
Hollywood Fame and Fortune

Martin Davis, a gifted yet uncelebrated actor trapped in the mediocrity of his circumstances. However, fate takes an astonishing twist when he miraculously finds himself in the body of an impoverished youth in the year 2003. Determined to escape the clutches of poverty and relish in wealth and stardom, Martin sets his sights on Hollywood, a city that beckons with its extravagance and promises. With his cunning intellect and a disregard for traditional morality, he embarks on a relentless quest, willing to go to any lengths to achieve his goal. As Martin navigates the glitzy yet treacherous world of showbiz, he leaves a trail of fallen adversaries in his ascent to becoming a global sensation. His journey is marked by unexpected alliances, moral dilemmas, and sacrifices that challenge the very core of his being. The story of his transformation, ambition, and the relentless pursuit of dreams, even if it means rewriting the stars. The unapologetic drive of the Martin has, and the timeless quest for fame and fortune. #Hollywood #Showbiz #America #Celebrity #Star #Reallife #Antihero

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782 Chs

Chapter 328: Seeking Justice

"Many newspapers noted that yesterday's appearance on the Helen show allowed people to see the real you," Aniston commented as she flipped through newspapers in the villa at the Coty community.

Martin took a sip of milk and replied, "Urgent public relations efforts before a crisis can have some effect."

He continued, "Qualifications can only be replaced with American dream-style hard work. There's nothing else you can do."

Aniston, with more industry experience, added, "Oscars have a nickname, the consolation award for middle-aged and elderly people. The four major acting awards plus best director. If young people get nominated, that's considered a victory for them."

Martin pondered, "Why are the judges mostly older?"

Aniston leaned in, questioning Martin, "On the Helen show, you mentioned mediating the conflict between Jolie and me? Is that true?"

Martin replied without hesitation, "When Helen brings it up, I always have to address it."

Aniston expressed her frustration, "That Bitch has portrayed herself as a saint!"

Martin explained, "She's just crafting a public image."

Aniston connected the dots, "Like the American sweetheart I used to be?"

Martin inquired, "What do you think about this?"

Aniston contemplated for a moment and responded, "Unless she publicly apologizes to me first, the rest can wait until she does."

Jennifer Aniston's anger seemed to be primarily directed at Brad Pitt due to his involvement, while she didn't harbor as much resentment toward Jolie for taking Martin away.

Jennifer Aniston inquired, "You mentioned last night that you've identified the person behind the smear campaign. Who is it?"

Martin revealed, "It's likely Brad Pitt." He elaborated, "I had someone investigate. The author of the defamatory article, Alan Greene, works for Empire magazine, and it turns out that Richard Cross, who wrote the Empire article, met with Brad Pitt the day before it was published. We don't need concrete evidence for this kind of thing, not when it's not the LAPD."

Jennifer Aniston fell silent briefly before apologizing, "I'm sorry, I've brought trouble to you."

Martin reassured her, "It's fine. I was just pursuing an Oscar nomination. I didn't expect this to have such a significant impact. The interviews and talk show appearances were all part of the plan, just a bit ahead of schedule."

Aniston expressed her anger, "Brad Pete is so despicable and shameless to use such tactics against you."

Martin remained composed, "I can't think of a way at the moment, and Pitt hasn't directly provoked me. I can't confront Brad Pitt like I did at the Avalon Bar last time."

Jennifer Aniston's tone shifted, "What about Jolie?"

Martin disclosed that he had been in contact with Jolie, saying, "She may come up with some ideas, like orchestrating a situation with you and her in front of Pitt, claiming that Pitt has hidden mania and had physically harmed a previous nanny. It might provoke a reaction from him."

Aniston remembered, "At the beginning, two nannies reported to me that Pete had ulterior motives towards them. He not only threatened them when they refused, but he even used physical force. However, they left, and I didn't pay much attention."

These accounts, combined with Julie's words, led Martin to make a significant deduction.

Aniston sighed, "I was foolish back then. I had love in my eyes and overlooked so many important things."

Martin reassured her, "Jen, it's not your fault. You're too kind."

Aniston made a profound observation, "Where there is kindness, there's also treachery." She pointed a finger at Brad Pitt, "After our divorce, I realized that Brad Pitt, like CAA, changed after Friends ended. He didn't marry me; he married the United States. My sweetheart got married, and during the few years we were together, he transformed into a superstar."

Aniston fetched a pen and paper, then flipped through her address book, "I remember the names and contact information of those nannies. This all started because of me, and it's not over."

Martin promised, "I will seek justice for us."

Aniston passed him the note, and he accepted it, kissing her hand. She said firmly, "Let's make him regret it."

Martin nodded, "As you wish, my lady."

