
His mandate

Erison was trained into a weapon after the gruesome assassination of his mother and Elite Meta-Human family which constantly suffered terrible attacks, for his protection... He gets betrothed into a family that are heavily after killing him because they think he is too poor to marry their daughter. They almost succeed until Erison is blessed by a system force and accepts his inheritance, feeling pained and brutalised, Erison seeks to get revenge from enemies who are unaware of him being the Alpha.

DaoistpaI7jP · Urban
Not enough ratings
60 Chs

Chapter 16

Erison entered the church unnoticed.

But it seems he came rather late.

"I do." Carina accepts her Oath.

"You may kiss the bride." The priest blessed them as Erison stared at Lucas kissing his wife and even grabbing her ass, making even Carina unsettled.

Erison was so wretched that they didn't even require his signature to get legally divorced, he wasn't important since they had money to do and Undo their marriage.

Everyone got up on their feets clapping as they intimately kept romanticising each other before him, he watched the woman he loved so much embrace another man.

He smiled, clapping too.

But his claps were harder and louder.

It carried even much more power than any other sound could make.

Their kiss gets separated as a result.

Carina turned to look at him.

"How did he even get in here?" Lucas Duke yelled at his bodyguards.

"Oh would you shut up!" Erison fired back.

His plan to ruin the wedding was working.

Lucas had always wanted Carina so badly for himself, Even so, he knew she was Erison's wife... Carina will bring him home to discuss business and mock Erison and even do worsts.

"You don't deserve to be treated like this Erison." The voice in his head said to him.

"Tell me Carina, what kind of mother will learn that her child is at the prick of death and wouldn't care to check up on him?" He asked her.

She stood shocked looking at him.

"What's he doing here?" She worriedly asked, staring at him, without shame.

"What kind of family will encourage their daughter to be so heartless because of money? now I have lost my son!" He spilled the truth.

"Kick him out already!" Lucas ordered and his men rushed to pick Erison up from the ground to leave the premises.

"For your information, our son, Smith is dead, he was shot multiple times by his kidnappers and now he is gone... Gone!!" Erison cried as the entire church including Lucas's men stood in shock.

Apparently this was a viral news and no one knew it had anything to do with them, until now.

"Our son is dead!" Erison repeated loudly, staring at everyone before turning back to look at Carina who stared at him, seeming frightened.

"If so he died, why did you now bring such irrelevant thing here!?" Carina asked, her eyes red, fuming with anger as her mother stood by her.

She was not concerned for Smiths death but of the fact that Erison came to ruin her wedding.

Although Lucas had a smile over his face.

"Not like you even care!" Erison roars back at her as he activates his powers.

"I have nothing to lose Carina, I have lost everything that was ever important to me, and today will be the last day... Of me loving you." He said to her with a ironic smile.

"I guess it's normal for our son to die so congratulations on your new marriage." Erison added as He bowed towards her, with a tear of disappointment falling off his eyes.

"System, I think I'd consider calling you Meta this time, do you like the name?" Erison asked his mind.

"Yes Master." The voice in his head replies.

"Good." Erison replied.

"Meta, ruin this place." Erison orders.

Meta activated his powers too and he spilled off the entire whine present in the Catholic church before breaking through the church glass decorations and exploding the alcoholic drinks.

Whilsts Erison Opened his arms watching as the wedding got ruined by his system, Meta who felt exactly how hurt Erison was.

Meta made a total disaster of the wedding.

The crowd grew angry and fought each other, with newscasters running in.

Then Erison turned away, walking out of the church, before he gets stopped on his way out by Mr. Lucas Duke In his full venting rage.

"You and your bad luck, you dared to come into my wedding to ruin it... Mark these words... I will use whatever power that I have to ruin your filthy poor life." He slams at Erison with so much hate.

"Gladly." Erison replied before Mr. Lucas sent a slap which Erison caught turning back to look at him as he fired an evil glare warning, with news casters rushing into the church to live casts, Mr. Lucas quickly acts like he was helping Erison wear his shirt properly while fake smiling.

"A liar and a Pretender, You should be more careful now." Erison warned, tossing his hand away.

"No problem, you will see." Lucas threatened as Erison walked out right into the rain, without Caring.

"And I don't think I can settle for this bad luck either… I want a divorce." Erison hears Lucas shout behind him, entailing that He and Carina had already signed a court marriage too.

Erison stopped in his tracks.

Mr. Lucas Duke was enjoying His moment.

"Also, I will be taking Carina to court for a fifty percent share of our wealth, the disaster here is prove enough." He said shocking even Carina.

Lucas plan became obvious now.

He married her, so he could steal from Carina's wealth, after she made a fortune.

Hence, Lucas Comes from a wealthy family too, so for him to want to do this then it means only one thing and that is!

His plan was to Wreck her.

"You tricked me?" Carina said as she fell to the ground, heart broken and surprised.

She realized Erison had warned her all along.

Her eyes stared at Erison for a while.

"Serves her right for being a Golddigger, not like it wasn't obvious Mr. Lucas looks like a hideous monster... What did she expect?" Meta said in Erison's Mind as he walked out of the church.

Then a black tinted car parks in front of him, Whilst the rain droplets poured over his body.

He stared to see a gun was pointed straight at him, ready to end his life as the cars door stayed opened with a gun right at his head.

"Get in!" The man in it, requested of him.

Erison Activated his system as he used his powers to take the gun out of the mans hand and pointed the gun back at him in split seconds.

"Pow!" Erison used his hand to fire through his heart and the man fell out Dead from the car.

Erison was deadly to be played with now.

"Woah, woah... Woah!" He heard his Uncle, Mr. Charlie's voice inside the car.

"Calm down boy, I guess your beast is now awake... Please come in and have a seat." He said, closing the Mercedes car door as Erison sat down opposite him and the car sped off from the place.

"Listen to me carefully, I can get you a better off wife, if you can put all you were trained for into use." His uncle smirked.

"You're an expert with guns, I know how deadly and capable you can be, so can we work together again like old times?" He asked Erison with cute puppy dog eyes.

Erison was trained by his uncle who is the opposite of his real father, his uncle trained him to be a death machine, so Erison knew exactly where his uncle was driving to and he hated it.

He had Promised himself not to go back into his past life where his uncle used him to end the life of whoever he wants dead.

"Be my assassin of death once again." Charlie proposes to his nephew Erison.

His offer seemed sheltering and Erison knew he could make some cash, but Erison could not trust him, He didn't want to go back to his old ways.

Since Charlie will exploit his powers.

"I lost my Life, my home, my money, and my son at the same time." He reminded his uncle as his emotions began to rage again in pain.

"So where will you go now?" Charlie asked.

"My workshop." Erison replied embarrassed.

"Damn!" Charlie reacts.

"She ruined you." Charlie tells the truth.