
Hollywood Great Artist

Abby was reincarnated in a world in 1988 with a new name Aria. See, if she can finally accomplish what she desires to be and how her crazy journey of loving Hollywood began. it's a about a girl discovering her dream. PS: Her past life was always about succeeding not finding any entertainment

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2 Chs

Chapter 2

As a born-again girl, the year 1988 in New York City was a new and exciting experience for her. She was born to a single mother, Sarah, who was determined to provide the best life possible for her daughter. The first five years of the girl's life were filled with new experiences and explorations as she learned about the world around her.

As a baby, the girl's earliest memories were of the comfort and security of her mother's arms. Sarah was a devoted and loving mother, and she did everything in her power to keep her daughter safe and happy. The girl felt safe and protected in her mother's care, and she was eager to explore the world around her.

As the girl grew older, she began to explore the city with her mother. They visited museums, parks, and other cultural attractions, and the girl was fascinated by everything she saw. She loved to learn, and her mother encouraged her curiosity by answering her questions and explaining the world around her.

One of the girl's favorite pastimes was watching movies with her mother. Sarah was a big movie buff, and she loved to share her passion with her daughter. They would curl up on the couch and watch classic movies together, and the girl was enchanted by the stories and characters on the screen. She thought why couldn't she find this much love in movies before.

As the girl grew older, she began to develop her own interests and passions. She loved to draw and paint, and her mother encouraged her creativity by providing her with art supplies and enrolling her in art classes.

At the age of five, the girl began kindergarten, and she was thrilled to be starting school. She loved learning and was excited to make new friends. School was a new and exciting experience for her, and she was eager to soak up all the knowledge she could.

Despite the challenges of being a single mother in a big city, Sarah did everything in her power to give her daughter the best life possible. She worked hard to provide for her family and to ensure that her daughter had everything she needed to thrive.

As the girl approached her sixth birthday, she was filled with excitement and anticipation for all the new experiences that lay ahead. She was eager to continue exploring the world around her and to pursue her passions and interests. With her mother's support and encouragement, the girl was ready to navigate the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead.

As the born-again girl entered into year six, she was eager to continue her academic journey. She excelled in her classes and was a quick learner, and her teachers were impressed by her intelligence and curiosity. She was an excellent student, always asking questions and eager to learn more.

Despite her academic success, the girl never lost her love of the arts. She continued to draw and paint, and she developed a deep passion for film. Her mother continued to support her interests, and they would often watch movies together and discuss the storytelling techniques and cinematic elements.

As the girl entered her preteen years, she began to develop a keen interest in filmmaking. She started creating short films with her friends, using her mother's old camcorder. Her films were simple, but they demonstrated her talent for storytelling and her eye for visual composition.

The girl's mother was supportive of her daughter's artistic pursuits, but she was also concerned about the challenges of pursuing a career in the film industry. She wanted her daughter to have a stable and secure future, and she worried that the arts might not provide that.

Despite her mother's concerns, the girl persisted in her passion for filmmaking. She started researching film schools and began to teach herself more about the technical aspects of film production. She would spend hours reading books and watching tutorials, determined to master the craft of filmmaking.

At the age of thirteen, the girl's passion for film led her to make a bold decision. She wanted to attend a film school in California, but her mother was hesitant to support her dream. After much discussion and negotiation, the girl convinced her mother to let her attend a summer program in Los Angeles.

The summer program was a life-changing experience for the girl. She was immersed in the world of filmmaking and had the opportunity to work with other young filmmakers. She learned about every aspect of film production, from screenwriting to cinematography to post-production.

The experience cemented the girl's desire to pursue a career in film, and she returned home more determined than ever. She continued to make short films with her friends, and she began to apply to film schools around the country which will give her scholarship.

Despite the challenges of being a single mother, Sarah continued to support her daughter's dreams. Even though she was still not convinced about that. She recognized the girl's talent and drive and did everything in her power to help her achieve her goals.

As the girl approached her high school years, she knew that the road ahead would be challenging. The film industry was competitive and difficult to break into, but she was determined to make it work. With her mother's support and encouragement, the girl was ready to navigate the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead.