

The woman introduced herself after the Asr prayer at a mosque near an office building. Her name is Lena. She offered a free sample indicator, a tool to test whether our female organs are healthy or not, its function is like a pap smear, then she ask permission to demonstrate how it works.

Usually, I will immediately say thank you with a lure like this. But this time I felt pity looking at the woman's face. I allowed her to make a presentation with the tool kit she had prepared.

"80% of women have the possibility of contracting a vaginal infection and 60% of it is due to the use of poor-quality sanitary napkins. Generally, sanitary napkins are made from recycled paper materials that use chemicals for bleaching, sterilizing, and deodorizing. When women are menstruating, menstrual blood will mix with the chemicals from the sanitary napkins, then when sitting, the dirt will enter the female genital organs again. It is one of the causes of cervical cancer…"

Then she introduced a sanitary napkin product equipped with anions.

"What are anions?"

"Anions or Negative Ions are like vitamins in food. The function of the pads is to suppress the growth of bacteria. Preventing female reproductive health problems such as vaginal discharge, unpleasant odors, irritation and itching, and others."

Lena explained while pressing down on a sanitary napkin that had been moistened with water, a normal sanitary napkin when pressed directly wet the surface. Pads with anion surfaces remain dry even though they are pressed in such a way.

"Air that contains a lot of anions will feel fresh, for example, the air in the mountains, under waterfalls. That is why rural people who live in areas where the air contains a lot of vitamins are usually looked younger, healthy, and rarely get sick."

Here I just found out that not all negatives are bad.

However, apart from negative ion pads, it still offers many health products, including brown rice husk flour, cell food that can help cure cancer, and diabetes, and there are mattresses whose function is to treat strokes and various other diseases.

Instantly I thought of my mother who has diabetes and is still dependent on insulin injections. Don't ask about the efforts for alternative healing, starting with eating insulin leaf stew, long bean juice, sour soup juice, snacking on cermai fruit, to eating live ants that had made her stressed, but from the various alternatives offered, nothing suits her taste.

I remembered my aunty that was suffering from Nasopharyngeal Cancer, a type of cancer that grows in the cavity behind the nose and behind the roof of the mouth. The hidden location of the nasopharynx causes this cancer to be detected too late.

Aunty has been suffering from this disease for 4 years, the cancer has spread to the eyes, ears, neck glands, and brain. Radiation has been carried out 5 times, chemotherapy 3 times then it should be 33 times, but terminated as she couldn't stand the pain. This is followed by alternative treatment weekly for two months.

As a result, the body gets weaker. Because her throat hurts, she can't eat. The husk of brown rice flour can directly seep into the cells without going through digestion to make it easier for sufferers to recover their stamina in the end the good cells get healthier and the bad cells will lose.

"Who knows, Sis, our meeting is God's answer to your prayers all this time." As soon as Lena ended the demo with magic words. A seduction that sounded quite familiar to my ears. Don't forget Lena invites me to come to the meeting every Wednesday.

And I know that day will be a beautiful day for Lena.


I can't wait to give Aunty or what we used to call Budhe, the good news. There was Tuti, her daughter, and her husband at home when I came with my mentor, Farida.

Farida explained a lot about the benefits of brown rice flour husk. Many diseases have been cured with this health product. Products that are sold directly must be of good quality.

After ten days, I visited Budhe myself. One bottle of brown rice husk flour contains approximately 30 spoons. She has to consume 3 spoons each day, so one bottle is only for 10 days, in one month you need 3 bottles. The price of one bottle is approximately 1 million, depending on the dollar exchange rate.

"Come on… cheer up… later when you get better, Budhe, make a testimony in front of people on stage. Cool, right? After that, we will develop this business in the village... we will establish a new business." I convinced Budhe.

Budhe smiled. I saw her eyes shining. It feels good every time I visit, I don't just say "I hope you get well soon..." but also be actively involved emotionally in her recovery.

Another time, I visited the house of Guslaini's friend who wanted to treat her relative to a bowl of meatballs from her sweat. Sitting on the floor I explained the business plan, and how to earn money from this business. How does it work?

She was so excited, she immediately ran fast and always came first to the meeting, even though I had no time to come.


And today, I visited an old friend, Dini. Of course, not just for the sake of friendship, but with a head full of vision and mission.

The house is quiet, there are only her and her household assistant. Her children are at school, and her husband is in the office. She greeted me with joy and led me to the backyard. There was a fountain and a fish pond in it. The warm sun shone on the garden around it. Friendly house.

We sat in front of a round dining table made of glass, on top of which was a jar of snacks. We begin the discussion about the last time we met, until now, when I finally explained about the business opportunity.

I scribbled on paper on the table presenting the business plan, while Dini sat watching while eating a snack. The housekeeper came to deliver the drinks, she took the drinks from the tray and put them in front of me.

I stopped my presentation for a while. Accidentally the pen I was holding fell under the table.

I took it.

And at the same time, I saw the light of the pool water sparkling in the reflection of the sun, low above the leaves and flowers swaying slowly in the breeze, so cool.

There are a lot of negative ions here... I thought.

I have dreamed of this. When I was still working in the office, I dreamed of working this way, in this kind of atmosphere. Informal, not rigid, not stressed, with my own time, and my dream came true today.

"Heh… what's up, smiling?" Reprimand Dini.

I replied with another smile.

Finally, I had to say goodbye, it was time to pick up the kids from school. Dini too. Usually, in the air-conditioned canteen, there are many beautiful mommies, waiting for their children who study in class. They spend time at the school canteen chit chat waiting for the kids until the class is done.

For people who do not need the product or uninterested in the business, I would introduce the community. I invited them to come on Wednesday's event, to hear and sharing an inspiring story. Live.

Unfortunately, there is only one enthusiastic person

It's me...
