
Hokage: I’m Enlightened Again

Shenmu, a primary school student in the china, accidentally traversed into the world of ninjas and became a tail-end student at the Ninja School. Expecting an ordinary life, he unexpectedly displayed extraordinary talent, initiating a remarkable counterattack. Iruka: "I taught the Clone Jutsu, and you mastered the Shadow Clone Jutsu? Wait, a Multiple Shadow Clone Jutsu? You even manifested Water Release, Earth Release, and Lightning Release clones..." Iruka: "I taught Shurikenjutsu, and you somehow developed the Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu, and even conjured the Rasengan?? Wait, Wind Release Shuriken?" Iruka: "I taught Wood Release, and you, you actually realized Wood Release: Tree World Birth?" Third Hokage: "This child, a ninja deity is born among us!"

TranslatioGenius · Anime e quadrinhos
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12 Chs

I Realised It Again .

Chapter 7: I Realised It Again

After recovering from shock, Third Hokage felt the remaining Wind Style Chakra in the pit and asked Shenmu: "Where did you learn this ninjutsu?"

This was the first time he had seen this type of Wind Style ninjutsu!

As a ninja professor, he has studied various ninjutsu for many years.

In this big pit, he saw traces of the attack caused by Rasengan!

But Rasengan is a non-attribute attack, and there will be no wind attribute Chakra.

Therefore, preliminary speculation is that this is an improved and recreated Wind Style Ninjutsu based on Rasengan!

"I just realized it."

Shenmu answered innocently.

As he spoke, Shenmu pointed to Yamato on the stretcher: "Just now I thought he was an assassination ninja sent by other villages. In desperation, I tried to imitate the shuriken posture with Wind Style Chakra..."

"go on."

Third Hokage looked at Shenmu inquiringly, looking forward to Shenmu's next experience...

Shenmu and Third Hokage looked at each other and said bravely: "Then it was successful..."

Third Hokage:? ? ?

And then it was successful?

that's it? !

Develop a ninjutsu and succeed so casually? !

And it's the extremely lethal Wind Style ninjutsu!

Even when Nidaime was developing new ninjutsu, he went through many experiments.

Yet this kid took him through it with just one sentence!

Third Generation doesn't know how to describe its mood at this moment!

Originally, he only thought that Shenmu was an ordinary genius who had been hiding for many years and suddenly revealed himself.

But now it seems that Shenmu's talent is extremely terrifying!

before today.

The Third Generation , which has studied ninjutsu for many years, has never seen any ninja perform the Wind Style that Shenmu used today!

It's not even recorded in ninjutsu books!

In other words, this ninjutsu is most likely created by Shenmu!

He was actually able to learn Rasengan in just a few years of studying Ninjutsu.

And based on the foundation of Rasengan, the extremely destructive Wind Style ninjutsu is recreated!

This is not a monster, what is it? ? !

"Shenmu, let me ask again, is it true that no one taught you this ninjutsu, such as Jiraiya or..."

Third Generation couldn't help but verify it again.

Shenmu thought that Hokage was blaming him for developing ninjutsu and causing great trouble.

"No, I did everything by myself."

Shenmu lowered his head.

Third Generation saw this and asked no more questions.

After that, he was afraid that other villages would find out about a super genius in Konoha, so he told all patrol members to keep their mouths shut and not leak the news.

At the same time, in order not to make Shenmu too proud, he deliberately said: "Shenmu, you used Ninjutsu well this time, but you didn't control the technique well, otherwise you wouldn't have destroyed your house..."

"So, don't blindly pursue numerous and complicated ninjutsu, but practice one strength to the ultimate..."

Shenmu nodded after hearing this.


The road to learning Ninjutsu is long and slow!

I am just a newbie in elementary school!

These small achievements don't even count!

Thinking of this, he looked up at Third Generation.

As expected of Lord Hokage!

The opinions given are very constructive!

It's mind-blowing!

"Okay, Hokage-sama, I will specialize in this ninjutsu and practice it to the best!"

Shenmu said seriously.

Hearing this, Third Generation cast admiring glances at Shenmu.

Afterwards, the Third Generation planned to leave with a group of Konoha patrols and Yamato on the stretcher.

Shenmu looked embarrassed, his house was destroyed, how could he sleep tonight?

"Lord Hokage..."

Shenmu shouted cautiously.

The Third Hokage turned around and looked at Shenmu who was standing in the open space at a loss, and understood what Shenmu meant.

"Go sleep with that boy Naruto tonight."

"Shenmu, you are smart and you are friends with Naruto. You should take care of that guy more."

"Don't worry, Hokage-sama!"

Shenmu nodded.

A few minutes later, Shenmu was delivered to Naruto's doorstep by the Konoha patrol team.

Standing at the door of his home, Shenmu seemed to be able to hear the faint sound of collisions coming from Naruto's home.


Shenmu knocked on the door twice and shouted.

A few seconds later, Naruto opened the door and looked at Shenmu outside the door in confusion.

"Shenmu, why are you here?"

Naruto asked.

Faced with Naruto's question, Shenmu explained: "There were ninjas from other villages who attacked my house and blew it up."

Shenmu didn't lie to his friends on purpose, just because Third Hokage told him not to tell anyone what happened tonight.

Hearing that his friend had suffered such a misfortune, Naruto hurriedly welcomed Shenmu into the house: "Ooo, you are so unlucky, come in quickly!"

After walking into Naruto's house, Shenmu found that Naruto had placed a Wooden Golem in the center of the living room.

At this time, there are still many shurikens inserted into the Wooden Golem.

The scene in the room, combined with the collision that Shenmu just heard outside the door, and the sweat all over Naruto's body and his tired expression.

From this, it is not difficult to judge that Naruto is secretly working hard at home!

"How did the practice go?"

Shenmu asked.

Naruto knew that Shenmu had guessed that he was secretly practicing at home, and his face turned red: "The effect is not obvious. I always feel that whether I can hit the target or not depends entirely on luck."

Shenmu remembered that Third Generation had just told him to take care of Naruto.

It just so happened that he mastered the shuriken tonight, so he explained it without reservation.

"Actually, throwing shuriken doesn't just rely on hard practice, but also on summarizing some skills during practice. For example, you can do this..."

Naruto listened to Shenmu's explanation, and his expression became more and more excited: "Shenmu, where did you learn this knowledge! Teacher Iruka has never taught this!"

"Of course Mr. Iruka won't explain this. He said we should realize it ourselves. I realized these things."

Shenmu said matter-of-factly: "Sasuke, Shikamaru, those classmates at the same time as us must have learned it long ago."

"Our progress cannot fall too far, otherwise we will not be able to graduate."

"Stop chatting, just practice what I just said and try it."

Naruto was shocked as he listened.


According to what Shenmu just said.

Could it be that Sasuke Shikamaru and the others had already realized the shuriken clone? !

Moreover, they also realized that throwing ten shurikens at one time would hit ten targets? !

And the shuriken can still hit the bullseye after bouncing off the terrain more than ten times? !

How terrible!

Before, Naruto didn't feel that there was much difference between himself and the students of the same period.

But after Shenmu's explanation just now, he found that he was completely different from the students at the same time!

Not to mention graduating, the reason he is still sitting in the ninja school classroom now, all because of Teacher Iruka's pity for him!

Naruto took a deep breath and accepted the reality, shouting with high spirits.

"Shenmu! It seems that I have to work harder in the future, otherwise I won't be able to keep up with my classmates!"

"Yeah! Let's work hard together!"

Shenmu nodded and said.


They are sooo cuteeeeeeee