
Chapter 3

Katherina Blackwood's POV

My eyes peer opened due to a tingling sensation on my skin. I looked down to see Chris drawing some random pattern on my right breast.

Feeling me shift above, his head lifted up immediately.

'Good morning' His voice was deep. His hair is completely messy due to my hands working on it overnight and his blue eyes are comparatively brighter than its usual shade.

'Morning' I replied. He slowly came on top and kissed my forehead, making me smile.

'How you feelin'?' He asked, placing his left arm under my head.

'Good' I said softly.

His lips came down to kiss me softly.

'Morning breath' I mumbled.

'I don't fucking care' He replied calmly and continued kissing me.

His lips molded perfectly on mine. His tongue caressing mine sensationally as his hand started moving lower and lower.

A moan escaped from me when he delicately captured my pussy in his palm. My hands tightened in his locks urging him to continue. One of his fingers started moving along my slits, which made my head fall back in pleasure.

'Fuck! You're wet' He cursed in pure satisfaction and started running his finger furiously.

'No. I still feel raw' I said and he immediately withdrew his hand from there making me pout.

He didn't let me sleep last night, just like he said. He made love to me over and over again. And then fucked me over and over again.

After leaving that club we immediately dashed into his place as his parents have gone to Hawaii. I forgot all about the man I saw in the club.

'Pancakes?' He asked.

'Pancakes' I replied. He got up from the bed and wore his shorts. I tried to get up but hissed in pain and stumbled back on the bed. Chris was beside me in no time. His arms wrapped around my bare body.

'I'm sorry. I was too hard last night' He said and carried me to the washroom.

'No, you know I liked it' I smiled and pulled him closer, pecking on his lips.

'You want me to help you in bathing?' He smirked, putting me down.

'No' I said and pushed him out of the washroom, his chuckles making me blush red.

I limped to the reach the shower and turned on the faucet. The warm water cascading down my skin. He has already kept everything ready for me to bath and then woke me up.

After the bath, I left the washroom with a towel wrapped around me. Slipping into one of Christopher's shirt and shorts, I walked down to the kitchen to see him cooking, shirtless.

I tiptoed and wrapped my arms around his huge frame.

'Hey. Pancakes are almost ready and so is the coffee' He said. I raised on my toes and placed my chin on his shoulder and watched him prepare coffee for the two of us. He gave me my cup, his eyes watching my attire.

'You look so sexy in my clothes' He smirked and sipped his coffee while I hoped up on the counter and sat down.

'These are comfortable' I shrugged and just then my phone started ringing from a distance.

'I'll get it' Chris said and ran to the bedroom to fetch my phone. It's my mother.

'Hey, honey' Her chirping voice came from the other side.

'Hey mom'

'Would you come home now and take care of Ara? I've got a new client and I need to get to their place'

'Mom! It's Sunday' I protested.

'I know, darling. But you know it's very important for me. It's for the wedding function. Please understand?' She requested and I can't say no.

'Okay' I sighed heavily.

'And also, I've kept a slip and money on the dining table, just buy all those'

'Yeah, sure'

'What's wrong?' Chris questioned as soon as I cut the call.

'Need to go home. Mom got work so I got to take care of Arabella'


'Can you spend time with me?' I asked hopefully.

'Uh..no. I'm sorry. Practise — '

'No, no it's totally fine' I smiled in defeat.

After having pancakes, Chris dropped me home. Mom went as soon as I entered in, leaving behind a little model who is dressed up like Kylie Jenner just to go for Walmart. She's wearing a sleeveless black frock that stops above her knee and a sun glass. I rolled my eyes at her.

I took the money and the slip from the table, I left home with my sister clutching my hand at the side.

'Cat, can we take a cab? It's too sunny' She said, after walking just few steps from home, fanning her face which is covered with a huge sunglasses.

The sun is miraculously over the horizon today and it's not burning the skin to an extent to receive any rash or tan. By evening I'm sure enough the clouds will change and they'll be pouring down.

