
Hokage: I’m Enlightened Again

Shenmu, a primary school student in the china, accidentally traversed into the world of ninjas and became a tail-end student at the Ninja School. Expecting an ordinary life, he unexpectedly displayed extraordinary talent, initiating a remarkable counterattack. Iruka: "I taught the Clone Jutsu, and you mastered the Shadow Clone Jutsu? Wait, a Multiple Shadow Clone Jutsu? You even manifested Water Release, Earth Release, and Lightning Release clones..." Iruka: "I taught Shurikenjutsu, and you somehow developed the Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu, and even conjured the Rasengan?? Wait, Wind Release Shuriken?" Iruka: "I taught Wood Release, and you, you actually realized Wood Release: Tree World Birth?" Third Hokage: "This child, a ninja deity is born among us!"

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The Child Prodigy

Chapter 6: The Child Prodigy

Time pushed forward...

ANBU ninja Yamato, assigned by the Third Hokage, investigates whether Shenmu can master Wood Release.

Night falls.

He climbs the walls of Shenmu's home.

To his astonishment, in the late hours, Shenmu is still practicing shurikenjutsu...

The Third Hokage had once remarked on this young boy's remarkable talent.

Now, Yamato observes with amazement as the youth shows such dedication!

Yamato can't help but admire the young ninja's determination.

Someone who works hard despite having their meals provided by fate will undoubtedly become a pillar of Konoha in the future!

So, he watched a bit longer.

Unexpectedly, he discovered Shenmu's extraordinary learning ability!

Initially, Shenmu shuriken couldn't even touch the wooden stakes!

But after just a couple of attempts, he could accurately hit the bullseye!

Moreover, after a bit more practice,

Shenmu he.....


Throwing shurikens in mid-air, hitting the target accurately with the collision of shurikens, and shuriken body skills are all covered!

more importantly.

This guy actually tried to fuse Clone Technique with Shuriken!

The most important thing is that he successfully integrated it!

Young Shenmu, self-taught without a teacher, learned the shuriken Clone Technique created by Third Hokage back then!

And all this happens in just a few minutes!

Yamato was so shocked that his jaw almost dropped to the ground!

Just when his outlook on life was subverted, he was about to go back and report to the Third Hokage.

He was discovered by Shenmu!


That night, he not only witnessed Shenmu's super talent and understanding!

He also became Shenmu's first sandbag since time travel!

After Shenmu discovered him, he first summoned hundreds of Shadow Clone with a terrifying amount of Chakra!

Without waiting for Yamato to explain, all the Shadow Clone rushed towards him!

After all, Shenmu is still a student in a ninja school and doesn't have much combat experience, so his Shadow Clone is easy to deal with.

Yamato quickly dealt with the Shadow Clone that was pestering him.


When he looked up at Shenmu again.

Only to find the kid holding a Rasengan in his hand!


That's Rasengan!

The A-level ninjutsu developed by the Fourth Hokage back then!

The principle is to concentrate the Chakra on the hand, continuously flow it in irregular directions, and compress it to form a Chakra ball to attack the opponent!

The point is, it seems that only Fourth Generation and Jiraiya-sama know how to do this!

The Fourth Generation has long since died, and Master Jiraiya has been traveling abroad all year round.

Where did this kid learn Rasengan!

Before Yamato could be shocked, Shenmu held the Rasengan and rushed towards him!


As an Anbu, he has experienced hundreds of battles and is experienced in combat.

He used his dexterity to avoid Shenmu's attacks.


Not far from Yamato, the Rasengan's attack falls!

The violent Chakra energy acted on the ground, creating a large circular pit with a diameter of more than ten meters in Shenmu's yard!

This was the effect produced by Shenmu's deliberate control when he found that his attack was in the air!

Rasengan missed, Shenmu gritted his teeth.


He's enlightened again!

he thought.

Is it possible to combine Rasengan and Shuriken forms?

This increases Rasengan's power and attack range, maximizing the fault tolerance!

