
The Beginning

I enjoyed re-visiting old games which I completed and finishing specific missions for fun. I would often spend my time in leisure completing and clearing Skyrim dungeons, Oblivion quests, Hitman series missions and even Metal Gear.

I was a fan of Open world RPGs, but games like Witcher, Assassin's Creed, Final Fantasy and even Elder Scrolls were too time consuming, and as I grew older, I had less and less time to devote to complete the games in one go, like I did when I was younger.

So, when I spared a bit of time, from my recent project work which was hanging on a deadline, I chose to load the Dubai mission of Hitman, to blow off some steam.

I wasn't a Weeb or a Hikikomori, so I had a healthy social life. But when there was a storm outside, and thunder rumbling in the skies, going out for drinks wasn't really an option.

I booted up the mission and just as I heard the voice of Diana explaining the mission parameters, I blanked out and found myself sitting in the most comfortable lounge!

I was sitting on a Bean Bag, in my bachelor pad, so feeling the soft cushioning on my butt made me sigh in pleasure.

"Comfortable, isn't it?"

I was startled at the gravelly voice which had a deep commanding baritone to it. I saw a man in his twilight, salt and peppered hair near the sides, forehead prominently creased to show his old age, yet the eyes which commanded undulating strength and wisdom.

He had a few papers and files on the white table, behind which he sat erect. And in his bleached white three-piece suit with silk white shirt and burgundy tie, he looked impressively commanding.

He had a soft smile on his kind face, and his hands were resting on the table.

I stopped observing him, and asked, "I am sorry, but you are?"

He chuckled softly. "I am one of the administrative staff, overlooking the life and death of all sentient mortals in this Omniverse. You can call me ROBert or ROB, for short."