human's side few receive injuries but not severe.

"We could wipe out these monster if we could keep this pace. Just don't do anything reckless."

Dristan telepathically said to Kujikawa and relay it to the General De Luna.

The general was glad that first time in the record humanity will win against the Demons. He told to his soldier that if they keep the pace up they would win, it bolstered the morale of everyone including the ones in the bunker. Nonetheless Dristan carefully thought how will he end this as he avoids casualty on their side.

Thus a malevolent aura gushed from afar like a whiplash struck to Dristan. He observed his surrounding but everyone didn't noticed it and this gives him an unpleasant feeling. He asked Kujikawa and the other Phoenixes if they felt that aura.

"Yeah, more likely a sinister aura than a malevolent..."

Ikkaku said.

"Dristan! I've sensed a strong aura from the direction of a portal where the Demons are coming from..."

Kujikawa reported.

"Kujikawa you could sense a portal? Could you tell me how far this aura and this portal are?"

Dristan questioned.

"I can't exactly pinpoint the location of the portal, though I am positive that this is a dimension portal. It seems this aura just go out from the portal and slowly coming this way."

Dristan immediately told the general to evacuate everyone. He took precaution for he might not able to defeat this Demon with a strong aura. He added that he will be the last one to retreat along with the last vehicle to move out.

General De Luna without hesitation he ordered every soldier to retreat and inform the HQ. They got a reply from HQ that every civilian was inside the tunnel and they are ordered to retreat in the bunker as well. Ikkaku informs the General and Dristan that he will create a huge dome barrier in order to defend everyone while they are loading in vehicles, he added that barrier will only last for around five minutes and everyone must leave as soon as the barrier vanish. Colonel Patiño inform them that they could load everyone in all vehicles available in less than five minutes just let them know when they'll retreat.

All the drivers were ordered to start the engines of their vehicles while the others hold off the defense line. Those who are injured are the first one to be loaded and be assisted by those who can. In just a couple of minutes, a huge translucent dome-like structure was formed in the defense line. The Demons weren't able to penetrate that barrier. In a second, everyone recognized that it was the signal that they are waiting for. The able ones helped those injured soldier to get in the vehicles and it was finished in just a minute or two.

The General sat the the first vehicle of the retreating convoy while Colonel Patiño drove a BMW Motorrad R nineT Scrambler motorbike, he is the last one and he was Dristan's driver as they will retreat.

The barrier vanishes and all vehicles retreated. Colonel Patiño awaits for Dristan to hop on, as Kikuryuu plunged the battlefield with a large number of fireballs which incinerate the whole place. There are few Demons survived but sea of flames wall them from the retreating units. As Dristan hops on, all of the summons vanishes and Dristan reverts back to his original form.


While at the road, Dristan asked the Colonel if there are any casualty reported. The Colonel replied that there are some injured soldier and few are severe but not to the point that they'll die during the retreat. The Colonel could hear Dristan's puff at his back, which clearly that was not an easy task he did even though what they saw is like an easy thing to do for Dristan. He get a canister of water which was placed infront of him and gave it to Dristan. Dristan receives it and said thanks as he was about to take a gulp while riding at the back.

As they entered the tunnel, Dristan asked the Colonel to stop. The Colonel asked why, but Dristan gave a vague answer.

"I have still an unfinished business to attend to."

The Colonel stopped and asked.

"Could you give me the specifics? I need to know so that I had something to answer when the General asked. Also you are the one who save us, if you can't tell me then I'll come with you."

"Okay, earlier I left a strong aura... I still don't know if it was a Demon or not but one thin I am sure, it was evil and it is coming for us."

That time the Colonel shudders.

"Is there anything I can do to help you?"

"Naah, there is nothing you can do at this moment. I need to make sure that creature who had that strong aura must be stop. If you'll stay with me, you might be just a burden."

The Colonel understand what he was saying.

"Also Colonel, if there is something that could close the tunnel I think you should do it since I don't know what will happen if I'll fight this creature."

Dristan said as the Colonel started the engine.

Dristan slowly walks to where the exit was as the Colonel left him. He composes himself and thinks what in his arsenal is left.

"Summoning my Phoenixes is surely draining... I still need to defeat that creature with strong aura..."

One thing he noticed is that when he stopped his transmogrification or transmog for short, that aura he felt become oppresive and he was having difficulties. He tried to transmog - his clothing changes as he was now wearing a black trench coat with chains wrapped in his arms and dangling over his coat. Now he felt relieved, the oppresive aura he felt gone but the uneasiness still lingers there.

Few minutes had past, growls and screeches heard not far from the entrance of the tunnel. Dristan immediately knew that that it was the Hell Dogs and Hell Bats are coming.

Summoning his Phoenixes drains his energy exponentially, that is why he chose to use his other MREN Ability - <10-Pon no Kusari> which derives from the word 'The Ten Chains'. Each chains has a distinctive piercers at the end and each has different powers. Normally Dristan uses his chains both defensively and offensively, he could control the chains to strike, whip, wrap, or anything at its disposal to gain advantage on the enemy. As soon as the Demons where at his sight, he flung ten of his chains and strikes the on their cluster.

The battle drags up to more than ten minutes. When the ambience of the tunnel changes. The Hell Dogs became dubious and slowly backing down, while the Hell Bats became wary and just fly at the top edges of the tunnel.

Dristan is now gasping for oxygen, the tiredness is now showing in his face. His vision slowly become blurry and his reflexes become numb.

"I think this is it for me, I'll just hope that the evacuation is now finished."

He taught as one of his knees gave up.

"You are astounding for a human being. You almost killed all of my minions."

A figure slowly emerges from the entrance said.

"Who... who are you?! Rather what are you?!"

Dristan roared.

The figure was much likely a human being but as soon as the dim light of the tunnel glow on him, it was revealed it was a being with red-pupil eyes, small horns on its forehead, it was bare naked with reddish black skin with several greenish feathers attached and holds a flaming sword. He introduces itself as Lesser Rank Infernal Being named Meletaus.

In a blink of an eye, Dristan attacks with his last energy. The ten chains merge as one and swiftly strike Meletaus. The place shakes as the chain connects to Meletaus and covers the impact with ash from the killed Demons and dust.

As soon as the ash and dust dissipates in the air, Meletaus was seen blocking Dristan's chain. Unfortunately it was not enough to kill Meletaus, the Infernal Being smirks as it sees Dristan's demise. That attack was the last attack Dristan could do, it was his last hope, his last chance, and last fight.

Dristan's demise reaction was short as his senses slowly blacks out.

"This is it... Good bye everyone..."