
Hogwarts : leveling up the world

http://patreon.com/The_last_airbenderlibrary Would you like to see Rowling's world of magic and your favourite childhood characters in a different environment, more magical than we are shown in the original. Then join our protagonist on his adventure through the world of Harry Potter. Thanks to the world enhancement system, the world of Harry Potter will gradually change beyond recognition . Follow asmodeus and your favourite characters from different universes on a journey to create the strongest magical multiverse empire ! Yes, there were problems with the book at the beginning. I couldn't pick up the writing style, but if you look at the comments under the chapters after chapter 15, you'll realise that the book gets better with each chapter Worlds visited by the protagonist: Harry Potter, Marvel, Game of thrones For all those who are afraid that the author will jump between worlds forgetting about the previous ones - in the tags of the book there is a kingdom building. This is what the protagonist does, the world of Harry Potter is the main world that the protagonist will - develop, protect, conquer ! Important note: this is my original work and although it is fanfic. I in no way claim to be completely faithful to the original, be it the world of Harry Potter or Avatar. This is my story. And I believe that those who simply rewrite the book in their retelling without changing anything are just lazy. my patreon: The_las_airbenderlibrary http://patreon.com/The_last_airbenderlibrary

The_last_airbender · Filmes
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134 Chs

Chapter 39 - muggles

"Asmodeus, come out. We've all been waiting for you. Tell us about these so-called magical rings!"

Asmodeus was awakened by a knock on the door accompanied by a shout...

"I'm coming out now! Just wait five minutes...."

God, no rest, he thought.

5 minutes later

"Wow, you've all gathered here," Asmodeus said in surprise, looking at the people in front of his room. The Weasley twins, Cedric, Penelope, Hermione, and Cho Chang were present.

"Whose fault is it that you disappeared for a month? Ours?" Hermione asked, clearly displeased.

"I was at the Ministry of Magic, and I needed to control the situation until the former Squibs will be ready to take further actions."

"Alright, alright, no need to justify yourself. Better tell us why we didn't know that you were studying how to turn Squibs into wizards?" Fred and George asked.

"And would you have understood anything if I had told you?" Asmodeus looked at them contemptuously.

"How would we know if we don't try?"

"Well, if you want, you can also build magical rings on your hearts," Asmodeus said.

"What?!" All six exclaimed in unison.

"Why scream like that???... I have a headache because of you."

"Do not deviate from the topic. What do you mean by asking us to build rings? Isn't it only for Squibs?"

"Ha? No, of course not. They are suitable for wizards with a functional chain as well. This way, you can increase your physical fitness and mana capacity," Asmodeus explained.

"Why didn't you say that earlier?!" They asked.

"You didn't ask!" he replied.

"Alright, alright, everyone calm down. Asmodeus, will you help us build the rings?" Penelope asked.

"Yes, come in. I don't want to go anywhere, so let's do everything in my room."

So, 30 minutes later, everyone had three rings each, with runes inscribed on their hearts. Don't forget, wizards don't need to adapt to magic, so they can build three rings around their hearts without worrying about overload.

"Try casting a spell," Asmodeus told them.

The whole company nodded and began to try various non-destructive spells.

"Wingardium Leviosa! Wow, it feels like before I had to concentrate when using magic, and now it's as if I can achieve the desired effect with just one thought", said Hermione, looking at the levitating teapot.

"In a sense, you are right, but currently, you are using too much magic for a basic spell. Magical rings are designed to enhance control over magic and increase the amount of mana in the body. However, this doesn't mean you should forget about control after gaining more mana. On the contrary, you must learn to spend less mana and better control magic.

Additionally, thanks to the rings, your lifespan will increase, and your body will become stronger. Although you won't turn into a bodybuilder now, you will gradually become physically twice as strong as an average wizard. Hermione, thanks to the rings, your magic is now at the same level as Cedric's before the rings. And Cedric is now on par with elite Aurors in terms of mana."

"By the way, try not to tell anyone that rings can also be made for wizards. It will attract unnecessary attention, and I don't need that right now."

"Coming from someone who is about to receive the Order of Merlin First Class. You know, they usually give that posthumously," said Penello.

Asmodeus: "Are you cursing me???"

"By the way, thanks for reminding me. I need to talk to you and Hermione, but that will be later. For now, Cedric, Fred, George, Hermione, Penello, Cho, do you want to attend the Order of Merlin ceremony?"

"Yes!!" The company answered in unison.

"Why are you all so loud... alright, I got it. You will receive invitations tomorrow. The ceremony will take place next week at the Ministry of Magic. You can bring your families. Now, all pure-bloods, please leave the room!"

"Why?" asked the Weasleys, Cedric, and Cho.

"Because I need to discuss something with Penello and Hermione alone!"

"Oh, why so secretive..."

"You'll find out in a year, maybe two."

"Okay, okay... we're leaving."


After seeing off the four individuals, Asmodeus remained in the room with Penello and Hermione.

"Hermione, Penello, the next conversation must remain secret until I permit otherwise. Okay?"

Hermione nodded, and Penello said, "Let's make an Unbreakable Vow. Even under Legilimency, no one will know what we talked about today."

"Are you sure? Hermione, what about you?"

"Yes, if this ensures keeping the secret, it's better to make an Unbreakable Vow."

"Alright then. I'll make vows with both of you. You'll be a witness for her, and she'll be a witness for you."

After a couple of minutes exchanging vows, Hermione asked, "Okay, speak. I'm curious about the secrecy."

"You asked for it. What if I tell you I can turn your parents into wizards?"


"It seems that I need a headache pill..."

"Forget about your headache. What do you mean?!"

"What I said. I can make your parents wizards!"

"How?! Wait, really..."

"Bingo, yes, I initially created the rings to allow Muggles to become wizards."

"Oh my God, you want to repeal the Statute of Secrecy!!!"

"Shh, my head hurts."

"And rightly so! You want to break the fundamental law of the magical world!" said Penello.

"Calm down. Penello, what do you think of the magical world now?"

"...colorful, unusual, strange, magical...." Penello replied.

Asmodeus nodded and asked Hermione, "And you?"

"Pretty much the same as Penello, just in my opinion, the magical world is also cruel...."

Asmodeus nodded and said, "Want to know what I think of the magical world today?"

"Uh-huh," the two girls nodded.

"Poor, weak, outdated, crumbling, teetering on the edge, distant from complete destruction."

Such a harsh description took the girls' breath away.

"You, isn't it a bit too..."

"No! It's a clear description of the magical world. Especially when compared to the Muggle world! Like Muggle wizards, you should better understand what the magical world is facing. The power is not at all equal, and that's why I decided to absorb the Muggle world. Let everyone in the world be a wizard!"

For the next two hours, Asmodeus explained to the two girls what he is currently working on.

"But what do our parents have to do with your plans? Isn't it better to wait until everyone becomes wizards, and our parents also fall under the category of 'everyone'?"

"To be honest, it's just my desire to give them a head start. You know, when everyone in the world becomes a wizard, many professions will disappear due to redundancy. So, in this way, I want to help you and your family secure good positions in the new world. So, have you decided?"

"I agree. My father will be happy to become a wizard."

"Me too, I don't think anyone would be against it."

"Then it's settled. After my award ceremony, I'll meet with your parents and propose that they become wizards!"


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