
His mandate

Erison was trained into a weapon after the gruesome assassination of his mother and Elite Meta-Human family which constantly suffered terrible attacks, for his protection... He gets betrothed into a family that are heavily after killing him because they think he is too poor to marry their daughter. They almost succeed until Erison is blessed by a system force and accepts his inheritance, feeling pained and brutalised, Erison seeks to get revenge from enemies who are unaware of him being the Alpha.

DaoistpaI7jP · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
60 Chs

Chapter 15

Erison's System - Appears in his front.

"Master Erison, Can I tell you something?" Meta said, Opening his cute Palms.

"I checked him up… I doubt he can survive this, I already used my powers to heal you and have nothing left for him, I'm sorry." Meta said, looking at the ground, sad.

Erison placed his hand over his head feeling traumatised as he cried, while they both stared as they doctors fired Electric shocks into Smiths chest to wake him up.

It continued for a while before the doctors stopped, they seemed tense too.

"There's no heartbeat." A doctor added.

Erison and Meta closed their eyes in return.

Erison felt his soul re-Die inside of him.

Then he opened his eyes up again.

The doctor turned to stare at him through the glass wall and Erison removed his eyes from hers, closing his eyes in his pains.

Meta Grabs Erison to himself.

"Erison." Meta sobs as Erison opens his eyes up again in shock, shaking and terrified as he takes further steps into the room.

Turns out the Doctors couldn't see Meta.

The female doctor carried a saddened look as the rest of the doctors carried a white sheet to cover Smiths face in front of Erison but he stopped them immediately.

"Don't!" Erison shouted back at them.

"My son can't be dead!" Erison yelled at the doctor, as he began running into a panic.

He stood up horrified as he walked into the room, while he stared at Smith looking lifeless over the bed.

"He said, we should give this to his dad, I guess that person was you." The female doctor said, giving him a note before bursting into tears, and hugs him.

He looked at the note to see that Smith had drawn him and a lady carrying red hair, so it definitely wasn't Carina.

His tears fell over the family drawing over the paper, with a part where he wrote... Happy together.

This made Erison even sadder.

He began to cry like a child.

Crying wasn't part of his nature but at this point, he couldn't control his tears.

Erison sniffed the note, inhaling in pain before he leaned over the bed.

He stared at his son as his soul darkened.

"Haa!" Erison grieved.

"Smith! You promised to stay with me, Ah! You shouldn't have left me, You know how precious you are to me!" Erison screamed in tears as the rest of the doctors tried to take him out.

"No! No! NOo!" Erison cried while sitting up with Smith partly in his hold.

"Death you should have taken me instead, not my son." Erison cried holding a lifeless Smith over himself in tears.

"He died as a result of the gunshots, so the government will take care of his burial, a written address of where he will be buried will be sent to you later today." The doctor said giving him her card as she opened the door for him to leave.

Erison got up looking at his Son.

"Haba!" He shouted out his pet name in tears, hoping his son would awaken.

Thoughts ran through Erison's head as he felt, his son died because he couldn't protect him enough.

Because he was Poor, and a nobody!

Guilt ran through him.

He looks at a ring over his Finger as tears flood his eyes, before he kisses Smith a goodbye, taking bold steps away.

On this day… Erison's heart felt butchered.

"Gosh my son... Rest in Peace!" Erison low key shouts in a broken tone as he manned up to do the needful.

He covers Smiths corpse up in the white cloth as he slowly walks out of the hospital, broken and miserable inside, as he kept the doctor's contact card in his pocket, before his iphone began to ring in it and he picked the call.

"Uncle Charlie." He answered.

"Well, I am not surprised to learn that your wife is getting married to Mr. Lucas Duke as I speak... I didn't know you would decide to finally let go of that witch, I could tell she was of no good." His uncle, Charlie has never admired their marriage.

"You must be kidding me?" Erison asked, surprised at his uncle's statement.

"Oh... So you didn't know?" His uncle adds before he cuts the call, leaving Erison in suspense.

She's getting married after everything that happened today?

"That has to be a serious lie." He fashied.

"But Uncle Charlie never lies." He fears.

"Meta, take me there!" Erison ordered with his eyes closed as he activated his powers.

"Yes, Master Erison." His system replied and a car came to a stop outside the hospital.

He was intrigued by what his powers could do, as he got in, Meta carried a stone in.

Erison using his Super hearing locates where the wedding is being held and Meta too knew where to go as well.

Their minds were linked.

"But Carina Why?" Erison asked at the back seat, heartbroken.

"Master Erison, some women are greedy, you need to learn that life isn't always fair." Meta replied driving the car there.

"Meta we are almost there, reduce your speed." Erison said but the cute creature kept on speeding to the church.

"Wait... How Are you even driving?" Erison asked him, worried as to how a little creature like Meta will be able to drive such a huge car to the wedding.

"What do you mean? Am I not old enough?" Meta boosted as the car kept speeding up ahead.

"No, I mean how are you driving without legs on the accelerator or bread pads." Erison asked because Meta has no long legs in the first place.

"Ohh! I forgot I didn't have legs… I did drop a rock on the accelerator though." The funny creature replied to its master.

"Uhm, what?" Erison asked before - Boom!

"Oops!" Meta added as the Car flipped.

Erison removed his seatbelt, coming out from the tumbled car, through its broken window as Meta, who was excited, helped him arrange his torn shirt.

"Err.. I'd put a less heavier rock next time." Meta assures him, holding both his cheeks with a cute smile.

Although Erison had no smile to offer.

"Nope, no more driving for you." Erison banned him.

"Please no, I'd do anything." Erison begged.

"Fine, then help me ruin this wedding and prove yourself to your master." Erison said.

"They clearly don't care about how it feels or what it means for me to lose my son." He said.

"She even had the guts to be careless of her son's life in the hospital before proceeding to marry Lucas, whilst he died." he said in pain.

Erison's Eyes began to glow Red, while he walked into the church this time enraged.

Even his system, Meta was pissed too.

Erison was going to do something Crazy!

His anger was so Vengeful.

For a white wedding will soon turn to blood.