'No, Bella, the shop is close by' I replied shortly. The Walmart is indeed close by to my home, so a little walk would definitely not hurt.

'But I'll tan if I walk in the sun' She complained.

'Stop being a drama queen Ara. You're fine okay?' I said.

'Cat, no, please' She said showing me her puppy face with a pouted mouth.

'No' My voice came out as a matter of fact.

She wiggled her hand from me and started walking forward just a foot away from me. It's high time to realize that she's wobbling in a manner of ramp walk. After walking for few more minutes with my sister bickering me to pick her up as her wobbly legs are panning due to her catwalk, we finally reached Walmart.

I took the trolley and placed my sister in child's seat, in the front. For a 5-year-old, she's tiny like a 2 year, so fits perfectly in her baby chair as well as here in the trolley. Every time I bring her out for shopping, she ends up creating Chaos with a capital c and I don't really want her as a shopping company but my mom wouldn't see it otherwise. The times I let her freely walk in the halls of the supermarket were horrific. She not only dumps snacks in the trolley, she causes trouble. Once she tried to take cereals which was at the top of the shelf by piling by all the items that were present below the cereal, in a proper manner and climbed up to take the cereal box. I would've definitely appreciated her intelligence if not for the staff worker hunting down at me and making me arrange them back.

The other times she would wonder off away from me and I'd get that sick feeling in my stomach and tears swell up in my eyes as my brain won't stop causing massive and worst images for her kidnappings and murders and then she would just pop out of nowhere and will be like 'BOO' or something like that, making me tie my hands from slapping her pretty face.

So, the best place for her is here, right in front of me, sitting in the trolley.

They are mostly groceries that need to be bought and some vegetables. So, I started going each row by row taking the things that are in the slip.

'Cat! Cheetos!'

I took two boxes of almond and dry grapes cereals as they are the most favourite breakfast for Dad.


I ignored her completely and went around taking what's necessary.

'I need Cheetos or else I'll pee right here!' There she goes blackmailing her big sister. I took two Cheetos and kept it in the trolley.

'Two more. Please'

I grunted in response and threw another two.

'If there is any shortage of money, I'll leave you here and go' I threatened her, for which she gladly shut her mouth and didn't ask me anything else.

After done with the groceries, I went to the vegetable section.

Tomatoes — check.

Onions — check.

Potatoes — check.

Peas — check.

Bitter guard — check.

Buying everything that's in the slip, I finally took some chocolates for Ara and me and paid the bill.

Both my hands were stuffed with bags so I called the cab and waited, while Ara was eating her Cheetos. The cab came too late which seriously annoyed me. I got into it and said the address. My head was aching and Ara wouldn't stop making crunching noises.

'Ara for God sake stop crunching so loudly' I said which only fuelled her to increase the noise.

I opened my eyes to look at my sister eating like a pig. Her fingers and her mouth covered are with Cheetos. She loves annoying me as much as I annoy her. Even with 13 years gap between us, we get along like friends who have fun. Smiling at her, I wiped her mouth with my kerchief making her giggle. I saw out of the window to see how close we are but the taxi was far from close.

'Where are you going?' I asked when I saw the car driving opposite to the address, I gave him. The driver who's wearing a hat and black glass, remained dead silent.

'Excuse me? You're supposed to take a U-turn and take right to reach my home' I said a little loudly this time but he only he remained silent. Fear started creeping slowly, taking my sister from the seat and placing her on my lap, I tried to open the window but they were locked, and so is the door.

'Stop the car' I said, clutching Ara's arms around my torso. I felt him speeding up.

'I said stop the car!' I screamed. Ara wrapped herself tightly around me.

He remained silent. There was no reaction from him, whatsoever. I quickly took my phone out and felt the car stop abruptly. Not reacting to it, I dialed 911. I was about to press the call button when I heard some noise.

I lifted my head up to see him holding the black metal pistol, aiming right on Ara's head. His other hand came forward, motioning to give my phone and with no choice, I placed the phone on his palm. His face is covered by the hat and the glasses make it difficult to see him.

'Try anything and I won't think twice to pull the trigger' His voice was calm yet menacing.

