
His crazy obsession

Theodora the daughter of Mr Nathan, one of the multi billionaires of his time, lived a terrible life, a life of suffering and pain, until things started crumbling down for her father. Silver the cold hearted billionaire Mafia boss. A man of known to have little or no emotions, he borrowed Mr Nathan some money for his business and he couldn't pay Nathan back. Out of his selfishness, Nathan sold his first daughter Theodora to Silver to pay him for his debt, what happens when sparks fly between them and silver ands up falling in Love with Theodora?? And she took ends up having feelings for him??, dark family mysteries are uncovered, will love triumph in the end? Read on to find out!!

Gift_Ny · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

CHAPTER 13 & 14




"Where is Dora?!" Silver asked with worry clear on his face.

"She went out to receive some fresh air but didn't....come...back!" The maids said with her voice cracking slowly.

"So you let her go out...did I tell you to do so?!" He yelled, his aura turned more colder than ever.

"We are so sorry sir!" The said as they trembled on fear.

"Fuçk!" He cursed.



Dora woke up, her head was throbbing seriously her, head was spinning, her vision was still a blur.

"Where.....am I?!"

"So you finally woke up, sleeping Beauty!" A man from the other side of the room said with a smirk. His face wasn't clear so Dora couldn't see him.

"What do you want from me?!" Dora asked, she was fully awake now.

"I don't want you....I want your husband's head!"

"I don't have a husband!" She lied because she remembered when Silver had asked her to keep it a secret.

"Don't be smart with me lady...I know the truth and if you lie...., I don't think you go out of here alive!" He said as went closer to her.

Dora gulped her saliva and looked away from the man scared of seeing his face.

"Please don't hurt me!" She pleaded in a low voice, tears were already dripping from her eyes.

"Aww, I won't hurt you as long as you behave that's all I want!"

He then went to a table in the room and carried his phone and called Silver.

"Hello who is this?!" He asked his voice calm.

"Silver!, how have you been?!" The man asked with sarcasm clear in his voice.

"Kelvin!, where is my wife!?" He asked as he immediately recognized the voice.

"Calm down lover boy!"

"Don't do anything stupid!" He yelled

"Watch your tone or I'll kill her, she is at gun point and one trigger will just end her so watch your mouth!"

"just please tell me where my wife is!" He said as he reduced his tone.

"Wow you must really love her for you to plead for her!"

Silver said nothing he already getting annoyed by this conversation.

"Anyways come to the Abandoned ware house elm Street alone!"

"Okay be there in minutes!"

"And also if you bring anyone your wife is gonna get fuçked up!"



"Can I help?" Kenna said as Silver dressed up to go save his wife

"No need if you do anything you could get killed!" He said coldly.

"But I wanna help...I can't sit still while my best friend is in the hands of a kidnapper!"

"You can't come!"

"Well I must!" Ethan said as he had already heard what happened and he wanted to help his friend get his wife.

"You know I can't argue with you!"

"Don't worry pretty I will get your best friend back!" Ethan said as he gazed at Kenna.

They then went out driving to the location.



"Do you think your honey will come for you?" He asked with his gun spinning in his hands.

Dora was silent, she herself wasn't sure he would come for her, although she could hear the worry in his voice when he called but she wasn't sure.

"Don't you trust him?!" He said as heis smirk widened.

"You know your husband has a dark past, did he tell you?" He asked again.

"No he didn't!" Dora spoke finally.

"Well I won't tell you it would ruin the fun!"



Silver had already arrived there, he then put a silencrr on his gun after loading it same with Ethan, they then made their way to to the building.

Like the stealthy assassin's they are they killed the first two bodyguards with ease without them even knowing. 'Thud!'

Entering the building, they then followed the passage as they heard Kelvin's voice they knew that they were getting closer but there was a problem they were 3 guards in front of the room.

And they didn't want to raise and alarm.

Silver then stealthyly killed the first two and Ethan murdered the last one. They then opened the door only to see that it was all a pre recorded soundtrack.

