
Chapter 39: New eyes

I woke up in a hospital, and my eyes were hurting me.


The doctor assured me that I would be fine, but they still needed to run tests on me. He also said that the old lady would be alright and was awake.


After he left, I made my way to the old lady's room.


As soon as I entered, the old lady had a frown on her face as she asked, "Who are you? And what do you want?"


I gave her a confused look as I said, "It's me, Hinoka."


She paused before saying, "Your chakra does feel familiar, but what happened to your hair?"


"What do you mean?"


"Your hair. It's white now, not black."


I walked up to a mirror, and my long black hair was now white. The last time it was like this was before Orochimaru put that seal on me when I was a baby.


I turned to the old lady as she said, "That Orochimaru guy. It must have something to do has to do with when he released the seal that was on you. Before he left, Orochimaru said, 'One day I will return and continue my experiments on her and those eyes.' What did he mean by those eyes?"


I paused before saying, "My eyes have been hurting me since I woke up."


"Hey kid, focus your chakra and channel it to your eyes."


"Huh? Why?"


"Just do it."


I sighed as I closed my eyes then started focusing my chakra and channelling it to my eyes.


After a while, I opened my eyes, and the old lady frowned as she said, "Look into the mirror."


I turned back to the mirror, and my black eyes where now blue and had a weird pattern on them.


"You can stop."


I closed my eyes again, and they returned to normal.


Just then there was a voice, "You figured that out pretty quickly. I guess you have gotten smarter over the years. Yami."


The old lady and I jumped back as we turned to see a woman with black hair.


The old lady seemed scared as she said, "Oh hey. It's been a while."


The woman smiled making the old lady even more scared. The woman turned to me as she said, "So are you going to introduce me?"


The old lady stuttered as she said, "T-this is my… my student."


The woman started walking towards us. When suddenly she punched the old lady where she was stabbed.


The old lady fell to her knees clutching her stomach. The woman turned to me and smiled before saying, "Hi I'm Haruko. I'm basically Yami's guardian. I'm a scientist, I research all types of kekkei genkai..."


She turned back to the old lady and he smile disappeared as she said, "Get up and get your stuff where leaving."


The old lady didn't bother saying anything as she started getting her stuff. The woman turned to me with a smile on her face again as she said, "So are you well enough to leave?"


I nodded as she continued, "Well then get your stuff. Where leaving."


I got my stuff, and we followed Haruko. After a while we arrived at a building.


Haruko turned to us as she said, "You'll be staying here for a while. I'll help Hinoka use her new kekkei genkai."


The old lady wanted to say something but as soon as she made eye contact with Haruko she stopped.


I turned to Haruko as I asked, "Why do you want to help?"


Haruko smiled as she said, "Cause I'm a scientist. And this could help with my research. I've never seen or heard anything about those eyes you possess. I also want to keep an eye on Yumi."

Just resumed school this week so I won't be able to publish new chapters as much.

Nen_pincreators' thoughts