
His Luna (The Prophecy Begins)

Maeve was your typical shifter girl, the perfect life with the perfect family & pack. That was until her summoning day when everything changed. Will Theo keep her safe from Alpha Bain? Or has she put her faith into the wrong Alpha? How will her Wolf help her change the fate of the world?

Amy_L_22 · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 20


I laid there and watched my mate sleep. I dared not move in case I woke her. I'm surprised it took her as long as it did to break down. I had known it was coming, no one could have gone through what she had the last few days and not have cracked.

I was beginning to understand why the Moon Goddess had paired me with her. Her undeniable reliance and strength, outshone my own. She would be the perfect Luna for the White Claw pack, and probably far more than what I deserved in a mate.

I was pulled from my trail of thought by the faint sound of her whimpering. Her petite form began to toss and turn beneath my arm. I used my free hand to gently stroke her cheek as I repeatedly cooed a reassuring "shhhh".

Maybe she was having a nightmare. I wondered what could be plaguing her dreams.

Once I was sure she was in a deep sleep I lifted myself ever so slightly from the pillows, in order to allow myself to take a deep intake through my nose. I was taking note of all the scents around me, and assuring we were alone in the estate.

I was confident there was no one else nearby, so I removed my arm painfully slowly from under Maeve's head. Propping a pillow next to her face to replace my torso, I got off of the bed. She needed her rest, whilst I was in desperate need of a shower.

I remembered seeing a second door in the room when we first entered and was hoping it was an en-suite. Upon opening the door, I gave a silent fist pump when my instinct were correct. My happy mood soon faltered when my eyes registered how tiny the shower was. Of course, it was Maeve's shower. She must be 5'5, 5'6 at most, so it would make sense for a tiny shifter to have a tiny shower.

I closed the en-suite door behind me as silently as possible not to wake her.

Well, this was going to be a fun experience.

I stripped myself of my shorts and opened the shower door, once inside I barely managed to close the door behind me. I wasn't sure how I was going to wash my body and hair, with my arms tightly pressed on either side of the glass encasing the dwarf shower.

Moving my hand in the most awkward fashion, I managed to turn the dial. After days of no access to running water, the feeling of hot water travelling down my skin was euphoric.

I clumsily wiggled my arms around as I washed my body Maeve's cherry scented body wash and shampoo. Wincing to myself every time my skin made contact with the glass walls. I was slightly cursing hoping that the squeaking noises of skin to glass wouldn't disturb her sleep.

After washing myself as well as I was able in the tiny cubicle, I rested my head against the tiled wall and just took a moment to allow myself to relax. Closing my eyes whilst inhaling and exhaling deeply, as the water soothed my body.

I've been so on edge since the day I met Maeve. The worry that had plagued me whilst she was captured, was replaced with fear. A mixture of fear for her safety, and also fear as to whether she'd accept me or not.

I know I hadn't exactly helped myself when it came to my reputation. But with the rumours of my short temper and harsh leadership skills constantly swirling around amongst almost every pack, I was terrified it may sway her towards rejecting me.

I'd been walking on eggshells from the moment she was returned to me. Constantly trying to be light hearted, fun and empathetic. Although they were all genuine parts of my personality, I was scared shitless to get angry or annoyed around her.

After giving myself a moment to decompress, I awkwardly turned off the water and stepped out the shower. Looking around for a towel, I found one on the left hand wall draped over a rail. Unsurprisingly, it was black. Just like the rest of Maeve's decor.

My eyes widened in panic as I realised I'd left my clean clothes in the boot of the car! I was so caught up with helping my mate deal with her emotions, that I'd forgot to bring my suitcase inside.

I facepalmed at my stupidity. Why the hell hadn't I thought of clothes before getting in the goddamn shower.

I wrapped the soft towel around my waist and snuck out of the en-suite and bedroom as stealthily as I could.

Fuck! My car keys! I prayed to myself, that the signal from my automatic key would reach from Maeve's bedroom to the car. I wasn't going back in there to risk waking her up.

