

Mira levenson .. strong and practical ready to face any challenge. She has always loved everyone and everything and has such a sweet and beauty heart. she falls for Damien ...a ruthless billionaire and set to break his iron stone heart .. Damien Lockhart...set to the destroy the race which he hated most but get distracted a long the way ...lowering his resolve on his mission. When things don't go according to plan and complications set it...how will the overcome the situation and still maintain the peace once and for all... Can Mira be able to weaken his resolve and change him for good ... Find out..in ..HIS MAGNIFICENT...MY first book

Itz_Vick · Teen
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24 Chs

Chapter Four: pls take me there

She felt like the whole world had crumbled for her. She couldn't feel any emotions. Just emptiness. Her heart was filled with pain that she couldn't even understand her self any more.

She felt like a fool for falling for the lies .

She felt completely shattered. She couldn't feel any emotions apart from the pain in her heart.

Suddenly she just wanted to leave this world.

"What is the use of living if all my life, all I feel is pain" she lamented and stood up from the bed . Her pillow was already soaked with her tears.

"Mira, Mira" Kira called her from outside. She had already arrived at the door and had been calling her but Mira was far from hearing her call . She was already deep in her thoughts.

After a few more minutes, the door handle turned and Kira immediately hurried to stop Mira from carrying out her plan.

She knocked the drugs out of her hands.

"What the hell were you about to do?" Kira panicked imagining if she had arrived a second later what would have happened to her bestie.

She looked into her eyes but could even see any emotions. Her eyes look void and dark. Like space.

"Ohh Mira, what's going on?" Mira just stared at her as though she couldn't even recognize her at all. She looked empty.

Mira has always been a cheerful type. Even though she was an introvert, she always made people happy with her simple but lovely smile and her good sense of humor.

She was everyone favorite. Her beauty also added to her great characteristics.

So therefore, it was quite rare to see her look this way. She never allowed her challenge to get the best of her. Even if she was sad about her life, she never showed it. She was very good in masking her emotions, especially her sadness. She didn't like it if people worried for her. She always wanted the best for everyone.

Kira could feel tears welling up in her eyes. She had never seen her friend like this before. She was always jovial.

She wondered what could have made her friend even attempt to take her own life. She was always strong. But why? Why did she want to take her life?

Suddenly Mira hugged her friend. So tight. The tears which she thought won't flow cause she had already for so long began to flow again. The gate of tears opened once more. It was uncontrollable.

"Shhhh...am here okay" Kira comforted and waited for her friend to calm down whole stroking her back and hair.

After a few minutes, Mira finally stopped crying and sniffed. She release her friend finally from the tight hug

Kira looked at her face and waited a little . Her blood boiled thinking of what could have possibly made her friend cry this much.

"Mira , can you please tell me what happened" she asked calmly.

After a few sniffs , Mira finally began talking. she told her about the cat and snake fight and finally entered to Jayden part.

The moment Mira told her about her cheater of a boyfriend, Kira face darken and her expression changed. Although Mira didn't realize it,but the temperature turned cold .

Anger surged through Kira.

"That f**king sonofabitch" she cursed.

Now she finally understood why her friend cried so much. She knew how much she loved him yet he did this to her.

'i will never forgive him for this' Kira swore in her mind 'he will pay for this...dearly'...

"I trusted him with everything I have and yet ..he.... He..." Mira couldn't even complete her statement before another round of tears flowed.

Kira eyes turned warm as she saw her friend crying again. She immediately consoled her.

"Because of him, our friendship nearly ended" she cried harder at this statement and soon tears began to drop down from Kira's eyes.

She vividly recalled how they fought because of Jayden.



"My heart aches. Is this how heartbreak feels like?. I feel like my heart has shattered into pieces. As if an arrow had been shot at my chest and the pain is unbearable" she had already stop crying but the pain was still there.

Kira didn't even have a reply for her. Only she could do was to hug her friend and listen her.

"Kira, whenever your in pain what do you do?" Mira suddenly asked and Kira was taken aback.

Obviously,Mira knew that whenever Kira felt hurt, she would go and drink at the club to relieve the pain.

Mira released herself from the hug and gazed at her friend eyes.

"Pls take me there"...


Her Jeep pulled up at "All Night" club. Music could be heard blasting every corner of the street. Different cars were pulled up at the entrance.

"Are you sure you want to do this" Kira asked one more time and Mira nodded quite sure of herself.


****Still at Mira's home..****

"Pls take me there" Kira looked at her friend shocked but she couldn't allow her request.

"Mira you don't have to go there. That place ain't for people like you. Besides you can't handle alcohol" Kira had already made up her mind that she won't allow Mira to drink. She had zero tolerance for alcohol anyway.

"I don't care . I just want to be relived of the pains and if drinking will help, then am more than willing to drink. Please don't refuse my request for the sake of our friendship" ..

She pleaded and so Kira couldn't resist her anymore.


Together they both got down from the car and walked into the club

"Just stick with me at all times , okay??" Mira nodded.

As they entered, many eyes turned towards their direction. Kira was wearing a blue lovely short gown with black heels . Mira who wasn't wearing any gown at all caught many attention.

She was tight jeans and a sleeveless top. It was just a normal everyday outfit yet everyone was attractive to her. Her beauty was the center of attraction. Men no longer looked at the strippers nor their dates....just her.

Although Kira didn't mind the attention they were receiving, Mira was extremely nervous.

"Why are they looking at us like that?" Mira whispered to her friend. She suddenly felt scared and wanted to change her decision.

"They are just simply blown away by our beauty honey" Kira reply sweetly.

Her expression had already change the moment they walked in . The soft and warm girl consoling her friend was long gone. Now she looked like a tigress and had her seductive look on already.

"Just stick with me and you will be fine". Mira nodded slowly still feeling scared.

'this was a terrible idea' she felt like something bad was going to happen.



2 hours later 9:40pm...

Both friends were already so drunk although Kira was more conscious of herself than Mira.

"Another round Charlie" Kira yelled at the top of her lungs to the bartender.

Mira eyes felt heavy and she felt she was about to sleep.

"Mira" Kira yelled even though Mira was simply beside her.

"How do you feel? Do you still feel the pain? Cause I don't"she yelled and laughed hard.

Mira could only nod she couldn't bring her self to speak.

The bartender handed their drink to them but then a man mistakenly hit Kira's drink and it spilled on her dress.

"You idiot. You made me spill my drink on my dress" she yelled and grabbed the collar of his shirt.

"Woman , let go of me. The spilling was entirely your fault" he said to her and yanked her hands off.

"Oh. You!!"Kira was about to attack him when Mira held her back.

"No don't. It's just a spill. Go wash off ok" she managed to say and Kira huffed and left for the ladies room.

The man who made Kira spill her drink smiled evilly. He turned and look at the man who sat down at the other end in the shadows and gave him a thumbs up.

The man nodded back and decided to make his move ...

"Hello Miss"