I started shaking vigorously and looked down to see Ara's face hidden in my chest, her eyes closed tightly.

'Let us go, please' I said softly, holding Ara.

'Just sit quietly and I won't lay a finger on you two' He said and turned around, the gun and phone resting on his lap. He started the car and drove faster than before. Ara lifted her head from my chest and I looked down.

'Everything's fine, okay?' I said and hugged her tightly. I can't do anything due to Ara, I looked out of the window to see that we are heading towards the exit of the town.

'Please, let us go' I begged him.

'What did I say about being quiet?' He grunted.

My eyes started to swell up and my thoughts were clouded on keeping Ara safe and sound at all cost.

When the car came to an abrupt stop, I looked outside to see that we are in front of a building. The man came to my side and opened the door for me. I slowly got down with Ara's legs and arms wrapped around me in the front. The car started moving as soon as I was out, but the man who drove us is right next to me. He didn't speak anything and started walking towards the building, indicating me to follow.

'Cat? What is this place? I want to go home' Ara's voice came out too scared to be heard. We entered inside and immediately the room turned silent.

'Shh' I whispered in her ear and felt her legs tighten around my waist.

The room is filled with men who looked horrible with ink on their bodies. They stopped doing their gym work and smirked at me which only made me tighten my arms around Ara. The man started walking among them. Their eyes are glittering with pure lust as they saw me shamelessly. I walked faster behind the man who opened another door and indicated me to get in.

I got in quietly and felt the door shut.

'Hey, open the door!' I screamed, banging on the wooden door when I heard the lock as he left me in here. I turned around with a panic-stricken face and looked around. The large room is occupied with all the workout equipment's. But they are only one pair each, which only means it's a private workout room. The room is so dead silent that my footsteps were loud.

'Hello?' I called out, hoping anyone to come out. Ara finally lifted her head from my chest and looked around the empty room.


'Yes?' I looked down at her but she was looking straight, pointing at something behind me. I turned around cautiously, my eyes travelling to her finger and saw a man leaning on the wall with his arms folded in the front, bare chest. My eyes widened and I felt a shiver run down my spine when I looked into his black orbs. I recognized him quickly as the same man I saw yesterday at the party. He's standing motionlessly without even blinking his eyes just like yesterday.

His whole chest, neck, and arms were all covered with ink, not an inch of the upper part left untouched. His eyes were cold which made me unnerve. I opened my mouth to speak but couldn't spit any words out.

He has this power radiating from him which will make anyone bow. He didn't reply, he didn't blink, I doubt whether he is breathing. His eyes are fixated on me the whole time and all I want to do this cover myself somewhere where he can't see me at all.

'Cat he looks scary. Let's go home' Ara's voice frightened me too. He is indeed scary with his masculine body covered with ink and sharp cold eyes piercing through my skin and searching for my soul.

'We'll leave as soon as possible' I whispered a lie.

I lifted back my head up to him, surprised to see him in a different position now but with the same motionless posture. His hands slipped into his black jean pockets as he stood with his legs apart and chin up. He started walking towards me and I automatically took a step back. His eyes roamed all over my body, watching my every movement.

He came closer and closer and I stood on my guard though my legs were wobbling. When he stopped just a foot away from, a ripple of fear ran down my back. His huge frame is so intimidating that it made it difficult for me to look into his eyes.

His chest is covered with symbols and words, which I do not know. There are black studs in his ear. His eyes are down on me and when it went to Ara, my hold tightened around her which he noticed. His eyes are cold and empty, nothing, absolutely nothing in them.

'What's your name?' Came his deep low voice. I felt a shiver run down my spine immediately.

'Isabella Clearwater' I lied.

His eyebrows knitted together as he glared down at me and I knew then he sniffed my lie in a jiffy.

'What's your name?' His voice turned hard and threatening.

'K-Katherina' I quickly blurted out.

'Katherina what? Is your father dead or you don't have one?' He asked softly in his low dangerous voice. I stared at him and felt my blood boil at his comment.