I made my way down the stairs and out the back door of the estate. Pressing the sensor on the car I silently thanked the Moon Goddess when I heard the clicking sound of the car unlocking.

I hastily opened the boot, keeping one hand on the front of the towel, to ensure my dignity stayed somewhat intact. Once removing my suitcase from the boot I locked the car and made my way towards the back door.

I was stopped in my tracks by the sound of someone clearing their throat. Slowly turning my head to see who had caught me in nothing but a towel, I was met with a familiar face. The man who had removed my handcuffs on the day of Maeve's ceremony, the Beta of the Sabre Pack.

"Alpha Maddox, I was hoping to catch you for a chat." He mentioned awkwardly. Probably feeling just as embarrassed about catching me in nothing but a towel, as I was about being caught, in nothing but a towel.

"Under previous circumstances I didn't get a chance to properly introduce myself. I am Beta Whitlock, but you may of course call me Alex." He introduced.

"So.. about that chat?" He concluded.

"No." I responded, rather harshly.

He looked a bit taken aback, so I decided to throw him a life line.

"I will be more inclined to talk to you, once I am clothed." I offered.

He nodded his head and shuffled his feet around awkwardly.

"I'll just wait here then?" He questioned.

I gave him a curt nod and headed back inside, leaving him waiting on the doorstep. After ascending back up the stairs I toyed with the idea of whether to head back into Maeve's room or not. There was the possibility I would wake her, and if I happened to be bollock naked at the time, I think I'd probably have a lot of explaining to do.

I settled on getting dressed outside of her door, on the landing. Deciding on more formal attire for my talk with the Beta, and the possibility of addressing the pack soon after with a Maeve. I paired a white shirt with grey checked trouser, a matching waistcoat and some tan, leather loafers.

I gave myself a once over, in a full length mirror that was luckily mounted on the wall in the hallway. Once I was sure I was presentable, I made my way back down the stairs and opened the back door to find Beta Whitlock, standing around awkwardly, shifting the gravel around underneath his shoes.

"I am ready for you now." I declared.

He quickly scurried through the door as I closed it behind him.

"You'll have to lead the way Alex, I'm sure you know this estate far better than I do. Shall we converse in the kitchen?" I offered.

"Yes of course Alpha." Nodding his head repeatedly, at a rather ridiculous speed as he responded.

He made his way to the kitchen with me following behind. Once inside the room he sat himself down with a formal posture at a bar stool, positioned next to the kitchen island.

I looked around the room trying to find a particular item. Once it caught my eye I made my way over to the French Press coffee maker. Maeve would probably enjoy waking up to a fresh cup of coffee. That was, if she even liked coffee? I realised there was still so much I had to learn about my little mate.

"You may begin." I stated as I walked around the kitchen with a kettle in my hand, heading towards the sink.

"Well Alpha, I know you're aware of the lack of leadership we now have within our pack, due to the death of Alpha Sadler."

"Murder." I corrected before he had a chance to finish his point. "He was murdered." I reiterated.

My interruption took him off guard. "Ah, um... yes. Apologies Alpha, due to the murder of Alpha Sadler." He rectified.

"Alpha Bain, this has clearly left us without an Alpha for the Sabre Pack." He stated, as though I wasn't already aware.

I had manage to fill the kettle up and boil it, in the time it had taken him to get this far. I myself, was reaching my boiling point. His dancing around the point was irritating the fuck out of me.

"Beta, get to the point." I commanded.

"Well Alpha, Maeve was his next of kin, His only heir. As you're aware, females are not allowed to take the position of Alpha. So I came here to ask you if you'd be willing to lead our pack?" He concluded sheepishly.

"I'll think about it." Was all I replied. I motioned my hand towards the kitchen door, to let him know he could see himself out.

He tilted his head, exposing his neck as a sign of respect before making a quick exit.

I had just added the coffee grounds to the French press and placed the boiling water in, when I heard a frantic scream from above.
