
His Luna (The Prophecy Begins)

Maeve was your typical shifter girl, the perfect life with the perfect family & pack. That was until her summoning day when everything changed. Will Theo keep her safe from Alpha Bain? Or has she put her faith into the wrong Alpha? How will her Wolf help her change the fate of the world?

Amy_L_22 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

Chapter 21


I frantically looked around the room trying to find Maddox. I could hear someone running up the stairs, what if it was Alpha Carson, what if they'd come back for me and taken Maddox away? I couldn't bare to lose him as well as my parents.

"MADDOX!" I screamed, praying he was still here. The door burst open and I jumped up from my bed onto the floor. If they were going to try and take me again, at least I'd be able to put up a fight. I crouched down into a pounce, ready to shift at any moment.

Maddox rushed into the room, visibly shaken. His eyes scanned across the bed and then landed on me.

"MAEVE! WHAT IS IT, WHATS WRONG?" His eyes continued to to dart around the room trying to find the hidden danger.

My shoulders slumped in relief when I saw him.

'It was just a dream Maeve, you're safe.' Freyja confirmed in my mind.

I ran over to Maddox and jumped into his arms with my legs wrapped around his waist. I planted frenzied kisses all over his face and the rested my nose into his neck inhaling his scent deeply.

"Oh Maddox I thought they'd taken you!" The relief in my tone was evident.

He stood still for a moment, probably confused of what was happening. I could hear the panicked drum of his beating heart, the adrenaline was still coursing through his veins. After a while his tense body relaxed into mine and he returned my hug, his powerful, secure arms incasing my body.

"Maeve, what on earth are you talking about? You thought who'd taken me?" He quizzed.

"Alpha Carson." I replied matter of factly. "I had a nightmare, he said he was coming for me, and then I woke up and you weren't there." I explained.

He lifted my body from his and placed me on my feet, his hands rested on my shoulders and he looked me square in the eyes.

"Maeve, nothing is going to happen to me, I promise. Nothing is going to happen to you either Little Fox, I've lost you once and refuse to lose you again." He concluded.

I was overcome with the immense feeling of adoration for this man. He was becoming my lifeline, my rock.

Within seconds I'd closed the space between us and pressed my lips to his. My tongue swept across the entrance of his closed mouth, begging for permission. Maddox opened his mouth, his tongue dancing with mine.

His hand snaked around my body resting itself against my lower back. He pulled me tighter into him, pressing small frame against his giant one.

The kiss became more urgent, primal. No matter how deep my tongue reached, how tight my body was against his. It wasn't enough.

He removed his lips from mine. My skin tingled as he pressed soft, lingering kisses down my neck. I could feel his other domineering hand on my ass.

I yelped in surprise as he gave it a playful slap. I could feel the smirk that formed on his lips, pressed against my neck as the noise escaped me.

My feet left the floor as he picked me up with ease, as though I weighed nothing more than a feather, his lips never stopping their exploration of my skin.

He pinned my body into the wall causing me to throw my head back with a euphoric moan escaping my lips. I wrapped my legs tighter around his waist, not wanting the sensation to end.

I felt his teeth graze against the place near my collar bone that would hold his mark. An animalistic growl left his throat. His canines began to elongate against my skin.

'STOP HIM!' Freyja screamed through our mind link.

I pushed him away in a daze of confusion. The action caused him to drop his hands from around me and my feet landed harshly on the ground with a thud.

I looked up at him, his once grey eyes were now replaced with blazing red ones. His chest was rising and falling from the short pants he was taking. He had the same bewildered look on his face that probably mirrored mine.

"MATE!" He shouted possessively. Although, the voice did not sound like his own.

'It's Tyr, his wolf.' Freyja explained in answer to my unasked question. 'You need to calm him down, get him to give control back to Maddox. He wants to mark you as his own. But he can't, not yet.' She continued.

Tyr started purposefully moving towards me, as though a predator was stalking its prey.

I placed my hands out in front of me to try and keep some distance between us.

"Tyr, listen to me please. I need you to give control back to Maddox." I pleaded.

"MINE!" He demanded through a snarl.

"Yes Tyr, yours. I promise I'm all yours. You just can't mark me right now. Ok? But soon you can. For now I just really need you to give Maddox control." I reasoned.

"Mine, no one else's!" He continued to press forward, his chest pushing itself hard against my hands.

"Maddox please come back, he's scaring me." I tried to reach out to the man behind the wolf.

A small whine left him, as his eyes shifted back from red to grey. The pressure of his chest against my palms loosened as he took a step back. Remorse and sadness consumed his god like features.

"Maeve." Maddox whispered, looking down to the floor.

"Maeve, I'm so sorry. I... I lost control and I shouldn't have." He continued, at this point I wasn't sure if he was addressing me directly or chastising himself.

I took a step towards him, bridging the gap between us and cupped his cheek in my hand.

"Maddox you don't have to apologise, I'm not mad at you. Freyja didn't want you marking us. That's all." I tried to explain reassuringly.

"Why?" He questioned. His face still portraying remorse, but also now a hint of confusion.

"Most Alpha's would have already marked their mate by now Maeve." He concluded.

"I know Maddox, I don't know what to tell you. She just said that you couldn't mark us." Pain flashed through his eyes at my last remark.

"Not that you can't mark us in general. Just not now." I assured.

He looked slightly more relieved than before, but still a little confused.

"Ok." Was all he said.

He began to walk past me towards the door, not looking back.

"I made coffee, but it's probably gone a little cold." He stated as he walked out the door.