'Katherina Blackwood's' I said a little steadily.

His mouth twitched into a smirk as he took a tiny step towards me. I stood holding my sister tightly who spoke nothing as she buried her head in my chest.

'Katherina. Katherina Blackwood's. Hm.....Katherina, rina rina' He chanted, with amusement laced in his voice. I said nothing and looked at the door I came in from.

'Do you know why you're here, Katherina?' His voice was calm yet dangerous.

'No. Just let us go' I said in a soft yet hopeful tone.

'You were so fucking sexy last night, do you know that?' He said roughly. I felt the colour drain out of my face.

He took a deep breath with his eyes closed, his head falling back in the process. When he opened his eye, his eyes were dilated. I immediately took a step back.

'Don't move' My body stopped moving at his command.

His face came closer to my right ear and I tried not to tremble, but it was hard. His face didn't touch me, but his warm breath is fanning my bare skin. I shut my eyes and my body started shivering uncontrollably. Two strong arms held my waist and my eyes snapped opened.

'Stop shaking' He said when I was actually wiggling to get out of his strong hold. His face dipped into my neck region without any warning and his arms wrapped around my back. I'm glad Ara is between us.

His sweat and cologne hit my nostrils as his nose started brushing my skin. I took one of my hands from Ara and placed it on his chest which made him stiff and tighten his hold on my back. I felt his abs flexing, his skin hot under my hand as I pushed him with all my effort to create space between us but he didn't even budge.

He started drawing patterns with his nose on my bare skin which made my nose curl. The only guy I ever let me touch is Christopher and now sensing another's man's touch is like a bad excitement.

'Stop' I requested 'Please'

He quickly left me and stepped back.

'Pack all your stuff and be ready tomorrow. I'll be at your doorstep to pick up at 5 in the evening' He said looking down at me.

'What?' I said disbelievingly.

'You heard me'

'What do you mean by pack and who are you and why —

'I fucking told you to pack all your fucking things and be ready at 5. Question me again or try to involve cops, and I'll slit your sister's throat' He said calmly though his eyes were blazing with anger. Ara started to whimper softly and shiver in my arms.

'How dare you. Who —

A scream left past my lips and my sister's when he grabbed my hair and pulled me forward to his face. His eyes are cold and angry and when his other hand came towards Ara, I panicked. I started shaking my head furiously but he only tightened his hold in my locks while his other hand gripped Ara's neck. Ara cried loudly due to his hold.

'Please! Don't, you're hurting her!' I begged him as tears started flowing furiously as he let Ara scream in the empty room. He started pulling Ara by her neck away from my body. I screamed and held her tight, but he was swift and within a second, he pulled her out of my grip, by her neck.

'Oh my God, please!' I begged him as Ara kicked furiously in the air. I tried to reach for her, but he stretched his arm so I won't be able to reach her. I saw his eyes twinkling with amusement, enjoying the pain and fear he was instilling in both of us and it made me sick.

'Question me again and you won't see her, baby' He said jerking Ara in his arm and smashing my body on his bare chest.

'I won't! I won't question, please leave her' I begged in his chest. He released her from his death grip and I quickly caught her before she hit the floor. I was sobbing, rubbing Ara's neck and apologizing to her when he gripped my hair again and jerked my head up to see him.

'Please' I literally begged him.

His hand finally let go of my hair and he walked towards the door, holding it open.

'Get out and do what was told. No cop business or any trick, else you won't like what's coming' He spoke loud this time, his threat gingering in the air.

I immediately ran out of the door. I heard him chuckle behind me. The man who drove us here is already beside me as I ran out the damn building. I quickly got in the damn car and shut the door. I started to sob silently holding Ara, in my arms.

'It's panning' Ara said in a small voice, rubbing the back of her neck. I scanned the area to see his hand prints on her skin. I kissed her neck and hugged her tight.

'It's okay, it's okay. As soon as we reach home, I'll do something about it. Please stop crying Ara' She wrapped her arms around my torso.

My phone was beside me and I wiped my tears, trying to figure a way out of this.