

"The Beginning of Wisdom, Is, when I open my mind, I open my heart…"

Then the entire room of thousands of people repeated the mantra and chanted it together,

"The Beginning of Wisdom is when I open my mind, open my heart..."

With sure steps, walking from one corner of the stage to another while his hands were busy adjusting the position of the headphone in his ear, Mr. O continued "..., to receive something new. Even I knew already"

"… To receive something new. Even though I knew already." Repeat the audience.

"The more I learn. The more I earn." Mr. O exclaimed again

"The more I learn. The more I earn."

Then everyone was silent as if waiting for what else the master teacher had to say.

"Keep in mind, Earning doesn't mean only money. It's not about money. Our job here is to build ourselves so that later we have the ability to build friends.

We value life by building ourselves up to give our best and make a difference.

People who are busy making money usually don't make money in the long term. People who are busy helping others achieve their dreams usually money will follow."

Every word he says is like a magnet that is always interesting to listen to.

So, Welcome to the Club.

A group of happy people. Whatever religion, whatever skin color, whatever position, what is seen is human. This community is Linked by heart.

There are no positions here. Here we learn to destroy our ego and humble ourselves.

Just be Humble.


And, here I am, every Wednesday night on the fifth floor of a mall in Jakarta, with my four new friends Lena, Ariana, Farida, Dewi, sitting in the front row listening to the lesson.

Here we learn, by listening to the sharing of experiences from people who have experienced Breakthroughs in their lives.

There are also times when we are challenged to share, something from the heart.

"Something comes from the heart there is no need to be prepared." Mr. O explained.

"Sharing is Giving. With it, we grow."

The event opened with an animated movie with a story from Robert T Kiyosaki's book, Rich Dad Poor Dad, followed by a presentation on the four quadrants of how people earn income and business opportunities that make it possible to move from the employee quadrant to the hope quadrant.

This is a support system event for a business.

What is the business?

It's a 21st century business.

The business of traveling around the world to touch people's lives.

Play around helping people, how cool is that?

This is a business for people who need money.

People who want to be healthy.

People who need more time for their loved ones.

People who want to be able to help and benefit many people.

People who want to have many friends.

People who dare to dream big no matter what their dreams are. ...

Who doesn't want to?

It's called PNB. Professional Network Builder, is almost similar to Network Marketing, the difference is that PNB is a support system that builds people. Not building products.

So the product can be anything depending on Management policy.

Various kinds of meetings, seminars, and training are routinely held. There is even one type of training that is always attended by participants from more than 25 countries which is translated into 10 languages.

For me, this business seems too good to be true.

This is the perfect, précis of what I want, the dreaming business.

Here I have the opportunity to grow mentally, spiritually, financially, emotionally, and in all aspects of life simultaneously.

And that's priceless.

All diseases are cured here, from visible diseases to invisible diseases, including those that hurt the pocket. Any goal or dream has a way and can be met here. This is the place for upgrading the quality of life.

"Just follow the system, understand or don't understand, just follow it. Get the FEEL. Follow it until you get the CLICK. 6 months to follow the process, then come to a conclusion. You'll see." Mr. O's message

It feels like time flies when you're here. The trip from home to this place takes 4 hours pp, usually arriving back home past midnight but we never miss this event. It's a loss. And those who don't come are not lazy, but because they haven't found a reason why they should be diligent.

"This is your life. This is your stage. It's useless to have a lot of knowledge if you never use it. If you don't want to try, don't blame God. Everything takes time to understand. The key is practice. Practice beats fear". That's how Mr. O ended his lecture.

"PLONG?*) The higher achievement is when people really feel PLONG. At the end of the day... what we are looking for is... Happiness."

And the whole room applauded.

Then yelled a yell before dispersing.

Freedom Freedom... YESSS!!!!


*)plong, relieved