However, it is difficult to achieve this with just a simple attributeless Chakra.

Escape techniques that need to be combined with other attributes...

Try using Wind Style first!

Shenmu is a practical person and does what he says!

I saw his right hand raised high, Chakra gathering in his palm!

He uses the wind attribute chakra to make a shuriken stance and condenses!

"Whoosh whoosh-"

Soon, the majestic Chakra formed into a huge Fuma Shuriken in Shenmu's raised right hand!

From a distance of more than ten meters, Yamato could see all of Shenmu's movements clearly.

What did this kid do again? !

That majestic amount of Chakra, that weird Chakra fluctuation!

This guy wants to kill me!

"Don't get me wrong, I am the Third Generation..."

Yamato hurriedly explained.

Shenmu raised the shuriken he Wind Styled in his hand, Chakra whined, and couldn't hear what Yamato said at all!

The next moment, the Wind Style shuriken in Shenmu's hand was released!


The Wind Style shuriken flew extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye it flew to where Yamato was standing just now!

Fortunately, Yamato was on guard against this crazy boy in advance. When he saw that the Shenmu Wind Style shuriken was about to be condensed, he ran far away.

The Wind Style shuriken touches the ground.


The violent wind attribute Chakra is released instantly!

Although Shenmu had Chakra control over the Wind Style shuriken, this blow still destroyed his own house!

Moreover, a huge crater with a diameter of more than 100 meters was exploded on the spot! !

the other side.

When the Wind Style shuriken energy exploded, Yamato had already run more than a hundred meters!

But he still didn't survive.

He was touched by the needle-like Wind Style Chakra of the Wind Style shuriken, which caused excruciating pain!

Yamato: (*꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ)

It's too difficult to lead a disciple these days. You'll get beaten even before you say hello!

Such huge fighting commotion soon attracted the Konoha patrol team.

This also directly caused the Third Hokage to be awakened from his sleep.

When the Third Hokage rushed to the scene of the incident, they immediately saw the large pit with a diameter of more than 100 meters in Shenmu's house!

"What did you do?"

The Third Generation cast an accusing gaze on Yamato who was on the stretcher next to him.


I just received a beating, and you still doubt me.

"not me."

Yamato said with an aggrieved look.

"Who did it!"

The always kind Third Hokage is rarely angry. This incident has touched his bottom line!

How could he use such a lethal ninjutsu in a village where there were people living there!

Fortunately, the place where Shenmu lives is sparsely populated, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous!

After the Third Hokage asked angrily, the patrol team in the field fell into silence.

Yamato on the stretcher covered his face and wanted to find a hole to crawl into...

The culprit, Shenmu, lowered his head and stood up.


Shenmu said weakly.

After saying that, he looked resigned.

The Third Hokage has always been kind and easy-going, but when he got angry this time, Shenmu knew he was in trouble!

"Stop it, Shenmu."

The Third Hokage waved.

"You feel aggrieved knowing that it was your house that was destroyed. Don't worry, Grandpa Hokage will help you find the culprit!"

"I mean, this big hole was really my fault."

Shenmu said honestly and aggrievedly.

Third Hokage:ヽ( ຶ▮ ຶ)ノ!!!

"What did you just say?!"

Shenmu sensitively noticed that when Grandpa Hokage asked questions, his voice increased, and he was obviously very angry!

So, he buried his head even lower and muttered: "Then... well, I said, I am responsible for this big hole."



The Third Hokage swallowed.

His clear eyes swept across the patrol team present, and finally landed on Yamato on the stretcher.

Yamato understood Master Hokage's confusion and nodded with his face covered.

Being beaten like this by an elementary school chick who hasn't even graduated from ninja school!

I'm too embarrassed to see anyone!

The Third Hokage ignored Yamato's shame. After receiving Yamato's affirmative answer, he focused entirely on Shenmu!

This kid is a genius!


See you in the next chapter

Post at 12pm