I stood there for a second, trying to process what had just happened.

'What the hell was that about?' I quizzed Freyja. 'Why on earth would our mate not be allowed to mark us?!' I pressed.

'He's an Alpha Maeve.' She stated, as though I wasn't already fully aware of that fact.

'If he marked us now, we would become his Luna.' Freyja continued.

'And what's wrong with that?' I snapped back. She was making no sense!

'We're not meant to be someone's Luna. Maeve, we are meant to be an alpha in our own right. We are meant to lead, not submit and follow.' She finalised.

'That's ridiculous Freyja. Women can't be Alpha's!' I shot back.

'I'm here to invoke change Maeve. For too long the female shifters of this world have been kept from greatness by men. You submit to your mates with no other purpose in life, other than to keep them happy and produce their pups. That is not what the Moon Goddess intended, it was not what I intended! You were meant to be equals. Women were meant to be warriors, council members and Alpha's, just like their male counterparts.' She declared.

'I have waited for centuries for the opportune moment to return. For the fates to align and for your mate to be blessed with the wolf Tyr. Although he may be a bit forceful and aggressive at times, he is also the only male wolf that I know that will come around to the idea, and help us achieve the change that is so desperately needed in your world.' Freyja concluded.

'Very well then Freyja, I trust you and your judgement.' I responded. 'But for now, I had better go and find my mate and try to sooth his pride. For a female to refuse an Alpha's mark is unheard of.' With that I closed off the mind link and went to find Maddox.

He was in the kitchen, idly leaning on the worktop island with his elbows, coffee I hand.

"I made some fresh coffee." His free hand causally gesturing over to the French press as he spoke.

I smiled appreciatively and began to make myself a coffee.

"Maddox, can we talk?" I suggested as I pulled a mug from the cupboard.

"I thought we were." He replied dryly.

"You know that's not what I meant." I was trying to keep my tone as empathetic as I could.

"It's not that I didn't want you to mark me, and I know that Alpha's usually mark their Luna's almost instantly." I continued, trying to express that I understood his point.

"But, I'm not a Luna Maddox." I concluded.

He looked up from the counter towards me with a quizzical look.

"Are you worried about being Luna? If it's any consolation I think you'd make a great one." He encouraged.

"No Maddox, that's not it. I meant that I'm not meant for the Luna position... because Freyja and I, are Alpha's in our own right.' I explained.

"An Alpha?" His brows furrowed and the confusion in his tone was apparent.

"I know it's not how things are done Maddox, but Freyja explained to me that she's here to change things. To allow the women shifters of our world equal rights. She wants us to be warriors, council members, and Alpha's. That change has to start with me." I paused looking at his face to try and gauge how he was taking this.

"I want to be your equal Maddox. In every way including the title of Alpha. The Sabre pack is currently without an Alpha and I would like to fill that position." I stated.

He straightened himself up and held his hand out for me to take. I made my way over to him and he pulled me in-front of his body, hugging me from behind.

"What do you think Maddox?" I asked nervously. He hadn't yet told me if he was onboard with the idea.

"I think you better get ready for a challenge Maeve, as it's my understanding they've already asked another Alpha to fill the position." His tone gave nothing away.

"Really? Who?" I enquired. My father had always been close to Alpha Turner, so maybe Alex had reached out to him.

"Oh I don't know... but I've heard he's extremely handsome, charismatic... charming, and has an amazing body." I could hear through his tone, the smart ass grin growing on his face.

My eyes widened. I turned around and slapped his chest playfully.

"YOU! They asked you didn't they." I exclaimed.

He said nothing in return. But his continuous grin was all the answer I needed.

"Are you really going to challenge me on this?" I questioned. I was hoping to have him fighting in my corner, not against me.

"Of course I'm not Maeve" he kissed my forehead. I felt myself being spun around to face the door, followed by a hand patting me playfully on the backside.

"Now go get yourself ready Little Fox. If we're going to be speaking with the council about your new Alpha status, you need to be looking your best." He teased.

I stuck my tongue out in his direction jovially before making my way upstairs to get ready.

Once inside my bedroom I sat down at my dressing table. Wondering to myself what kind of hair and makeup would say 'Alpha'. After playing around with different looks for a while I settled on a burgundy smokey eye, some strong contour on my cheek bones and a nude lip. I'd curled my hair and pinned it back allowing some curls to fall over my face.

Giving myself a nod of approval once finished, I headed over to my wardrobe to pick an outfit. I'd decided on all black. A black pantsuit with a black silk blouse, and some black stilettos.

I made my way back downstairs to find Maddox still in the kitchen. Drinking what I assumed was another fresh coffee.

"How do I look?" I asked as I spun around in a circle, showing off all angles.

Within an instance he was standing dangerously close to me, his eyes a deeper shade of grey.

"Like a boss ass Alpha lady." He purred in my ear.

"But I'm not sure we'll make it out of the doors with you looking that good." He warned in a seductive tone.

I returned his compliment with a quick peck on his cheek, and proceeded to nip at his jawline cockily.

"Someone's a bit energetic, how many coffee's have you had?" I teased.

"Only three." He answered.

"THREE!?" I responded. "Why would you need three coffee's Maddox?

"Rule number one of being Alpha, Little Fox. Be prepared to rarely ever sleep." He said, finishing his coffee in between sentences. "Whilst you were getting your beauty sleep, I was having a meeting with the Beta."

"Luckily for me, I'm already beautiful enough without sleep." He teased, with that smart ass grin making a reappearance.