

Mira levenson .. strong and practical ready to face any challenge. She has always loved everyone and everything and has such a sweet and beauty heart. she falls for Damien ...a ruthless billionaire and set to break his iron stone heart .. Damien Lockhart...set to the destroy the race which he hated most but get distracted a long the way ...lowering his resolve on his mission. When things don't go according to plan and complications set it...how will the overcome the situation and still maintain the peace once and for all... Can Mira be able to weaken his resolve and change him for good ... Find out..in ..HIS MAGNIFICENT...MY first book

Itz_Vick · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

Chapter five: what the hell..

Mira examined the man who greeted her from head to toe with her heavy eyes. The man who was a stranger to her looked at her keenly but Mira had no interest in talking to him.

The man examined Mira looks . She was by far prettier up close than from a far. He had been eyeing her since she entered the club. He couldn't take his eyes off her. He immediately lost interest in the stripper beside him. Yes, Mira friend was far attractive than her in her blue dress, Mira with her innocent look still attracted attention to herself. Her beauty and innocence looked like a bait to the eyes of the predators lurking around.

He was among them.

He wanted to devour the innocent beauty in front of Him.

But from his observation, her friend stuck to her. The girl was a newbie here and had to be protected by someone. The moment he realized this, he knew he won't be able to make a move on her. He therefore strategized on removing his obstacles.

Fortunately, his plan worked and there was nothing stopping him from having this girl ... TONIGHT...he grinned as he thought of the wonderful things he could do to her.

"Miss, are you okay" he asked feigning his voice into that of concern. Ofcourse he knew that she wasn't ok. She was obviously drunk and won't be able to be in control of herself or action.

Rather than answering the Young Man in front of her, she ignored him and stood up. Her eyes began scanning everywhere for her friend.

'where the hell are you Kira' she thought and then staggered as she tried to balance herself on her feet. She felt her head spinning and was completely dizzy. She could feel herself falling but before she fell to the ground, the man caught her.

Unknown to both her and her friend, the man had already ordered for the door of the rest room to be locked, leaving Kira inside so that he can carry out his plan successfully.

No matter how drunk Mira is, she felt danger in the hands of the man that caught her. She felt like as though he had ulterior motive. She had this feeling too when she was about to start working for Mr Davis.

She felt a chill run down her spine. She immediately pushed the man away. She glared at him and was about walking away when he held her hand.

"Where are you going Miss" he asked her with a smirk. That was one thing Mira hated about anybody. A smirk. She hates when anybody does it and she always feels the urge to wipe the smirk off their face with a good slap. But she never really slapped anybody for smirking rather she would walk away. But due to the influence of the alcohol, she couldn't control herself when her hand met with the man's cheek.

He held his cheek wide eyed at the audacity of the woman in front of him slapping him.

'Does she know who I am' he felt hurt at what had just happened. Not because she slapped him but because this was the first time any woman had ever raised their hands on him including his mother.

His eyes blazed with anger.

Mira , seeing the red eyes and sensing the danger that sudden envelope her thought it was best to leave.

"Stupid hand" she cursed.

But she didn't even reach far when the man held her firmly.

"You have a lot of guts woman. But am afraid you messed with the wrong person" he sounded so angry and serious.

He began dragging her by the hand but the girl had an amazing strength that he was so surprised.

So he grabbed her hair and pulled her.

"Ahhh" Mira yelled as he pulled her by the hair. The pain was unbearable and she had no other option but to follow him.

Her scream attracted everyone attention but no one moved to help the girl. They all knew the man and they knew he was that ran the show and anybody he dared interfere in his private matters would be doomed for life.

So everyone just quiet watching the scene. All except one.


"That f**king bastard has ruined my beautiful dress. So much for forgetting sorrows. Tomorrow I have a new one added to me" she sighed. Somehow after entering the bathroom, she kind of felt more sober that she was earlier on.

She looked at her reflection in the mirror and gosh, she looked awful.

She had little drools by the side of her cheek. She raised her hand and wiped the drool.

"Since when did I start drooling after drinking" she felt embarrassed that she didn't feel like going out again.

But then remembering that Mira was still outside all alone , she quickly cleaned her face and her makeup . She checked her time on her wristwatch.

10:05pm ...her eyes bulged out as she looked at the time. The time was still quite early. She had expected it to be around 11pm.

'well it's a good thing' she thought. After all , she wouldn't want Mira to still be here till after midnight.

She headed for the door but on getting to the door, she realized it was locked.

"What!" She was so surprised. She didn't lock the door and it seemed the door was locked from outside.

Why would anyone lock me in here..

That was when something struck her.

She felt like a fool when she realized she had fallen into someone's trap.

"Of course this is planned. The spilling of the drink on me was to get me out of the way and...." She couldn't even imagine what they wanted to do with mira. She immediately suspected the man who spilled the drink on her.

"He must be the one behind this"

Oh my gosh....

She began hitting the door very hard.

"Someone please help me. Open the door" but everyone was far from helping her. The loud music blaring outside won't allow anyone to hear her little screams.

After more screaming, Kira could see it was futile. No one could hear her.

She thought of other ways to get out and help her friend before it is too late.

"If anything happens to Mira .....I won't be able to forgive myself" ...she bit her lips hard praying that God should help her friend.

She looked at the window and went closer to examine it. Unfortunately she wasn't tall enough and so she had to climb the WC to have a proper look.

"Pls don't break" she prayed cause she knew the WC wasn't strong enough to hold her weight and if it broke, she would be injured too.

Glancing at the window, she could see it was securely locked..no escape through there.

She had one last option.

To break down the door.

Although she was a young lady, she was capable of fighting and she felt she had enough strength to break it down.

Removing her heels, she placed them one side.

With all her strength,"Bam" she gave the first kick, but unfortunately the wall only cracked.



"Bam" went her second third and fourth kick yet no good result that the door was close to opening. Just the wall that was cracking.

"Stupid wall" she cursed. Her legs was already bleeding cause she kicked a nail on the door that had come loose.

But she didn't want to give up yet.

With her other foot, Kira attempted to kick the door once more but before her leg could hit the door , the door opened and she ended up kicking her Savior.

The kick was so hard that his back collided with the wall .

"What the hell"