The room was empty the sound track kept playing until it stopped and Kelvin said

"I told you not to bring anyone!"

"What the fuçk!"

Then at that moment a gunshot was heard and a light scream, Silver's eyes widened.

He then rushed out of the room, praying secretly that she would be okay he did know how he would cope if he lost her.

He then saw a room, with blood splashed everywhere and Dora lying in a pool of her own blood, her life was draining slowly.

"Dora!..Dora!!" Silver said as he squatted to her level.

Ethan came behind and saw the scene, he the tapped Silver's shoulder, and said

"Go get him, I'll take her to the hospital!"

Silver's gaze was set to kill, he then slowly stood up from her and immediately Ethan carried her and went ot the car.

It was seconds ago when he heard the gunshot so he wouldn't have gone far.

He then started walking he then saw a door which lead to another escape route, Silver then opened it and a large forest came to view.

His senses were sharp as he heard the snapping of twigs and the ruffling of leaves, he then followed the direction of the sound.

He then ran fast and passed Kelvin, he then hid in the dark near a river.

Kelvin stopped near the river to catch his breath, his chest haved up and down, he couldn't breath properly.

He then smiled because he had fulfilled his mission, all of a sudden Silver shot Kelvin at his leg and shot him again at his other leg restricting his movement.

"Argh!" Silver then came out and carried the man to his other car. Since Ethan had already sent the other car and carried him to his secret base.

After that drove to the hospital, he saw Ethan outside the ward.

"How is she??"

"The doctor had not told me anything, she is still in the operation room!"

Silver was silent before Ethan said

"Don't worry she'll be fine!"

The doctor then came out and said

"She is fine now, thank goodness the bullet didn't hit her in a vulnerable area!"



"So baby what should we do now?" Jordan asked

"Let's have some fun!" Celina said as she took her lips in and looked at him seductively.

He then came closer to her and kissed her very violently, as his hands grabbed her ass tight. She moaned in his mouth.

The kiss was so hot, they continued until they entered the room and all they heard was her moans.



"Sweetie dinner is ready!" The woman said form the kitchen.

The girl came down from the stairs as her shoes kissed the floor loudly, she was in her mid 20's.

After that a man came from behind and sat down on the dining table. They had servants but the woman decided to cook today.

The man ignored them and started walking out of the house.

"Where the fuçk are you going?!" The woman asked getting up from the dining table

"None of your business!" He said as he walked away ignoring her.

The woman scoffed and went to sit and eat with her daughter, few minutes later her daughter received a call and immediately she answered and she was shocked

"What happened?!" The woman asked her daughter.

The girl was quiet her lips quivering.

"What happened Gracie?" She asked again and the turned to her and said

"Silver got married!"

The woman almost choked on her food. And screamed




Silver was sitting beside the bed holding her hands.

"Wake up sweetie!, I love you and I won't hurt you anymore!, I'm sorry for hurting you please wake up!"

Looking at her hoping that she would wake up but she didn't.

Few minutes later, Silver had slept off in the hospital his grip on her hands were so damn tight, he didn't want to let her go.

Her eyes flustered open, he gaze then landed on the charming figure on her bedside.

She then stretched the other hands with her little strength and rubbed his hair, he raised his head and gazed into her eyes.

"Baby your up!"

He then captured her in a bone crushing hug. She hugged him back, she was so happy to see him.

"Are you okay?, do you still feel pains, should I call the doctor?" He asked what seem to be a million questions before she then nodded and said.

"I'm a little hungry!"

"I'll get you some food!" He then stood up and ran to the cafeteria and got her some food and came back.

He then handed it over to her and said

"Eat up so that you'll have strength!"

Then nodded obediently and started eating before she then said

"Can you tell me about your past?"


"Tell me about your past!"

"Is that what you really want?"

She then nodded and his emotions changed, he became cold before taking a deep breath and said

"Promise you won't leave me after!"

"I promise!"



Brian looked at the picture with Silver in it and stabbed it to the wall and said

"Don't worry Mr Silver you days are numbered!"


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Gift_Nycreators' thoughts