Aniston mused, "Looking back, I realize that Pitt had a peculiar interest in housekeepers. The nannies seemed different."

Martin acknowledged, "I know." He didn't linger and left shortly after breakfast.

As they drove, Martin asked, "Bruce, did the Foot Gang change the venue?"

Bruce replied, "To Butch's Striptease Performing Arts Club."

Martin inquired, "Is there a bar called Palm Springs nearby?" This was where Pete had met with Empire magazine personnel.

Bruce had been there and confirmed, "On the same street."

Martin speculated, "Maybe the Foot Gang was partying that night."

Bruce understood the implication, "It's not just Brad Pitt, is it?"

Martin reached for his phone just as an incoming call rang.

He answered tentatively, "Martin?"

The voice on the other end responded, "It's me, hello, Georgina." Martin had previously met Georgina at the Toronto Film Festival, and he continued their conversation, "Last time we met, you mentioned a fashion party in Los Angeles after the New Year?"

Georgina confirmed, "That's right, it's scheduled for after the New Year. Are you planning to attend various award ceremonies during this season?"

Martin replied, "If you confirm the date, please don't forget to send me an invitation. I'll be there to support you."

Georgina smiled and asked, "Can you bring Aniston with you?"

Martin didn't make decisions for Aniston, "I'll discuss it with her."

Georgina replied, "Please be patient and wait for my invitation."

Martin thanked her again and ended the call.

Bruce glanced at Martin with curiosity.

Martin reminded him to concentrate on driving, saying, "Stay focused, Bruce! Do you want us to get into an accident together?"

Bruce retorted, "Man, are you too ruthless? You're driving Harvey crazy at this pace!"

Martin was surprised, "Isn't it normal for people in the industry to attend big-name fashion parties? It's your fault, old Bu."

Bruce didn't want to engage in further conversation.

Martin handed a note to Bruce and said, "These people used to be Jane and Pitt's housekeepers before their divorce. They might have information about Brad Pitt. Investigate it."

Bruce nodded, "I understand. We need to maintain distance and avoid any direct contact."

Martin agreed, "Call Atlanta and have Ivan come here."

Bruce agreed, "I'll call him."

After dropping Martin off at the studio, Bruce headed to a public phone booth to make the call to Atlanta.

Meanwhile, in Atlanta, Ivan wasted no time packing his bags, booked a plane ticket, and headed to Los Angeles.

In a mansion in Beverly Hills, Georgina waved to a departing Rolls-Royce from the fountain square. Harvey Weinstein, in the car, assured her, "Don't worry, my dear, I'll be back before the Oscars."

Harvey, unable to find a suitable film for this year's Oscars, planned to travel to Europe, Asia, and Australia in search of potential contenders for the following year.

Reluctantly, Georgina said, "Harvey, remember to call me often."

As the Rolls-Royce drove away, Harvey waved, and the window closed, leaving Georgina alone with a sense of relief.

She knew that Harvey would never sacrifice the entire entertainment industry for one person. As a man with his reputation, he was sure to have actresses sent by producers or those seeking his attention.

Georgina appreciated Harvey's kindness after reading "A Thousand Sails."

In Fountain Square, Georgina's smile disappeared as she watched the car leave the gate. She muttered, "Finally, I can relax. No more facing that old, fat face all day."

Her assistant followed up, asking, "Is something wrong, boss?"

Georgina, kicking off her high heels, fell onto the sofa and replied, "What's going on?"

The assistant handed her the phone, saying, "Ms. Winslet called."

Georgina sat up, dialed Kate's number, and spoke with enthusiasm, "Hi, Kate, are you in Los Angeles? Fantastic! Let's meet this afternoon for a chat. Oh."

Kate inquired, "Aren't you supposed to accompany Harvey?"

Georgina explained, "He's gone to Europe, so I finally have some peace." She added more quietly, "I've sacrificed a lot for my career. It's been really tough. If you don't come out and chat with me, I'll get depressed."

The Rolls-Royce continued on its way to Los Angeles Airport, with the driver focusing on navigating through traffic. Unbeknownst to them, three cars of varying makes and models followed at a distance.

The News of the World team arrived at the airport, adopting the guise of travelers tending to their business and entered the terminal.

Lukaku stood near a pillar, casually perusing a magazine as their target, Xavi, passed through the security checkpoint for an international flight.

Once Xavi disappeared from view, Hazard approached, hands in his pockets, and said, "I paid special attention at the boarding pass check-in area. It seems like he's heading to France."

Courtois joined the conversation, a touch irritated, "I finally managed to tap his hotel room phone, and now he's off to Europe."

Lukaku remained the most composed, "Don't worry, he's heading to his Europe, and we're going to make contact with those women."